Human Steamshadow 5 // Steamwright 5
yeah, that would have been seriously unbalanced, hahaha. loot alone was 2 or 3 times what we started with i figure Selveros probably doesn't have a lengthy working experience with any of the others, but i built in an easy hook to get him into whatever is going on. his mentor told him to! Selveros would most likely be near the docks, patching up a ship, working on a cannon, or a crane, etc.
Human Steamshadow 5 // Steamwright 5
Yeah Selveros does assassinations, kidnappings, est. General wetwork. but he has an agent that handles his contracts so any job we were on together in that respect must have handles different agencies, or Selveros's agent has other field agents. But, Selveros does a lot of work near the docks patching up ships and whatnot.
Human Steamshadow 5 // Steamwright 5
Well, rules don't say. Back in the day, 3.5 would have specified no There is a mod that lets it move 10ft per round there's an invention that is basically a heavy shield but you can throw it down and it acts like a small wall with a firing slit. That can attach to the turret, so you have a kinda small slow-moving firing platform.
Human Steamshadow 5 // Steamwright 5
well the turrets are the base item, and i added a "mod" (a function of the class) to modify them to be javelins in their inert form. when they are javelins, i can throw them as such. then after one throw, they deploy in a nearby square. whether i throw them like that or set them down next to me, it's a standard to deploy them. Regarding action economy:
so basically, they'll attack anyone who attacks me or my allies, OR i can use a swift action to direct one of them to a specific target. if i want to direct both in one turn, i have to spend a move action as well.
Human Steamshadow 5 // Steamwright 5
and for the record, in combat once i get the javelins set up, Selveros can get into melee. he has AC 21, +10 to hit, and will do 6-11 damage (avg dice rolls: 8 dmg) per hit, 1 hit per round with his auger (dagger). this is while the turrets are doing 4-11 damage each, range 60ft, with +9 to hit. and between the dagger and the turrets, he has two d8s he can add onto damage (not 2d8 each (yet), but can add a total of 2d8 to one thing). So, ranged or close up, he can switch-hit. he is just slow to get set up, since it takes a standard to deploy each javelin, and a swift to command each javelin (when commands are necessary).
Tenro's submission. Crunch is in the profile, fully complete to include equipment. Appearance:
The man you see before you is of average height and has relatively nondescript features: tanned skin and dark brown hair common to most of the residents in Port Shaw. He is rather bulky, having an intimidating mein about him. Despite his clean and well-cut clothes, he bears the calloused hands of a craftsman. What little exposed skin you can see bears several angular, almost ritualistic scars. From his shoulders drapes a fine cloak for defense against tropical rains, but left flung open in the heat, revealing two stragely bulky javelins slung over his back from loops in a fine leather sash slung cross-body from his left shoulder to right hip. Over that, a fine and billowy scarf sways loosely, ending near the bandoleer at his waist. Slung low from the bandoleer at his waist are two more bandoleers attached to each hip. The handle of a dagger protrudes from the bandoleer at his waist, while a strange crowbar and a huge wrench are strapped to his left and right hip bandoleers, respectively. He is nothing if not a man of many talents, and a tool for each. Despite such accoutrements, he carries the bulk silently, each item strapped securely in its place.
Having been fished out of the water by an old assassin and subsequently trained to use the strange items that come from his unnatural body, he has few friends, but many acquaintances. He is content to reinforce the perception that others have of him being a simple, quiet craftsman, grown tough from days of wielding a hammer in front of a sweltering forge. It's easier for him to keep a low profile that way. He is somewhat aloof, which is to be expected of a man who only has faint memories of life before three years ago. He is polite enough, working repairing items and ships most days, fostering a cover identity as a craftsman. His more lucrative jobs include killing, smuggling, and sabotage. Selveros is a professional who coldly executes his duties. He takes no pleasure in killing, but does take pleasure in a job well done, and the gold that comes with it. Backstory: "Getting sloppy," the old man said. He had his back turned, looking out the window to the pillar of smoke and flame that was once the ship belonging to the upstart smuggler Captain "Blackblade" Jonas. "We can't all be an invisible blade in the dark. Isn't my style." Selveros quipped back. "Be that as it may, I can't have you bringing hell this close to my shop. The sheriff's boys'll be pokin' around soon enough. Bad for business." Selveros remained silent on the matter. "They wanted fast, they wanted a scene. I gave them a scene, and fast," he mused to himself. He replayed the night's events over in his mind, searching for a different way. The old man would have just cut Blackblade's throat while he slept, but the old man was a hell of a lot saltier than he was when it came to killing. Selveros had been contracted to kill the captain, and with a bonus for destroying the ship to send a message to any who would consider crossing the mercantile league. First, he loitered around the docks, looking to get a good look at one of the sailors from the ship. Disguised as a porter, he moved boxes around the dock to prepare the scene in case things got hairy later. When the sailor left for port call, he followed him to the tavern, got him good and sauced up, then paid for a cheap hooker to distract the man a bit. Leaving the tavern, he moved down to the docks, stumbled abourd while disguised as the sailor, grumbling about losing his money in a game of cards. Entry was easy, and as he suspected, only a handful of sailors remained behind, most playing cards in the berthing. Moving belowdecks, he navigated through the galley to the aft gundeck. Placing his hands on the ceiling of the room, he used his gloves to see through the wood, confirming that the captain was indeed in his room, looking over some ledgers. Setting the second part of his plan in motion, he rolled all the barrels of black powder to the aft side of the gundeck, right under the captain's quarters. He let some rope soak in kerosene while he quietly used his auger to drill holes in the barrel, then uncorked his phosphorescent gel to get it burning while he plugged kerosene-soaked rope into the holes he had drilled. Preparations complete, he once again verified the captain was in place, then tipped the gel over on to the rope. The, disaster struck. The gel, which shouldn't have ignited for ten more minutes, flared up and ignited the rope he had prepared as a wick. He moved quickly, back through the galley. On his way out, he was harrassed by the guard's questioning him as to why he was leaving again. The guard grabbed his arm, and the texture of Selveros' skin through the man off. The guard expected the flesh of Selveros' carefully-crafted illusion, but was stunned to feel the texture of cold metal. Selveros used the man's hesitation to pull his highway pistol from a fold in his clothing and placed it between the guard's eyes, pulling the trigger without hesitation. The guard's form slumped to the ground, and Selveros made his way down the gangplank. Seconds later, he was followed by ten sailors armed with cutlasses. Half the guards had descended the gangplank and the other half were at the top of it when the captain opened the doorway of his room, hastily buckling his belt and reaching for a pistol from his holster. Selveros stood between two crates and grabbed a small weight, yanking the rope it was attached to. It pulled a lynchpin that caused the two crates to fall open, revealing two rifles attached to tripods. Selveros pointed to the captain, who had drawn his pistol. As soon as Blackblade had leveled his pistol, the two rifles opened fire on him and he was forced to take cover. The captain pinned down in his room and the sailors rapidly approaching, Selveros took the small weight and hastily whipped it around the dockpost opposite his turrets to form a tripwire and kept running. The first few sailors saw the tripwire and jumped, but the ones in the back were not so lucky. The tripwire activated the booby trap on his turrets and two explosions tore the dock asunder, filling the sailors full of shrapnel and flinging their charred bodies into the water. The covering fire gone, the captain peered out of his cover just before a third and much larger explosion rocked the night. The explosion tore the back half of the ship into shreds, launching the captain's now silent and flaming form through the air to land on the docks. Selveros fled the docks as the remaining half of the vessel burned brightly. Pushing through the crowd, he took back alleys in a circituous route back to the storefront he called home, to face the ire of his aged mentor. "Well, as much as it annoys me, you blowing up our front yard and all, the league pays well. Here's your cut," leathery hands throwing him a fat sack of coins before continuing, "... minus a bit to make up for lost revenue. Fix your contraptions. I've already lined up a job for you next week. Doesn't pay as well as the league, but I imagine with the size of that explosion, there are a few nearby ships that will be in need of repair, not to mention the docks. Some coin to be made there." "How far I've come in just three years. Makes me wonder what happened before." he thought to himself, rubbing the circular black mark on the back of his right hand.