Seven of Swords's page

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Literal first post on the site... would we lose anything at all from having the Monastic Weaponry feat just be part of the initial proficiencies for the class? Because the weapons don't give much to the class as it stands, except for range, and as written, the monk isn't even proficient with simple weapons.

To recap, that's a group that includes the dagger and the club, weapons that don't appear on the monk weapon list, both of which are pretty basic martial artsy fare, especially the club. The sorcerer is proficient with simple weapons. The wizard is proficient with club and dagger. The rogue and bard both get their traditional, very scattered lists, cherry-picking appropriate weapons, what's the problem with doing something similar for the monk?

Edit: I should add that I just wanted to give support for the same thought in the original post, and also point out a little bit of weirdness in the way that the weapons are laid out.