kestral287 wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
kestral287 wrote:
The difference really is that, for most classes, Cha is pretty much /only/ used for skills. It's the only stat that doesn't have some general application to every character.
That said, there's another thread making note of going Sorcerer 1/Arcanist X and dropping an Exploit on Bloodline Development to get... almost all of the Sorcerer's class features. The Arcanist can also do this with a Wizard, by dropping an Exploit on School Understanding (and possibly Familiar). How do people feel about the viability of one or the other of these? Or even both, really, doing Sorcerer 1/Wizard 1/Arcanist X with Magical Knack to shore up your CL and banking on the broadened abilities to make up for being a spell level behind. Seems interesting, but I'm not sure how good it'd be.
This is bad because you'll be so far behind on what spells you have access too. it'll take you till level 6 for your arcanist to gain 2nd level spells, while a wizard or sorcerer would have 3rd level spells.
Eh, I'd probably space them out a bit depending on which archetype I went for, but point taken.
On the subject of the guide: I'm thinking Eldritch Font is massively underappreciated. Eldritch Surge is Potent Magic that you don't have to pay a point for. Look at it like Barbarian Rage-Cycling. Off the bat, take Human, grab Heart of the Fields, you can ignore Fatigue once per day. Later on, when you have some gold, pay 7500 to grab a Cord of Stubborn Resolve. Personally, I'll gladly take 1d6 points of nonlethal in order to get Potent Magic on everything I cast. Requiring a swift action isn't exactly fun, but it's not going to be critical early on.
Later on, when you have some more points to throw around, you can use the Surge's other abilities in conjunction with Potent Magic. Save-or-Die looks funny when you bump the DC up by two AND can make them re-roll.
Admittedly, I might be reading the RAW wrong... but is 'ignoring' an effect the same as removing it? Heart of the...
While I wouldn't dip in both Sorc and Wiz, I've been looking at a single level dip in to sorcerer to create a blaster. He obviously wouldn't be optimized but he'd be exceptionally good at what he did.
Dip crossblooded Orc/Draconic, drop an exploit in to Bloodline Development and School Understanding (admixture).Trait bonus to bring your CL back up and the only thing you're behind on is spell level. . . yet your dropping hot fire at crazy caster levels (hey, metamagic master + intensified!) on all sorts of things. Selective spell makes things even more scary if you want to Fireball everything. Find some time to drop two Eldritch Heritage feats to get Elemental Blast and suddenly you're making things Vulnerable, with +2 for every d6.
The question is...when you take Crossblooded and then Bloodline Development, do you only get to choose one of your Bloodlines to raise at your Arcanist level?