Lady Andaisin

Seraphim Alvaerele's page

27 posts. Alias of bigrig107.


And her crunch is done! Open to altering things for final party needs, of course.

Haven’t finished her crunch fully yet (should be done by the end of Wednesday), but here’s the alias I’ll be submitting with Seraphim. Included a bit about their party role as well, to help out (I will not be taking the slumber hex, as I don’t like how it trivializes too many things).

Took Rescued (Koya) for a bit of extra healing with my spells and healing hex.

It’s a long read, I warned you!

Born in but Jinin raised in Varisia, Seraphim has always felt like a fish out of water. They didn’t know how they ended up on this side of Golarion exactly, but their life here so far has been serviceable without family to drag her down. The truth will likely be lost to them forever, unless they somehow find some remaining members of their family on this trip. It’s been so many years (basically her entire 100+ year life) since they been in her homeland, Sera doesn’t even remember the slightest thing about it or how its people are.

They’ve spent the past 100 or so years traveling the country and seeing just about everything it has to offer to one such as themself. Never having known her parents, or any other family (beyond Koya) for that matter, Sera has found themself alone and relying on herself more often than they’d like.

To counteract this loneliness, Sera took up the pastime of traveling and adventuring as much as one possibly can, with a healthy dose of recklessness every now and then. Whether it’s visiting the far off trade markets of Katapesh, trudging through the swamps of Ustalav, or enjoying a fine Chelish wine in Egoiran, Seraphim has seen a lot in her days on the road. But most of this journey has been alone, isolated from any potential rescuers.

So when they were exploring an old wizard’s tower that certainly should not have been a choice of tourism and the entire thing collapsed upon Sera, they were lucky to have found themselves next to Koya’s caravan. The cleric of Desna healed her up right before she passed on to Pharasma’s boneyard and ever since that day nearly twenty years ago, Seraphim has seen in Koya not only a strong ally, but also a good friend.

Sera has spent years traveling with Koya’s caravan and many others just like it, and has picked up a few oddities of her own along the way. They learned more about astrology, including certain ways to determine what the day held in store for their companions using the positions of constellations, and many of the Varisians taught them about the mystical Harrow. The power of the harrow and the stars together have fascinated Sera ever since they heard about it, and they’ve spent a particularly long time exploring the connection between the two forces.

They’ve become a bit jaded from watching her favorite human or other shorter-lived companions age and wither away, even watching more than a handful dying. As a result, they’ve found themselves calling out to gods of travel instead of compatriots more than once before, but one in particular has always stood out more than the others: Pulura, the North Star. Pulura is the patron of lonely travelers, and Sera has always felt like the embodiment of exactly such.

With only the heavens and the North Star herself for company, they’ve spent many a lonely night camping in solitary, mapping the stars and constellations above. Sera has always felt a connection to the heavens above, but now that she has discovered Pulura she feels more in tune with them than ever. So when Koya sent a letter informing Sera of her intent to embark on a grand journey, she made her way to Sandpoint without delay.

Seraphim is gender fluid, which means that they don’t identify singly as either gender. Some days they feel more masculine and like a man, others as a woman. The heavens above and mortal fates are always fluctuating, always changing, and so do they.

These changes in their gender day by day do affect their attitude and appearance, as in his masculine feeling days he is likely to be more aggressive and headstrong, whereas in her feminine days she leans towards a more protective gentle side. It doesn’t go so far as to where they’re two separate identities, just slight changes in demeanor.

Outside of their fluid gender, Seraphim is slow to trust and get close to new people. They have seen more than one close treasured companion slowly wither away to the great equalizer: age. As such, they have problems finding themselves forming close bonds beyond just friendship with the companions they travel with. Deeper connections take extreme experiences or longer periods of time to form, as they do not wish to watch more younglings turn old and grey.

But for those who do gain their trust and friendship, Sera is eternally loyal to. They will give up anything and everything to ensure their closest friends remain safe and happy, which is why they have decided to make this longer trip back home in the first place.

Seraphim is an elf on the younger side for their race, having just crested 115 less than a year ago. They keep their long fine waist length black hair either in a ponytail or loose around their shoulders most days, sometimes choosing to braid it when they’re feeling extraordinarily fancy.

The way they’re feeling (masculine or feminine) influences the way they dress, with feminine days pushing them towards putting hair up and using makeup and masculine days eschewing makeup and looking ‘rougher’, as it were. They prefer simple modest clothing most of the time when adventuring out on the road regardless of gender, but have been known to dress up and wear makeup on a particularly feminine day.

Party role and Build path:
I plan on having Sera go into the stargazer prestige class, and focus on being a supportive caster role with a bit of ranged damage from her harrow card throwing. They’ll be able to throw out both debuff spells onto enemies and buff spells onto allies with the cards (don’t worry they don’t do any damage when thrown with spells). They have the healing, ward, and evil eye hexes, allowing them to act as a healer and debuffer in the early levels before she gets into the really good spell levels and throwing cards.

Good luck to all involved! Very tight race, that’s for sure.

Gonna go ahead and submit Seraphim, a fetchling oracle of intrigue with the help of the Reaper of Reputation himself, and lofty ambitions.

I understand that fetchling is an uncommon race, but she has the at-will disguise self ability from the intrigue mystery, and I enjoy the idea of a political assassin hiding in the shadows, using a multitude of identities and faces.

Thanks for considering me!

Bigrig107 here, checking in with Seraphim, proto-vampire noble turned necromancy student turned savior of the world.

Story/appearence isn't quite up yet, but I should get that together soon.

Elf Witch

My bad guys, this next week is Spring Break and I was just busy finishing some school.

We ready to get this thing back on the road?

Elf Witch

Seraphim hears the noise, sees Myth disappear, and then quickly follow suit, although she did not have Greater Invisibilty, so hers is just regular Invisibility.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Elf Witch

Sorry guys! Been pretty busy with school.

I'm thinking Seraphim will be one of the ones to actually attack the druids (hello, fire? Explosions? Awesome!), and will have her come along with the initial meeting with the druids.
Definitely checking out defenses, weak spots, targets, etc.

Elf Witch

Working on my wonderful tour of the city. Was thinking that I'd learn everything I could through that, although I should have been more clear during the planning phase. Well, whenever I'm done, I'll play up the innkeeper and see what else I can learn.

Elf Witch

Seraphim awakes from her sleep, orders Tannyll to pack her bagfor the day's needs, and rises out of bed to enjoy another bath, with freshly-drawn warm water of course, before heading to room 217 to discuss shortly with her co-conspirators.

"To be truthful, I care not about the Hellknight side of our conflict. My single goal is to bring the fiery wrath of 'Hell' upon the enclave of druids. Anything else is secondary. Of course, I will stoop so low as to do some reconnaissance on the Order's Citadel, as I have a tour of the city scheduled for all of today."

Her attitude has improved greatly since arriving, perhaps because of the treatments she has been receiving from this town already.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I will head down for a fresh breakfast, courtesy of the innkeeper. Perhaps I will even ask for fresh fruit."

At this, she swirls gracefully downstairs to enjoy a breakfast meal with her new friend, the innkeeper.

"Perhaps you could whip me up an exquisite breakfast before I leave for my tour, dear? I am beyond starving this morning, and eggs and ham with a few fresh apples sounds simply delightful."

"Speaking of, when will my carriage be ready? I am anxious to enjoy the sights and sounds of your wonderful city."

Elf Witch

"Well, my dear," Seraphim responds laughingly, "that would ruin the fun, wouldn't it?"

"I shall have dinner with this innkeeper, and pry what information I can from him. I do think an investigation into the druids should be held until tomorrow, as it is far too late to be wandering about in this town. The folk might get suspicious!"

Elf Witch

"Many an evocation spell I have perfected. Surely fire being rained down upon the forest itself will be enough to convince the druids that the Hellknights are involved. We could always add a few summoned devils as well, should you see it necessary."

"Well, seeing as how he so openly welcomed me, and graciously gave me the "Empress Suite", I might be able to get a few words out of the man. Perhaps over dinner...yes. I will do that."

Elf Witch

"As good an idea as this is, that plan would require less anonymity than I am comfortable with. We have to give some sort of information in order to arrange this, which could be traced back to us."

Seraphim answers, finally having joined the conversation.

"However, I do enjoy Myth's proposal. He can take care of faking the druid's attack on the Hellknights, and my apprentice and I can take care of the Knight's attack on the druids, while the rest of you keep us from being discovered or perdorn other actions deemed necessary. We will quickly have the two groups at each others' throats, and we can simply take whatever action we may perform from there."

Elf Witch

"You are too kind, my dear." Seraphim seems to blush at the compliment.

At the sound of a bath and refreshments, she becomes more excited.
"Ahh, yes. A bath sounds lovely! Wine and cheese were simply beyond my expectations. You truly do surprise, sir!"

Taking a few steps forward towards the man, she reaches out a hand to touch his, and leaves several shining gold pieces in his hand.
"Do make sure no one bothers us until I call?"

With that, she draws away, and makes her way up the stairs towards her room, her apparent manservant following close behind.

Once she reaches the room, she casts several spells to ensure the safety of the bath and drink/food.
Casting See Invisibility, and then Detect Poison on the bath and wine/cheese.

After her bath and refreshments, Seraphim will make her way down to room 217, where she will lightly knock on the door twice.

Elf Witch

After Seraphim arrives at the expanding town, she quickly abandons any traveling companions, and takes to the streets with her apprentice in tow.
She spends most of the rest of the day wandering the town, searching for whatever she might be able to find.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Not looking for anything in particular, but if anything out of the ordinary happens, I want to see it.

Once it gets closer to night, she will head over to the inn they agreed to meet at, and enter.
"Greetings, barkeep. Would there happen to be a room available tonight?"

Elf Witch

Seraphim also decides to travel with the caravan with her apprentice, but doesn't talk to any of the other teachers, instead remaining often by herself apart from the rest.

Elf Witch

"Bah, frontal assaults are never out of the question. Regardless, I shall honor your wish, and reign in my power until such a time as I am allowed to let it free."

Seraphim laughs a little before continuing.

"Regardless of what plan we decide upon, we must travel there first. So, let's get on with it!"

Elf Witch

As the term draws to a close, Seraphim does eventually get around to reading the book she took from that turltle.

"What foolish ideas this book is fraught with. Still, I believe I have no choice but to go along with whatever this group has planned."

At the meeting...

"Ah, a worthy opponent. I relish the chance to test my destructive magic against the strong willed Hellknights. Tell me, fellow cultists," Seraphim says in jest "when shall we begin our assault?"

Elf Witch

"This...turtle, if that's what he truly is, is very idealistic, that's for sure."

Seraphim, silent ever since reaching the room, finally speaks up.
"I, for one, believe him. There is no risk in taking the first step, no? It's the ones that follow that offer danger...and excitement."

She picks up the book closest to her, and immediately starts to read, wondering what it was exactly that made it worth the good will gift Terrapin said it was.

Elf Witch

Nekare', how are you getting a wand of toppling magic missile? And how did it make that check at +15? Wands are set at minimum caster level and the minimum ability score to cast the spell, unless you pay for more, which makes it more expensive. If you did pay for the Toppling Spell meta magic (making it a 2nd level wand, and 4,500 gp), it should be rolling the CMB at +1 (CL 1st, minimum Int 11).
Also, did you summon those wolves as a standard action? If so, how?
I don't mean to sound obnoxious or anything, just trying to make sure everyone's playing with the same rules.

Elf Witch

First, initiate and Knowledge (planes)
Init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Know (planes): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27

"It is obvious that this is a game. I so enjoy these games."
Seraphim laughs energetically before disappearing, obviously the work of a Vanish spell.

GM + See Invisible:
Seraphim uses her Fly spell to fly 50 feet straight up, now invisible, and flies through the opening she saw at the top of the ceiling.

Elf Witch

Klock, those numbers seem a

Elf Witch

"While I agree with their attitude towards power, surely he knows of Nethys' clergy? They are not given their divine power, as he does not pretend to care about us mortals. Perhaps that is why I worship him, myself."

Not appearing fazed by the talking turtle, Seraphim gently pushes the ushers' arm off of her, and walks willingly beside him as they are taken to the front.

"Truly, however, one must not be too careful."

Casting: Bear's Endurance, Fly, and False Life.
False Life: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Giving me 62 total hit points, 16 temporary hit points, and a fly speed of 60.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Finally got skills, and a set of sample (combat-ready) spells prepared for Seraphim.

Will probably finish up her apprentice soon, although that may have to wait until tomorrow.
Just recognize she has one.

Edit: forgot background! Duh! Will type that up tonight.

Oh! I completely forgot skills for Seraphim! I'll have to do them now!

Hopefully that doesn't disqualify me, I've really been looking forward to this game ever since I saw it!

Elf Witch

"Alright, Tannyll, that's enough."
Of course, her command wasn't met with any argument, as he had learned not to speak against his master's word.
"We'll pick up tomorrow."

Seraphim opened the door to her lodging beside the Hall of Induction, and noticed the dove.
"Oh, how quaint. I wonder what it's doing here."

Opening the letter, she is even more intrigued by the magic mouth.

Her hand extends slowly to the dove, at which point four black and white crackling bolts of energy lash out, hitting the pigeon in several places, and leaving the pigeon in enough pieces for her to gingerly retrieve the key from its remains.

"Hmm. Perhaps this will provide some excitement?"

Elven Thassilonian Evoker, reporting in as done!

Still finishing up her wizard apprentice, though.
When I'm done, I'll put him in her profile, and post to the gameplay.