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![]() Pax Keovar wrote:
Wait.. Aren't you proposing what Mr. Ryan Dancey shot down in the post you're quoting? ![]()
![]() Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks wrote:
What if you shift the application around a little and one can take their commodity sword to a smith to be customized? ![]()
![]() As someone who will be crafting, whether its a spreadsheet or an artistic process, I would be very excited for crafting to eventually* feature a wide range of customizations. I expect that the theorycrafters will fairly quickly rank the mechanical properties of the objects so produced and if the esthetics are limited by some factor** then let the market decide / develop. *in the future, well past MVP, and early, and open, and ( ; **I would hope that the inputs and or skills to produce some of the visual only effects are limited enough to restrict the production of purple and pink swords on speculation. Such things should likely remain bespoke items. I would also hope that by this point that multiple crafters could come together to provide their tweaks to an end product. EDIT: Good grief I type slow. ![]()
![]() AvenaOats wrote: There's some recent commentary from 2 devs here: Stephen Cheney comment/link Yup, that is what I was reading when I had this particular brain dud ( : Ryan Dancey CEO, Goblinworks wrote: These are variants on the "wouldn't it be cool if "X" means nobody does "X"" problem. Ooh, so you're going for a design without any random reward systems out in the open? P.S. shouldn't that be "wouldn't it be cool if "X" means nobody does "Y""? ![]()
![]() I'm not sure that this is the thread for it. But, I may have just had an idea about the UI for crafting. I think, hopefully, that the right balance can even preserve the spirit of the Pathfinder crafting system. Crafting in this idea has mini games that are entirely optional. If one opts not to play*, then the character 'takes 10' and produces average product and skill advances modestly. If one opts to play**, then the minigame results count similar to a d20 result modifying the character's skill and advancing skill a tiny bit faster. I realize that this is an advanced goal. But this is the time to set them. Someone tell me if this needs to be broken out separately, please. * no 'ah hah' moments
![]() Very Well, I'll put Seekers of Secrets on the list. Likely ahead of the Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory flavor book. ![]()
![]() Ok, I had the Core Rulebook. and lots* of peripheral bits. On this pass I picked up Bestiary 1, Animal Archive, Blood of the Moon, PFS Field Guide**, and Ultimate Magic. Looks like I already had the Faction Guide, APG, PFS Primer, and Cheliax, Empire of Devils at the least. And I think I'll be shortlisting The rest of the Ultimates, Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory***, and maybe Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion. Is Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic any good for expanding an established Oracle? I'd like to thank everyone who has participated and those who will participate. M'Lady Sommer: Bookmarking is a very good idea, but I currently have the resources to print, and so I shall. *I'd be very embarrassed to say how many items are in my downloads **I got the Field Guide as Seeker says it has been superseded. Do I still want Seeker of Secrets? *** I've been thinking about a char that is from Taldor, but dislikes their ideals and so is not of Taldor. ![]()
![]() Protoman wrote:
The only thing I see missing is that the blade made him feel young. Age Resistance is a spell published in 2011 (June 7th to be weirdly precise) in Ultimate Magic. It seems that it would be very appropriate to those little old martial arts masters always being described as spry or fierce. The True Seeing would need to be when wielded, rather than at will, as it revealed illusions when the hilt was brushed. I do not remember the sword changing its shape or nature for him to wield it. If you could provide a reference, I will be happy to change my mind about this. ![]()
![]() damyousir wrote:
THIS sounds like an excellent opportunity to roll a profession for a windfall of components. ![]()
![]() Fenris Ulfhamr wrote:
Yes you use Dex to hit and Int for Damage. |