Devargo Barvasi

Selveros's page

12 posts. Alias of Tenro.




Steamshadow 5 // Steamwright 5

Special Abilities

Steam 12/12; Firepower +2d8;Technical Tap




Firepower: Thundershot 6/6; Power Tool no limit; T1 6/6; T2 6/6; ESL 6/6


Razor Coast


Common, Aquan, Tulita, Sahuagin

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Selveros

HP: 70
AC: 21 =10 + 4 DEX + 7 ARMOR
Init: +4
Speed: 30

F: 9 = 4 base + 4 CON + 1 RESIST
R: 9 = 4 base + 4 DEX + 1 RESIST
W: 6 = 4 base + 1 WIS + 1 RESIST
+2 vs Poison, Disease

+1 Auger, +10 melee, 1d6+1+4 (+ Firepower), crit x3, P
Mwk Gearspanner, +6 melee, 1d10+4 (+ Firepower), crit x3, B

Thundershot Mwk Highway Pistol, +10 ranged, damage (+ Firepower)(B and P)/range/crit:
3d4 - 5 - x3
2d4 - 10 - x3
1d4 - 15 - x3
1d4 - 30 - x2
+2 to conceal, but gives -1 on attack

Distraction Module, Implant, 30ft, Will negates. Target suffers -4 Perceptionand Sense Motive for 1 min
Turret Javelin, +10 ranged, 1d6 dmg, crit x2, 30ft, P

Mwk Turret 1, AC 17, +9 ranged, 1d8+3 (+ Firepower), crit x2, 60ft, B/P no penalties for firing into melee
Mwk Turret 2, AC 17, +9 ranged, 1d8+3 (+ Firepower), crit x2, 60ft, B/P

DEX to damage w/ 1h or light weapon (Steamshadow)

not calculated (conditional):
Firepower +2d8
Implant DC: 16
Invention DC: 16

Catch Them Napping:
--Feint with melee as standard action, no more than 5ft step, next round they have CTN condition.
--Already hiding, sneak 5ft step as full-round action, they have CTN condition. If sneak fails, provoke AoO.
--Sneak more than 5ft, end round in melee, they have CTN condition. If sneak fails, provoke AoO.
--Concealed Weapon, +2 to SoH, if opponent flat-footed, bluff +11 (=10+5E-8F+2F+2F)(vs enemy BAB+WIS+10 or SM+10) to draw, they have CTN condition.

Racial Traits:


    Fast Learner feat gives two favored class options per level

  • Favored Class: +1 Steam Point, +0.75 DC to implants, +0.75 New Manite Implant (max one below best type)
  • Favored Class: +1 Invention Save DC, +1 Know: Engineering, +5/6 additional Invention

Class Abilities:

  • Combined Proficiencies:
    WEAPONS: Simple, Martial, Firearms, Steamwright, Siege, Vehicle
    ARMOR: Light, Medium, shields, tower shields


    Steam Reserve (Su): A golemoid is more adept at utilizing manite implants than most, allowing him to generate an intense personal reserve of magical power to facilitate their use. While many implants offer passive effects, some are activated through the use of steam points. The number of points in a golemoid’s steam reserve is equal to his level + his Constitution modifier. A golemoid can regenerate his steam reserve by resting for 8 hours, once per 24 hour period.

    Steam Mastery (Su): In addition to using steam points to power his various implants, a golemoid can also spend a steam point to do any of the following:
    -- Cast detect magic as a spell-like ability, using the golemoid’s class level as his caster level. This is a standard action.
    -- Release a burst of steam from his body as a swift action, granting the golemoid a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class until the beginning of his next turn.
    -- Gain a +4 morale bonus to his attack rolls or Strength checks to break inanimate objects, and ignores the first 5 points of hardness when breaking objects. This is a swift action.
    -- Release a burst of steam from his feet as a free action, allowing him to make any Acrobatics check to jump as if from a running start.

    True Golemoid (Ex): The defining characteristic of a golemoid is its unusually high resistance to the Wasting (described in detail elsewhere in this book). At first level, a golemoid’s body is already heavily augmented, with at least half of the original body replaced with manite-enhanced steel and stone. Most of these implants are prosthetics, functionally identical to the body parts they replace, though a few have enhanced abilities. For the purposes of all rules regarding the Wasting, the golemoid counts as a “true golemoid.” Any implants granted by this class do not count toward the golemoid’s Impact (the amount of implants allowed before a creature begins to show advanced symptoms of the Wasting).
    A golemoid’s artificial body grants him an innate +2 bonus on all saving throws against poison and disease. However, even a low level golemoid is immediately recognizable as a heavily augmented being and may face distrust or derision at the hands of those who fear his kind. The Disguise skill can be used to attempt to conceal his artificial nature, though this is as difficult as concealing himself as a member of another race. Obvious use of golemoid abilities will, naturally, ruin any attempt at passing for normal.

    Manite implants (Ex): A golemoid receives new manite implants up to his maximum allowance free of cost immediately upon leveling. A golemoid does not need to solicit aid from a mechamage to gain these new implants. Unlike lesser golemoids, a true golemoid either spontaneously develops new implants as his artificial body evolves, or simply learns how to safely use implants that were formerly dormant. A golemoid may elect to receive a less powerful type of implant in place of a more powerful one if he desires.
    Any manite implant effect which imposes a saving throw is equal to 10 + ½ the golemoid’s class level + the golemoid’s constitution modifier.

    Basic Combat Specialization (Ex): Steamshadow: A steamshadow’s specialized training grants Stealth and Disguise as class skills. In addition, the steamshadow is equipped with an Illusion Matrix implant which can be used to hide their mechamagical nature. By spending one steam point, the golemoid can cast disguise self as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their golemoid level. If they merely use this effect to hide their golemoid implants, the duration is one hour per level rather than the standard duration.
    Finally, the golemoid’s body is customized for absolute flexibility and precision. The golemoid may add their Dexterity modifier to damage rolls when attacking with a single light or one-handed weapon. The golemoid may not add this bonus when wielding a one-handed weapon in two hands. Any armor check penalty the golemoid suffers is subtracted from this bonus.

    Bonus Feats: At 3rd level, and every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and19th), the golemoid gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These feats must be selected from those listed as Combat Feats or Steam Feats.

    Interchangeable Parts (Ex): At 5th level, the golemoid gains the ability to modify and repurpose some of his implants on the fly. Once per day, he may spend an hour shutting down one of his implants and reallocating parts and energy toward a dormant one. At the end of this time, he must spend three steam points. He may then replace a minor or basic implant of his choice with any implant of the same type. (An artificial body part that is replaced continues to be artificial. It merely becomes a “normal” manite prosthetic that does not count toward the golemoid’s maximum number of implants.)


    Invention (Ex): The steamwright is a master inventor, dabbling at the very bleeding edge of Aden’s advanced technology. As a result of her advanced skill, she is capable of building and maintaining a number of extremely potent high-tech inventions.
    Unfortunately, these prototypes are inherently unstable and personalized to a particular user. As a result, a steamwright’s inventions do not function in the hands of anyone else, not even another steamwright.
    A steamwright can only maintain a certain number of active inventions at one time, indicated by her maximum number of invention slots on [Table: The Steamwright]. These inventions are selected from the steamwright inventions list later in this section.

    A steamwright may build any inventions for which she currently meets the level requirement, up to her maximum allotment. A steamwright may build multiple versions of the same invention, but these count as separate inventions and must be modified separately. Lost or destroyed inventions do not count toward the steamwright’s maximum (though any lost inventions immediately cease to function if the steamwright creates new ones).
    If the steamwright does not spend at least an hour each day maintaining her inventions, they become inert and useless.
    During a maintenance period, the steamwright may disassemble any of her current inventions and assemble new ones so long as her total collection of active inventions does not exceed her maximum allotment. This process requires one hour and a relatively quiet place where she can work uninterrupted. She requires an engineer’s kit and some tools (the toolkit incorporated into any steamwright weapon will do) to perform maintenance or assembly. Any parts and materials used to create and maintain the steamwright’s inventions are drawn from the engineer’s kit, cannibalized from other inventions, or simply improvised from random mundane items of little to no value.
    Any saving throws against invention-related effects are made against a Difficulty Class equal to 10 + ½ the steamwright’s level + the steamwright’s Intelligence modifier.
    The steamwright can build three types of inventions – primary inventions, secondary inventions, and mods.

    Primary Inventions: These inventions are a steamwright’s personal specialty. A primary invention slot can only ever be used to create a specific invention, chosen by the steamwright when she first gains that slot. If disassembled, a steamwright can only refill that invention slot with the same invention (though she may make other choices in its assembly, such as a Belcher that inflicts cold damage instead of fire damage). A steamwright may dedicate multiple slots to the same invention if she wants to carry more than one. A primary invention can be fitted with any number of mods, and these mods can be added, removed, or changed when the steamwright maintains her inventions each day. It is highly recommended that a steamwright’s first primary invention be a weaponized invention, so that the steamwright can take advantage of his firepower class ability.

    Secondary Inventions: These inventions are improvised lesser works, though they are extremely impressive by Aden’s normal technological standards. A secondary invention can only be fitted with one mod. A steamwright can use his secondary invention slots to create whatever inventions he likes, so long as he meets their prerequisites, changing his arsenal of gadgets daily to suit his current needs.

    Mods: These inventions are actually customized modifications to primary or secondary inventions. A steamwright may divide her allotment of mods between her current inventions any way she likes (though secondary inventions may only have one mod).
    An invention’s applicable mods are listed in its description, though a handful of general mods applicable to many inventions are also included later in this section. Mods with the (primary) descriptor can only be applied to primary inventions.

    Engineering (Ex): A steamwright’s mastery of technology extends not only to her personal inventions, but to all manner of lesser creations as well. She adds ½ her class level to all Knowledge (Engineering) skill checks, and to Disable Device skill checks.

    Firepower: A number of steamwright inventions can inflict additional damage dice when used. These dice increase relative to the steamwright’s level. These dice are referred to as “firepower.”
    Firepower begins at 1d8 and increases by 1d8 every three levels.
    The steamwright can apply these damage dice when using one of her inventions to inflict damage in combat. She need not apply all of her firepower dice at once; she may distribute them between inventions within the same round. Any unspent firepower dice at the end of the round are wasted. Firepower damage is always the same type of damage inflicted by the invention.
    The steamwright must declare her intention to add firepower dice before the invention is used or the attack roll is made (so with a missed attack, the firepower dice are wasted). If using an invention with an area attack, these damage dice may be applied to a single target or divided among targets within the area as the steamwright chooses. The steamwright may even apply these firepower dice to remotely operated inventions (such as the turret or decoy module) so long as she can see the invention’s target.
    The steamwright may only apply firepower dice once per round, unless an invention mod states otherwise.
    Firepower damage dice are not multiplied by a critical hit or feats such as Vital Strike.

    Handy (Ex): Each steamwright is something of a jack-of-all trades. At 2nd level, she can choose one type of Craft or Profession skill. She can use her current total Knowledge (Engineering) bonus in place of her bonus with that skill. She is also refunded any skill points previously spent on the selected skill, to be redistributed as she pleases. She is always considered skilled in the chosen skill. Any time the steamwright uses this skill to repair an object the repairs take half the normal amount of time and material cost. Every four levels after 2nd, the steamwright may choose an additional Craft or Profession skill to be affected in this manner.

    Booby Trap (Ex): Under normal circumstances, an invention that is utilized by anyone other than the steamwright simply fails to function. At 3rd level, she gains the ability to booby trap her inventions. As a swift action, the steamwright can trap any invention she has created by touch. If anyone other than the steamwright attempts to use the invention or intentionally move it more than ten feet, it immediately inflicts damage equal to the steamwright’s firepower upon them and is destroyed. (This damage may be fire or electricity damage, chosen by the steamwright when the device is trapped.) The trap can be detected by anyone searching for traps with a Perception check (DC equal to 20 + the steamwright’s level.) The steamwright may remove the trap by touch with another swift action.

    Jury-Rig (Ex): At 2nd level, the steamwright no longer suffers any penalties for using improvised tools with Craft skill checks, and can use improvised tools to assemble her inventions, though she still requires an engineering kit or reasonable source of materials (such as metal scrap or broken machinery) to build her inventions.

    Masterworking (Ex): At 3rd level, the steamwright becomes a true master of lesser technologies. When crafting mundane items using any Craft skill, she uses the item’s gp value as its sp value when determining her progress. (Essentially, divide the amount of time required to craft the item by 10.
    Additionally, the steamwright may use her talents to perfect existing mundane items, transforming them into masterwork versions. The process is identical to crafting a masterwork item of the same type, except the cost in time and materials is calculated using only the masterwork component. (Effectively crafting a 300 gp item for a weapon, 150 gp item for armor, or a 50 gp item for a tool, for example.) This process does not create an item - it merely upgrades an existing item to masterwork quality.

    Upgrade (Ex): At 4th level, the steamwright unlocks a breakthrough in one of her existing technological creations. She may select one of her primary inventions. This invention gains a permanent mod that does not count against the steamwright’s maximum mod slots. Once selected, this mod cannot be changed. (So, for instance, a steamwright may choose to permanently apply the Quick Reload mod to her thundershot.) The steamwright gains an additional upgrade at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level.
    Multiple upgrades may be applied to the same primary invention, or to other primary inventions, at the steamwright’s discretion.

    Technical Tap (Ex): At 5th level, the steamwright is skilled at making improvised repairs to machinery. As a standard action the steamwright may strike an object, construct, or machine within melee range with a steamwright weapon (this inflicts no damage).
    The target immediately gains temporary hit points equal to the steamwright’s firepower for one minute. If an item was broken or destroyed, these temporary hit points may allow it to function normally if they return it above these thresholds. (An item is normally broken if reduced to less than half its hit points or destroyed if reduced below zero hit points.) A destroyed item may only be affected by this ability once before it is permanently destroyed. A construct may only be affected by this ability once a day.
    The steamwright may also use this ability against unattended objects, enemy constructs, and machines. This allows him to inflict additional damage equal to her firepower against all such targets when making a melee attack against them as a standard action. She only gains this bonus damage when wielding a steamwright weapon. (A steamwright using the power tool invention vs. a construct in this manner can potentially apply her firepower twice, once for technical tap and once for her standard firepower damage.)

Implants and Inventions:




Integrated Scabbard (Ex): This implant adds a (non-concealed) sheath or scabbard to the golemoid, allowing him to securely carry a single weapon or a pair of light weapons. Weapons in integrated scabbards can be drawn as a free action. Alternately, a Gunner golemoid can use this implant to store ammuniction for firearms. It can store up to 50 bullets, which are considered part of the golemoid’s internal ammunition stockpile.

Distraction Module: The golemoid’s voicebox is modified to generate a subsonic frequency that renders a target unfocused. As a move action, the golemoid may force a target within 30 feet to make a Will save or suffer a -4 penalty to Perception and Sense Motive checks for one minute. This effect is not obvious and does not reveal the golemoid if they are hidden.

2x Body Compartment (Ex): The golemoid’s body features a small, airtight, lead-lined compartment that can completely conceal a small item (such as a dagger, potion bottle, or grappling hook). This implant can be installed multiple times, either as multiple small compartments, or as a combination of two small compartments into a single compartment capable of concealing a larger item (such as a shortsword, telescope, or tightly coiled rope). Items within these compartments may be drawn with a move action (as if they were a weapon), or as a free action if the user spends a Steam Point.


Integrated Armor (Ex): The golemoid can integrate one suit of armor into his body. He must be proficient with the armor.
This process causes the golemoid to look even more bulky, mechanical, and inhuman, granting a +4 circumstance bonus to intimidation checks. As the armor is now a part of his being, it is far easier to move around in, reducing all armor check penalties by 3, removing any speed penalties, and allowing the golemoid to sleep in it with no penalty. Integrated armor can be made into magical armor (or have magical abilities added to it) for the usual cost. Integrated armor may not be removed unless this implant is removed (via interchangeable parts, for example).

Wall Walker (Su): Due to a series of magical adhesive pads built into his hands, elbows, knees, and feet, the golemoid gains a climb speed equal to his base movement. This ability is activated by spending a steam point as a standard action and lasts up to ten minutes per level.

Basic Detachable Sensor (Su): The golemoid can detach a small part of himself (a finger, ear, or eye) and leave it behind.
By spending a steam point and concentrating as a standard action, the golemoid can choose to see and hear through this detached part. This leaves his body blind and deaf in the meantime. He can return to normal sight and vision at will, and will do so instantly if his remote part is destroyed. Such remote viewing has a maximum range of one mile. If the detached body part is lost or destroyed, the golemoid can replace it with an hour of work and 25 gp worth of spare parts.


Type: 1-handed
Action: Standard (to deploy or dismantle) or swift (to command), (draw)
Uses Per Day: 3 + Intelligence modifier
Duration: 10 minutes or until retrieved
Weight: 10 lbs.
Description: The steamwright can deploy a turret from her inventory as a standard action. Once deployed, the turret functions as a small allied construct that appears in any square adjacent to the steamwright. The turret has an AC equal to 10 + 3 (armor bonus) + 1 (size bonus) + the Steamwright’s Intelligence modifier (deflection bonus) and hit points equal to half the steamwright’s maximum hit points. Its saving throws are equal to the steamwright’s base saves. If the turret is destroyed, it may not be used again that day.
The turret possesses a ranged attack with a range increment of 60 feet. It attacks using the steamwright’s base attack bonus + Intelligence modifier. The attack deals 1d8 + Intelligence modifier bludgeoning/piercing damage. The turret’s attacks threaten a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 20 and inflict X2 damage on a successful critical. The turret’s target must be visible to both the turret and the steamwright. If the steamwright has enhanced vision, such as low-light or darkvision, the turret also has these abilities.
Once deployed, the turret is immobile. Once per turn, the steamwright may direct the turret’s fire (this is normally a swift action, barring certain mods), causing it to make a single attack against one enemy in range. If the turret is not commanded, it will make a single attack against the nearest enemy who has attacked the steamwright or her allies at the end of the steamwright’s turn. If there are no obvious targets, the turret does nothing. A steamwright with multiple turrets can only command one turret per swift action. If she has multiple turrets deployed simultaneously, she may use a move or standard action to command each of them. If the steamwright is adjacent to the turret, she can deactivate it and stow it in her inventory as a standard action.

--Accurate: The turret does not suffer the normal penalties for making ranged attacks against opponents engaged in melee.

--Javelin: The turret is compressed into a tight, sharpened metal shaft when inactive. As a standard action, the steamwright can throw the turret (as a javelin). If thrown at an empty square, the turret deploys in that square. If thrown at an enemy, the steamwright makes a ranged attack as if the turret were a javelin. (Weapon enchantments on the turret apply when using it as a javelin.) The turret then deploys in any square adjacent to the enemy. Level Requirement: 5th level

Type: 2-handed or as per weapon (see Mods)
Action: ranged attack
Uses Per Day: 3 + Intelligence modifier
Duration: instantaneous
Weight: 5 lbs. or as per weapon (see Mods)
Description: This invention is functionally identical to a masterwork rifle. Like any invention, it can potentially inflict firepower damage when wielded by the steamwright. For users other than the steamwright, this invention still functions as a masterwork weapon. The thundershot uses normal firearm ammunition for a weapon of its type. The thundershot only expends the invention’s uses per day if the steamwright intends to add firepower to its resulting damage roll. This intention must be declared before the weapon is fired.

--Custom Stock: The thundershot is functionally identical to a holdout, pistol, scattergun or sniper rifle instead of a rifle. Level Requirement: 3rd level

--Quick Reload: PERMANENT, FREE The thundershot reloads as if you possessed the Rapid Reload feat for its current weapon type. The effects of that feat do not stack with this mod.



--As above, with only Javelin Mod

POWER TOOL (Auger base form)
Type: As per weapon
Action: melee attack
Uses Per Day: inapplicable
Duration: permanent
Weight: As per weapon
Description: This invention is functionally identical to any melee weapon with the steamwright trait, except that, as a weaponized invention, it can inflict firepower damage. For users other than the steamwright, this invention still functions as a masterwork weapon.

Action: move action to store/retrieve items
Uses Per Day: inapplicable
Duration: permanent
Weight: 5 lbs.
Description: The mass reallocation unit resembles a small metal barrel attached to a harness, and can be worn as a backpack. This item functions in a manner identical to a bag of holding, storing up to 250 lbs. of gear in an extradimensional space. If the steamwright does not maintain the invention (during daily maintenance) all objects within the mass reallocation unit are permanently lost.

--Expanded: The unit stores an additional 500 lbs. of material. This mod may be applied to the invention multiple times. Its effects stack.

Type: 1-handed
Action: standard (ranged attack, draw)
Uses Per Day: 3 + Intelligence modifier
Duration: 3 rounds
Weight: 1 lb.
Description: The entangler sphere launcher resembles a small crossbow or pistol, capable of launching small metal spheres. The steamwright can launch a sphere up to 60 feet or drop one at her feet, where it immediately unravels into flailing tendrils, filling a 10 foot radius. Dropping a sphere does not count as a ranged attack. The affected area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. All creatures in the affected area, or who end their turn in the area, must make a Reflex save or become entangled. Entangled creatures may attempt to break free with a Strength check or make an Escape Artist check as a move action. The DC for this check is equal to the save DC of this invention.

--Rooted: The tendrils also seek to fasten themselves to the ground. If the surface of the affected area is composed of stone or any softer material, the tendrils root themselves, anchoring any entangled creature’s movement.

Feats and Traits:

(1) Weapon Finesse
(H) Fast Learner
(3) Tinkerer: (additional: Secondary+mod)
(B) Extra Steam
(5) Catch Them Napping: To Catch Them Napping, you must be within melee range and unexpectedly place the muzzle of your highway pistol against an opponent’s bare flesh. After you successfully Catch Them Napping, provided you take no other attack actions, you may fire on this opponent as an immediate action, scoring an automatic critical hit should your highway pistol’s ranged attack succeed. An attempt to Catch Them Napping does not normally provoke an attack of opportunity from your opponent.
There are three ways to place the muzzle of your highway pistol against the flesh of your opponent unexpectedly, and thus Catch Them Napping: feinting, sneaking, or with a concealed weapon.

--Feinting: During combat, if you stand within melee range of an opponent and successfully feint with a melee weapon in one hand while holding a highway pistol in the other hand, you Catch Them Napping. Provided you have taken no more than a 5 ft. step to remain within melee range of that opponent for the remainder of the round, your foe starts the next round in the Catch Them Napping condition.
Alternately, you may feint with a melee weapon then draw your highway pistol as a free action using the Quick Draw feat. Due to the press of combat, apply a –4 to your ranged attack when you eventually decide to fire as part of this Catch Them Napping maneuver.
However, if opponents are still denied their Dexterity bonus to AC when you fire, there is no ranged attack penalty for firing as part of this Catch Them Napping maneuver.

--Sneaking: If you begin the round hiding from your opponent and, as a part of a full-round action, take only a 5 ft. step to enter melee range with your highway pistol, you catch them Napping. Alternately, if you use Stealth to move silently and undetected by your opponent more than 5 ft., and end your round within melee range, you Catch them Napping.
However, if you fail your Stealth check you do not Catch them Napping and you provoke an attack of opportunity from your foe immediately upon failing the check.

--Concealed Weapon: If you successfully conceal your highway pistol using the Sleight of Hand skill, and your opponent is flat-footed, you may make a Bluff check with a –8 circumstance penalty to draw your weapon unexpectedly and Catch them Napping. In exchange for a –1 to the attack roll, a highway pistol grants a +2 bonus on both your Sleight of Hand and Bluff checks when attempting to Catch them Napping with a concealed weapon. The Quick Draw feat adds an additional +2 to your Bluff check when attempting to Catch them Napping with a concealed weapon.
Special: If you Catch them Napping, but do not shoot your opponent on the same initiative round in which you Catch them Napping, when you choose to fire opponents with a higher Dexterity than you gain an attack of opportunity against you. In the case of tied Dexterity, no attack of opportunity occurs. Resolve attacks of opportunity first.
If you Catch Them Napping and the opponent is unarmed, you gain a +6 bonus to Intimidate checks against that opponent. You gain no benefits to Intimidate from using Catch Them Napping on creatures immune to critical hits.
You can only use the Catch Them Napping feat with a highway pistol.

Steam-Powered - You are naturally adept at controlling manite implants. If you have (or gain) a steam reserve, your maximum steam points are increased by 1.
Besmara's Blessing +1 Perception/Sailor (1/week reroll Sailor)
Extremely Fashionable



Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier +1 Human

Acrobatics +8 =1+3 +4 DEX
Bluff +10* =5+3 +1 CHA +1T *=+5 to feint, +10 to lie
Climb +8 = +0 STR +8R (Climb speed = base movement. Costs Steam)
Craft Blacksmith +9 =1+3 +3 INT +2C (See: Masterworking)
Disable Device +15 =5+3 +3 INT +2E, +2C
Disguise +9* =2+3 +4 DEX (Can use Disguise kit for +2)
Fly +4 = +4 DEX
Intimidate +10* =1+3 +1 CHA +1T, +4C, *=+6 if CTN
Escape Artist +4 =CC +4 DEX
Know: Arcana: +8 =1+3 +3 INT
Know: Dungeon: +3 = +3 INT
Know: Engineer: +14 =5+3 +3 INT +2E +1FC
Know: Geography: +7 =1+3 +3 INT
Know: History: +3 = +3 INT
Know: Local: +7 =1+3 +3 INT
Know: Nature: +3 = +3 INT
Know: Nobility: +3 = +3 INT
Know: Planes: +3 = +3 INT
Know: Religion: +3 = +3 INT
Linguistics +3 = +3 INT
Perception +12 =5+3 +1 WIS +1T, +2C
Profession Sailor H+1 =H +1 WIS +1T (1/week reroll)
Ride +4 = +4 DEX
Sense Motive +1 =CC +1 WIS
Sleight of Hand +12* =5+3 +4 DEX *=+2E hide small object, +4E hide on body, +2C to conceal Highway Pistol
Stealth +14 =5+3 +4 DEX +2C
Survival +1 = +1 WIS
Swim +4 =1+3 +0 STR
Use Magic Device +2 =1 CC +1 CHA

+1 Diplomacy

T = Trait
E = Engineering (class ability, =1/2 level)
H = Handy (class ability). Use Know: Engineering modifier. Repairs using this take half the time.
C = Circumstance
R = Racial
FC = Favored Class



Armor: +1 Mithril Breastplate (Integrated)
Belt: Beneficial Bandolier (swift action reload, storage)
Hands: Gloves of Reconnaissance
Head: Mask of Stony Demeanor
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +1
Wrists: Sleeves of Many Garments

(Metal items crafted)


1216gp Masterwork Mithril Breastplate (+6 AC, +5 Max Dex, -0 ACP, 15 lbs) (Integrated Implant)
1000gp +1 on armor
200gp Sleeves of Many Garments
1000gp Cloak of Resistance +1
2000gp Gloves of Reconnaissance
500gp Mask of Stony Demeanor


Integrated Storage Implant
Mass Reallocation Unit: 750lbs

1000gp Beneficial Bandolier
20gp Adventurer's Sash
1gp Bandolier x2
52gp False-bottomed Chest, Small (2cu ft)


100gp Thieves' Ring
120gp Masterwork Auger (1d6, crit x3, P)(+2 Disable Device)
2000gp +1 on auger
122gp Masterwork Gearspanner (1d10, crit x3, B)(+2 Blacksmithing)
250gp Traveler's Any-Tool
5gp Pickpocket's Outfit (+2 hiding small objects)
8gp Pocketed Scarf (+4 hiding on the body, stacks w/+2 for small objects)
50gp Mwk Stealth Tool (Boots)
50gp Mwk Perception Tool (flip-down glasses)


75gp Ioun Torch
20gp Hanging Tent
9gp Fighter's Kit
10gp Silk Rope, 50ft
150gp Chain, 50ft
190gp Locks, Superior x1, Simple x2
1sp Twine, 500ft


480gp Cock & Swine Tattoo (Buoyancy, until I reach land, if washed overboard or ship sinks)


10gp Trail Rations, 20
50gp Disguise Kit (10 uses)
1gp Lamp Oil x10
125gp Water Purification Sponge x5
80gp Elemental Breath
25gp Impact Foam
45gp Phosphorescent Gel


15.9 gp


Appearance, Personality, and Backstory

Player Notes:

if need be, will drop the 2nd turret and the ESL to free up 2 inventions and 2 mods. if REALLY need be, will drop the MRU to free another invention + mod (but will need to store stuff)