Selene - Hunter's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Mr. Hunter.

Silver Crusade

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Please remove Pathfinder Adventure Path 145: Hellknight Hill from my order and cancel my subscription for the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription AFTER Pathfinder Adventure Path #144: Midwives to Death. Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

As stated, please cancel these subscriptions for me.

* Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
* Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Deck
* Pathfinder Maps
* Starfinder Roleplaying Game
* Starfinder Maps

Thanks in advance.

Silver Crusade

As stated above.

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

I am aware of the setbacks due to technical issues but I have not received an Authorization notification in regards to this order and was told to create a thread for it. Please let me know what it happening with this.


Silver Crusade

Inquiring as to the status of this order. It has been pending since Saturday, July 14, 2018 08:59 AM.

Silver Crusade

Please process this order with my default payment method ending in 7894.

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Are physically focused (melee and/or martial) PCs screwed in this AP? The Guide hints that those unaware of the occult side of things would be fun but do the mechanics require Call of Cthulhu levels of research and lore knowledge to survive? Would someone like a street brawler with average mental stats work or are they going to be bored and all too often neutralized by fear and mental effects?

Just trying to get a grip on this AP. I’ve played a lot of CoC but you don’t usually have to fight the Eldritch horrors in that game.

Silver Crusade

This order is for 3 PDF items. Why did 2 of those items go through and the third one is pending? They're all digital products from Paizo and all being paid on the same card in the same order. Is there really a reason that this one pdf had to be shifted to a pending order? WTH?

Two digital purchases were added to your account when this order was submitted.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness PDF

Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes (PFRPG) PDF

Other Items
Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild #4-2—Fanning the Flames PDF

Silver Crusade

The order has changed #s several times but it's for this:

Submitted Fri, Sep 29, 2017
Status Pending
Destination Orlando, FL
Starfinder Space Goblin T-Shirt 3XL

Silver Crusade

If a system is Wrecked through multiple critícals does that system stop functioning or merely prevent someone in a role related to that system from ever succeeding in a check? For example, if Engines are Wrecked, the Pilot can't succeed at any special actions but does the ship stop moving or turning?

Basically can a ship be disabled by eliminating certain systems or do you just have to beat the HPs out of it?

Silver Crusade

I had ordered the 3 Starfinder t-shirts with Order 4476464 and asked for them to be shipped now instead of added to my Sidecart. Well, 2 t-shirts ended up in my Sidecart and shipped with Order 4476470, but the 3rd t-shirt seems to have disappeared. The t-shirt in question is the Starfinder Space goblin t-shirt in 3X.

Additionally, I had used my store credit to cover Order 4476464 but since the t-shirts weren't included the remainder was applied to Order 4476470 instead of applying it just on the t-shirts. So now I'm still missing a t-shirt and all of my store credit was used up.

Can someone please tell me what is going on with my orders and why I was not asked or notified regarding sidecarting my items and using all of my store credit?

Sczarni 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Subject pretty much says it all. It's been almost 2 months.

Sczarni 2/5

For the Eyes of the Ten arc, I know that once started the characters are locked until they complete the arc, but are characters allowed to come in after the first part without having played the first part? Basically, does the arc have to be done in order?

Silver Crusade

With the Mummy's Mask PACG base set coming out, is it possible to skip that base set and still continue getting everything else in the subscription? The shipping on it is tremendous and I'd rather pick it up locally.

Silver Crusade 2/5

When Nhur Athemon laid claim to the Emerald Spire, he had a vision of creating an arcane citadel where he and his followers could weave spells and craft armies powerful enough to overthrow Azlant at the height of its power. As a master of artifice and construct creation, the exiled archmage began by establishing an automated workshop where he could create automatons that would in turn create other automatons, vastly multiplying his power. At the same time, he experimented with many different designs and purposes for his magical automatons. Of course he wanted an army of invincible warrior constructs, but his vision also encompassed constructs to perform labor, constructs to wait on and serve human masters, and constructs with no other purpose than to delight and amuse.

To sign up, please send the following information to wyrdhunter[at]yahoo[dot]com:

*Player Name
*Character Name
*Character Class/Level
*PFS #
*Attach token


This was put in my sidecart a few days ago. With my monthly order shipping soon will the item in my sidecart also being shipped with it? It's hard to tell.

If it is not, then can you please cancel and refund the order? I would prefer to just pick it up locally rather than wait until the end of December.

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Hi, I just received my order but one of the pre-painted plastic figures is missing an arm (and the bow that goes in it :o). The arm is not in the plastic bag the figure comes in or the delivery box.

The item is WZK70740-36 aka "Pathfinder Battles - Rise of the Runelords: Shalelu Andosana".

Can you please send me a replacement? And do you need me to ship the defective figure back?

Thank in advance,

Alex Hunter

Silver Crusade

Hi, I got an email about this order shipping on 2/11/11 but still haven't received it. I did notice though that on the 2/18/11 store blog it was mentioned that The Inner Sea Map Folio was finally shipping. Since it was part of my original order did this end up delaying shipping? It's 3/2/11 and I still haven't received the order or been contacted regarding any delays.

Please let me know what's going on with my order and when I can expect it or if it's been lost in the mail so I can start processing the paperwork with the post office.

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x GameMastery Item Cards: Council of Thieves Deck
1 x GameMastery Item Cards: Weapons Locker Deck
1 x GameMastery Condition Cards (PFRPG)
1 x Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Poster Map Folio

- Alex Hunter -

Silver Crusade

Just wanted to ask about how you determine areas of light from light sources. I know that area effects are measured out from an origin intersection point. Is light measured the same way or from the square which holds the light source?

I just want to make sure before my players head into Delvehaven at night.