
Sersi's page

Organized Play Member. 194 posts (1,198 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.

Dark Archive 2/5

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So I am in the midst of piecing together a "campaign" for my home group of players that want to try their hand at Organized Play, and here is what I have constructed so far. Of course, there is also the issue of playing fast and loose with with the timeline of world events as some of these scenarios are based on events in year 4 or in year 6, and it is just going to sort of hand-waved away.

Some are chosen for their ability to make a flowing tale for the same group of pathfinders making their way across the world, and some are chosen for being just wonderfully written scenarios that any new PFS player should experience. Overall, my players expressed wanting to experience the "pulp serial adventure" feel of the Society, so I am trying to preserve that while creating a flowing narrative.

But any feedback, comments, or suggestions would be fantastic.

I am especially curious about if others have tried something similar and how did it work out?

The Scenario List:

Part I - The Absalom Saga
S5-08: The Confirmation - Becoming Pathfinders (Level 1)
S6-18: The Overflow Archives - Well written scenario that just feels like the type of terrible job thrown at new Pathfinders
S0-05: The Mists of Mwangi - A classic that everyone should play, and it gives players the chance to experience the famous Blakros Museum
S6-05: Slave Ships of Absalom - Another great one based in the City at Center of the World showing some more complexities of the world's social and political climate (Level 2)

Part II - The Mwangi Saga
S2-01: Before the Dawn, Part I - Opens with the Pathfinders being teleported from the comforts of Absalom into the harsh and humid Mwangi Expanse beginning an era of more challenging missions far from home.
S2-02: Before the Dawn, Part II
S6-09: By Way of Bloodcove - Builds on events in Before the Dawn and acts as a setup to Scion of the Sky Key. (Level 3)
S6-12: Scion of the Sky Key, Part I - A wonderfully written three part arc to finish off their experiences in Mwangi against the Aspis
S6-14: Scion of the Sky Key, Part II
S6-16: Scion of the Sky Key, Part III - (Level 4)

Part III - The Shackles Saga
S6-06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters - Sent North from the Mwangi, our team is off to the Shackles in this quest to find a pirate treasure.
Plunder & Peril: Rum Punch - Winding up in Port Peril after their last mission, the Pathfinders get "recruited" for a different kind of mission, but one that is sure to make it into the newest issue of the Chronicles.
Plunder & Peril: Dangerous Waters - (Level 5)
Plunder & Peril: Black Coral Cove - (Level 6)
S1-38: No Plunder, No Pay - On their way home to Absalom from the Shackles, a new mission from the society sends our team sailing north into the dangerous Sodden lands to close our "piracy arc"

Part IV - The Planar Saga
S3-20: The Rats of Round Mountain, Part I - Having returned home, the PCs are called up to the Grand Lodge for a new quest into the mysterious artifact, The Hao Jin Tapestry (Level 8)
S3-22: The Rats of Round Mountain, Part II
S7–03: The Bronze House Reprisal - Back in Absalom, the heroes will have to face off once more with the Aspis Consortium
The Harrowing - Traveling through the tapestry to Varisia, our heroes will tackle this wonderful module that gives players exposure to many elements that make the Golarion lore fantastic (Level 9)

Part V - The Lissala Saga
S4-08: The Cultist's Kiss - The next five scenarios follow the season 4 metaplot and (without providing any spoilers) form a nice crescendo and climax for a life of adventuring (Level 10)
S4-10: Feast of Sigils
S4-12: The Refuge of Time
S4-20: The Words of the Ancients - (Level 11)
S4-26: The Waking Rune
S1-40: Hall of Drunken Heroes - A fun high level scenario based around the best god in Golarion. Provides a return to Absalom and a nice wind down after the high stakes series proceeding it.

Part VI - The Retirement Saga
S1-46: Eyes of the Ten, Part I - (Level 12)
S1-54: Eyes of the Ten, Part II
S2-05: Eyes of the Ten, Part III
S2-22: Eyes of the Ten, Part IV

Dark Archive

Female Human

For all your out of character needs

Dark Archive

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Female Human

Please made the needed continuity checks, and feel free to expand upon your backstory, memories, and awakening process.

For Biomorphs:

You wake up in a small room. Everything feels off and muddled as you slowly slip back into consciousness. The room is bathed in harsh white light and reeks of low-grade commercial disinfectant. You are on your back and strapped down to some sort of medical table.

Next thing you notice someone humming a song. You don't recognize the tune, but you can tell it is sung very poorly. Looking around you notice the singing is coming for a short and stocky bouncer. He's male with wild hair and a chinstrap beard both an unnatural shade of orange and with glowing violet eyes.

He sings and moved gracefully around you in the low-g environment as he examines you closely. Prodding here, poking there, shining lights into this, and listening to that. He is clearly performing some sort of medical examination, but it all feels painfully archaic to you. Something about him just feels... off, and eventually it clicks: he's a beta. You aren't quite sure how you know, but the bouncer is definitely a fork. As your senses slowly return, he starts talking to you in a gruff baritone.

Welcome to Penelope, she ain't much to look at, but the old tin can will get you where you need to go. he says with a smile as he unfastens the straps holding you to the bed. Now, I ain't been told too much about what's going on here. Only to patch you up when you wake up and make sure you get where you're going. Clothes and the requisitioned gear are over there on the table, and you can meet the rest of your um... friends? down in the mess hall.

He starts to leave, but stops and spins around, Name's Atticus by the way... well, I'm one of them. We're all that's left to run the crew, so if you need anything, just track one of us down.

For Synthmorphs:

You boot up in a dim room propped up in a chair. Everything seems to be fine and functional, and looking over you see a bouncer working with his back to you. His feet rapidly type away on a very outdated terminal while he eats a sandwich with his hands. Noticing you have awoken, he turns around with a look of suspicion and a raised eyebrow. The man is short and stocky with wild hair and a chinstrap beard both an unnatural shade of orange and with glowing violet eyes.

Oh good, looks like yer workin', his gruff baritones notes halfheartedly. He seems to be talking more to himself than to you. Stuff's on that table. Clothes and gear. Grab them and go to the mess hall. You'll meet the others there.

As he turns back to his work, it dawns on you that something is strange about this man. He is a beta. You are not positive about why you know that or where you may have seen him before, but the bouncer is definitely a fork. Additionally you quickly notice how rundown this place is. There is not properly artificial gravity, and the whole ship looks like a mild solar wind would tear it apart.

But you see your clothing and equipment on a nearby table as he said it would be, and the sooner you get to work, the sooner you can be out of this place...

Cygar Anravis, an eccentric but mostly harmless Pathfinder, is currently living in Kassen, a small town on the northern edge of Nirmathas, and he has send for aid from the Society. When you arrive, you find him waiting in front of a dock made for large river barges.

Good! Good! You're here. My apologies, but there is not time for pleasantries. It is no secret that the Cult of Razmir has been spreading across Lake Encarthan like a sickness and now it is expanding into Tamran, capital of Nirmathas. Razmir’s masked priests feed the poor and protect the weak from criminals, but there are rumours of extorting money from local businesses, and bribing the local militia to look the other way while they conduct more nefarious operations. With enough gold, their reach might extend into the government of Nirmathas itself, turning a fledgling democracy into a theocracy under the heel of Razmir.

I made contact with a friend in Tamran named Reginar who could help. Reginar knows the city well and has been keeping an eye on masked followers of Razmir. I would like for you to explore what is happening in Tamran, and report what you find back to the Society.

Cygar explains that he has booked passage for you to Tamran on The Black Mist, a river barge run by a man named Captain Walren. The barge is heading straight for Tamran with a shipment of ingots from Skelt, and Cygar promises that it will make the journey swift and easy.

Captain Walren is rather easy to spot: the only Dwarf I know who willingly spends his life at sea. Find Reginar as soon as you reach Tamran. He will be an invaluable aid. I'm sorry I cannot see you there myself, but I will be in contact soon. And with that the strange Pathfinder pulls up his hood and departs, leaving you to wait for the arrival of The Black Mist...

Feel free to roleplay introductions while waiting for the barge to arrive. Or you can simply dot the gameplay thread for now. We will properly start on Monday to give everyone time to finish up character sheets.

Discussion Thread! To discuss all your discussions!

So a few thoughts on combat: I will roll all initiatives in a single post when combat begins to help prevent unneeded delays. And I plan on running initiative in blocks as that seems to run more smoothly in PbP format since individual's posting times vary. This seems to be pretty standard for PbP campaigns especially PFS ones, but below is a rundown of how it works in case you are not familiar:

Super Brief Explanation of Combat Order:

PCs and Baddies will essentially be able to leap their allies in initiative, but not their enemies. Bold characters will be free to act in combat. For example, assuming the rolls created this order:

PC 1
PC 2
PC 3
Monster 1
Monster 2
PC 4

After all three act. Then:

PC 1
PC 2
PC 3
Monster 1
Monster 2
PC 4


PC 1
PC 2
PC 3
Monster 1
Monster 2
PC 4

Then back to the top for Round 2.

Dark Archive

"Razmir the Living God used his power to conquer an entire country; now he and his mask-wearing priests enforce peace and generosity—though some say their tools are intimidation and fear. His worshipers preach charity and self-worth, blaming rival faiths for crafting lies about the glories of the Living God. Now the cult has come to the city of Tamran, feeding the poor and promising happiness to those who serve Razmir. Yet ugly rumors persist of bribery, extortion, and strange disappearances associated with the new temple. Are these stories just gossip and lies spread by rival faiths? Or is the church of the Living God more than it seems?"


Looking for 4-6 players to run through Masks of the Livings God. As a module, it counts for 3XP and 4PP, and PCs need to be levels 2-4 and of course PFS legal.

I would appreciate a post rate of 1+ times a day, and I personally try to check a few times per day to reply to player actions/questions.