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I subscribed to Pathfinder Legends in time for the Mummy's Mask but just realized that Rise of the Runelords is already available. Does the fact that I am a subscriber mean that I will receive a digital copy if I purchase a Rise of the Runelords CD or does it only apply to CD's I receive after my subscription started? ![]()
I picked up a book from the Planet Stories line during a recent sale and after finishing it I immediately realized I was missing out. I am very disappointed to see that the line has gone on hiatus, I fully intended to sign up for a subscription today. I've already started digging into the backlog but I'd still like to know - any updates on the future of the Planet Stories line? For what it's worth, I've been following Paizo since the Dungeon/Dragon days and signed up for the Pathfinder Tales subscription as soon as it was advertised yet somehow Planet Stories flew completely under my radar. My case may be unique but if not there might be others that, like me, have the interest but are unaware. Perhaps doing some sort of promotion tied in with the Pathfinder Tales line would get some more eyeballs on the Planet Stories line? ![]()
Sorry scratch my question below, I just saw the enclosed bookmark. Sorry for the false alarm and very clever marketing idea! As a follow-up I received my package today and it contains everything I expected plus a copy of Prince of Wolves which, according to the enclosed slip, was added with a price of $0.00. Would you like me to send it back? ![]()
Cosmo wrote:
If you'd like me to forward the relevant emails to a customer service address please let me know, they don't contain any financial or personal information beyond what Paizo already has on record. ![]()
I think this issue is merely with the email reporting but I wanted to bring it to Paizo's attention nonetheless. I received an email on February 5th letting me know that "Plague of Shadows" is shipping out with the order #1614676 that is being prepared. Inside the body of the email it correctly listed the contents: This order contains the following items:
This is the shipment list and pricing I expected. I received another email today indicating that the order was pending shipment by the end of the week but the contents of the order are listed as: The following products are included in this shipment:
I already own "Prince of Wolves" so I clicked the link contained in the email to view the order and discovered that the order record itself does not contain this entry: 1 x Pathfinder Tales: Prince of Wolves Print Edition So it looks like the order, viewed through my account, is in fact correct but the email package list is wrong. ![]()
Hello: On 1/11/2011 I placed the order specified above for the print issue of the latest Kobold Quarterly. I then moved it to Order #1593933 which was due to ship out shortly after per my AP subscription. 1593933 did arrive but it only contained AP #41; Kobold Quarterly #16 was missing. I've been giving it some time in case it was shipped separately but I'm beginning to think it was left out. Will you check on this and if it is the case, will you ship out the KQ issue for me? If the extra shipping is an issue please combine it with my next scheduled subscription shipment which, I believe/hope, is in mid-February. -Ryan ![]()
Neil Spicer wrote:
Thanks Neil and that goes for the other judges as well. I really appreciate that you have taken the extra time and effort to make this contest into an excellent learning experience for the entire community. ![]()
Spectacles of Arcane Insight
Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm sorry to revive this thread, if I need to create a new topic or should put this somewhere else please let me know. Are there plans to offer Burnt Offerings in print again? I looked at the cost of, per the pdf license, printing a professional copy of the .pdf version I already own and the cost is only slightly less than the much better print versions Paizo already offers. Frankly I'd much rather turn over money to Paizo than Kinkos. ![]()
Vic Wertz wrote:
Will do, thank you both for the assistance. ![]()
I apologize if this is not the correct message board for this question but I don't see the answer under the pdf section of the FAQ and it doesn't seem to fit Product Discussion. I am an adventure path subscriber and I would like to convince a few others to join me in a Pathfinder game. My suggestion was running Rise of the Runelords and the person most likely to act as GM would like to read through the first 2 parts of that adventure path. If I owned the hard copies I would simply lend him the material but given that I only own the .pdf copies I'd like to know what Paizo's policy is on lending a pdf file. I certainly don't mind investing in a hard copy but I'd hate for either me or the potential GM to do so if he ultimately decides it isn't his cup of tea. Thanks. |