
Seltyiel Zane's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


cause yeah it looks like a mix between the 3 in many ways.

and yeah havoc maybe your right but i'm going to like implement the blade into my back story.

I'm only going to be using this character in my group here where I live I'm mainly going to make it look like the picture and not make it too op by adding all the stats and not getting an equalizer like getting any minuses and not equaling it all out. And no i'm not changing the name.

I'm thinking about having it be a mix between a Khopesh, Longsword, and a Scimitar actualy. What do you all think?

Yeah I found something called a Khopesh that looks similar to it in certain ways maybe I can "create" a new weapon that is a mix between the 2 and add and subtract a few things as kind of an equalizer or something.

I am trying to find the name of the blade the Eldritch Knight icon Seltyiel uses. Does anybody have any clue as to what it is called?