Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Not sure how seriously to take Forvenniel's comment, Sejiri just grins. To Kembe he says wryly, "Gone too long? I was out for what, a minute? I can't imagine how you must feel when I'm asleep!"
Having learned a bit more of Delroya's predicament, the halfling looks to help the team's crusade to recruit her. It certainly doesn't go as badly as with Laszo! "Certainly you will have drawn the ire of the Aspis. And the Society, as you know, takes great pains to keep them stymied at every turn."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Thanks for running!
Yeah, it did get a bit hairy there at the end. But we (well, you all more so) pulled through.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Should someone bring Sejiri back to consciousness, he staggers up, still in a fair bit of pain. "Thanks, and sorry I wasn't up to help," the halfling groans. "I was having the strangest dream..."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Now stable thanks to Forvenniel.
Sejiri has an NDE?:
Sejiri does not hear nor see the clash of battle around him. Instead, he stands at the edge of a cliff overlooking a valley. Therein lies an impossibly tall spire, with millions of dead souls walking a line up it. At the top, Pharasma herself judges each one with practiced, deific ease. They are then whisked away to their next life, be it an eternity of pleasure or torment, or whatever else.
After a second or two of confusion and awe, the halfling sighs resignedly and looks to join the line. But he is shunted back by a visible, yet indescribable servitor. He hears what it says more in his mind than his ears: "It is not your time." Even more confused and with little else to do, Sejiri contents himself to watch and wait.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri regains consciousness again just as the last Kortos agents drop. He shakes his head groggily and accepts Kembe's hand. "I've been better. You aren't looking too great yourself," he manages to grin before quaffing a potion and pulling out his wand to repair the rest of their injuries.
"Even as one's magic grows stronger, it remains limited," the halfling recalls as his brother laments a lack thereof. "There will always be a call for those who can swing a blade or fist."
Anyone else who needs healing, I can use your wand or mine if you don't have one.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Once more, the halfling whacks the robed man, a bit sad about hitting him when down but knowing he would likely have no such compunctions. The feeling is short-lived, though, as he then passes out amid all the other downed figures.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Reflex:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
"Kembe!" Sejiri calls as his brother falls, nearly doing so himself as the foe tries to upend him in his moment of distraction. Steadying, the halfling steps out of the grease, still looming over the robed man, and lashes out at the monk menacing Kembe's form.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri grins as the moon's power washes over his burn wounds. He closes the gap once again and continues his assault, making up for his seconds of inaction.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Acrobatics, ACP:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
With a bit more effort, Sejiri is able to slowly traverse the grease. Already winded and hurt from the fire, he tries to belt the spellcaster with his sap.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Initial Reflex:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Acrobatics, ACP:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Reflex:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Sejiri narrowly avoids falling outright, but does so as he tries to engage the enemy. Painfully picking himself up, he remembers when he couldn't make it through such grease on their last mission. Plus the fact his burning body wasn't likely a good thing to touch to this surface.
Move action to (try to) move, standard to get back up.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"We're giving you an opportunity to break ties with them, before your alliance starts working to your detriment," Sejiri chips in. "We apologize for our intrusion into your affairs but you will see it to be in your best interests."
Aid:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18This result if Bluff, +4 if Diplomacy, and having edited it, doesn't matter.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
I wasn't planning to lead this discussion, or at least this part of it. Wasn't sure to what extent I can do this Bluff check, as it doesn't seem like one where we outright lie.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri assists in the physical labor, showing he is quite strong for one of his kind. The easy work out of the way, he retrieves his arms and takes up a watch position opposite Kembe.
"This should be optimal," the halfling grins. "We'll be right where we're needed. Norril, do you care who tries talking first? Whoever's quicker to it seems fair."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"By that vein, I think we should leave the front entrance as the unblocked one," Sejiri adds, taking a tanglefoot bag. "That way it'll be easier for the Kortos to enter, and we can remain guarded in case of confusion."
"But we're not sure if the Aspis know about these secret doors. Still makes sense to block them, we have time."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"I assume we're operating within the confines of the law?" Sejiri asks, fervently hoping Delroya rejects Everbloom's offer. "That would greatly help our case."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri quickly downs a serving of trail rations, then is ready to proceed to the warehouse.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri rejects the rum as in as politely firm a way as possible. "It would be a show of good faith to help Delroya out further," he asserts. "More friends on our side are always welcome, and who knows? Maybe she has important information of some sort."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Stealth Aid, ACP:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
"And that is another reason why we joined the Society, to better it. The Silver Crusade works to improve the Pathfinders' image and morals."
"...As we hide an unconscious man. But the good will shine through. Perhaps if we enclosed a letter to get those beggars to identify him? Hopefully they could."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"You know, Kembe, I heard the Shining Crusade has openings, and less moral gray areas," Sejiri mutters, but for all to hear. "I was joking. Even if it's likely true."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"That went about as well as could be reasonably expected," Sejiri sighs. He stows his weapons and looks back to the pallets where the beggars wiled away their time. "He, too, should be delivered to the system. Although it will likely not be as merciful as those Sarenites."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri swings, at a slight disadvantage due to the statue's presence. Fortunately, his zeal easily overcomes the obstacle.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
I guess it's open to interpretation. My view of it has usually been that one's deity sees fit to guide the paladin's weapon, or bless them with a surge of power. The latter seems more feelable, but I enjoy the former.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Huh, I seemed to be under the delusion Two-Weapon Fighting was required for that. And now that I think on it, if I took two move actions, I could draw two items anyway! Chalk it up to temporary insanity.
If Everbloom smashes the bug:
Sejiri hurries forward, slipping over the remains of the beetle to smack Laszo upside the head.
In this case, I'd be moving into the bug's vacant square.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
The halfling sighs heavily as he draws his sap and a shield, nimbly striding down the sewer tunnel towards the threat. While unsure of Lazso's exact moral compass (or lack thereof), he allows the power of Chaldira to flow through his limbs and judge for him.
Move action to move and draw sap, standard to draw shield, swift to use Smite Evil on Laszo. If he isn't evil, it is wasted with no effect.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri looks to be thinking the same thing, but Norril's saying it aloud seals the deal for him. "Anytime you wish to surrender..." he says ruefully to Laszo as he pulls out a sap.
It was good to try, but I figured it would come back to this. Looks as if we have the opportunity for a surprise round, I'll use mine to draw. Anyone else have such actions?
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sense Motive:1d20 ⇒ 11
His rush fading slightly, Sejiri goes to the usual fallback option. "If the soundness of our words does not sway you, perhaps I can offer some gold? A token to prove our worth, I suppose."
Internally, the halfling is already kicking himself, as he tends to when going down this path. He'll probably try to cheat me. I hope someone else can tell.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"The Pathfinder Society is but one of many more benign organizations," Sejiri adds. "You will not want for support, and we can even protect you from your former employers." Even as he speaks, the halfling feels an ecstasy better than that of vanquishing an evil foe. To resolve any conflict, by sword, or, better, by word. To be a paragon of justice, capable of helping and redeeming any who are in need. This is why I took my oaths! This is why I became a paladin!
Diplomacy:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Although his luck probably can't back his internal monologue this time....
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri holds his ground, every nerve in him screaming to pull out his staff or sap and beat this man into the ground. Instead, he sighs. "There is still hope for you," the halfling intones. "Who knows what incredible feats you could accomplish for others? They may not see or fully appreciate what you do for them, but would you rather have the legacy of a simple criminal? You'd be called guilty of many things, but your worst offense would be the squandering of such immense talent."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"They've been addicted to a new drug," Sejiri explains. "We don't know exactly what to do or have the resources to cure them, perhaps you could help? We can pay, if necessary." The halfling produces a few coins, though he hopes the clergy will also exercise their charity.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"I would rather help these poor souls, and yet I'm not sure how much we can," Sejiri mutters. "Anyone have ideas about that?"
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"Of course he has them addicted to his poison," the halfling growls in uncharacteristic anger. "So, shall we wait around here until the rat arrives?"
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"They don't look okay," Sejiri says with concern, hopping the gap and fishing out his waterskin. He offers it to any beggar who seems able to see him, though suspects they would prefer a different drink. Otherwise, he follows his brother and looks around. "That over there, probably the Leper's lab?"
Take 10 on Acrobatics for 12, should be enough for the gap.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"Indeed, to the sewers," Sejiri agrees. "At least this time we can be better prepared for a fight. I don't see Laszo listening to reason."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri shakes his head. "You're welcome to your opinion," he sighs in response to Everbloom.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"I agree, we should leave," Sejiri says uneasily. "Here, I'll grab his shoulders, Brother, can you get his legs? We can get him standing once we're out of Pal's sight."
Once the deed is done and the team is outside, the halfling breathes a colossal sigh of relief. "Sad to say, but that could've gone much worse. And we still have another task to do. But first...." He produces a wand and taps Zev's unconscious form several times.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Will:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Sejiri's serious nature prevails over the enchantment. Seeing Everbloom has the caster of the spell covered, the halfling decides against engaging him (and teaching the kitsune a boring lesson about not shooting to kill) for the time being. Instead, he remains steadfastly glued to the aggressor in front of him.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri opts for his sap instead of the staff as he takes a few whacks at the man. "Leave!"
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
We were supposed to not kill them...I can try, but I doubt we'll be afforded the same mercy. Sejiri springs up and rushes the man in blue, waving his staff about and shouting, "Go away! Go away!"
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"Not quite a pleasure doing business with you, but...we have done business," Sejiri mutters to Pal, as close as he can be to snide. "Once this all blows over, tomato juice is a good way to get the stench out. Or strong alcohol. I'm sure you have that in abundance." With that, the halfling sidles closer to a corner, not outside where the other man is but away from the action.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
A bit alarmed at the proximity, Sejiri grows desperate and slightly snippy. "Another five coins, added on, then. We've played your game, now you can have the courtesy to play ours? We're certainly paying enough."
Diplomacy (Aid?):1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Not sure if my last one was considered an Aid Another, if that was the case I guess this one is too. Unfortunate given those rolls....
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
After seeing Pal notice and watching his allies try to bribe him, Sejiri has a slight internal debate. It is a long and grueling journey at the brisk speed of thought, culminating with, I needn't have a problem with it, we aren't asking anything illegal. Some are persuaded by the chance to do good, others with honeyed words, or coin.
He then takes a moment to speak aloud (albeit quietly) and produces ten more coins. "If that is what you want, so it will be," the halfling sighs. "This is the easiest and most profitable course of action for both of us." In his mind, he reels in slight surprise even as he speaks. Strange. This isn't how I think, in such narrow terms of how much one is being paid. I'm just...dreaming up what he wants to hear and giving it voice. But I did not think my mind worked this way. How am I doing it?
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri copies the move and leans closer. "That man over there, his armor is quite something. I think he is from one of the Consortia." In a more audible voice, he says, "I have always enjoyed bringing the audience in on such entertainment. Perhaps you could pull a trick, or a prank, on someone here? How about that person? I'll make it worth your while, his, too, should he be angry at the effects."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri waits for the others to enter, then follows and hops onto a stool. He orders some water, if there is any; he has plenty but doesn't wish to be rude if he has to ask for anything without paying. "Hello there, Pal. Pray tell, is anyone coming around today? A club meeting, perhaps, or a study group? My friends and I would like to meet some new people on our trip."
Diplomacy:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
When I was thinking of groups (I wanted to provide examples to keep away from talk of secret meetings) I ended up creating PA (Pesh Anonymous) in my head and choking.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
I'd rather that wasn't our first approach, but we shall see :)
"There's an idea," Sejiri responds to Zev. "Could he really create a stink so strong as to close the place? By that vein, perhaps we could stage an infestation!"
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"Well, if there're any important moral decisions I'm missing in this locker, you're welcome to point me to them," Sejiri grins at Zev in response, although he is a bit shaken by the half-elf's perception of him. "Not as much need to be stuffy while we're not in a fight or making tough calls."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Incredibly confused and unable to understand what is being sung, Sejiri remains seated. When bidden to dance, however, the halfling does so. 'No need to bring everyone down, nor is there any reason I need to be a stick in the mud,' he thinks as he stands. 'Besides, it sounds nice, even if I don't know what's being said.' He tries to emulate the moves of his fellows, with a few basic Tien ones thrown in.
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"There isn't a lot to tell," Sejiri mutters. "My village was all but destroyed by some obscure group, razed to the ground. The only ones spared were those who managed to hide, or several of the children, myself included. The latter group was...indoctrinated into the order, brainwashed, I guess, but without magic. And...we did what was asked of us, which was usually the same thing, killing and 'recruitment.' At some point, Kembe found me. Still not quite sure how, aside from the why of his knowing my family. But he made me see reason over teachings. I suppose that's his story to tell, if he so chooses."
It is clear the halfling is uncomfortable with this line of questioning, so he tries to finish his story as quickly as possible. "I seem rather stuffy, I guess. Well, I knew what was to come when I took my oaths, and I did so to make sure these things never happen again. Not to me, nor on my watch. And perhaps I will be able to bring a reckoning to those people next time I visit, stronger than ever."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"It is as my brother says. I thought it wise to leave Tian Xia, after my mind was freed from the teachings of a cruel order, mostly due to Kembe's wisdom. There was no magic involved, merely well-spoken words that prey on the young survivors of otherwise wrecked towns. Here seemed as good a place as any to rid of evil, though on our missions we have yet to do so. Aside from taking a lot of time trying not to break down a door."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
"Certainly I have had to subsist on things not to my greatest liking," Sejiri replies hotly. Though not likely drunk, the whiskey has him confused and shaken. "But wouldn't this stuff be more expensive than simple water? I just don't like it, nor do I need to."
"Look, it does not matter," the halfling adds, looking a bit ashamed at his slight outburst. "Nothing is for everyone. If I had to drink this to survive, I would. Until then, I'll just hope that doesn't come to pass. This needn't be a problem."
Male Halfling Paladin 1 | HP -4/12 | AC 21/15/15 | F +5, R +5, W +3 (-2 vs. fear) | CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +0 | CLW Wand 45/50 | Conditions: Unconscious
Sejiri, a bit apprehensive, goes belowdecks with Kiffin. He is also a bit confused and cautious, but decides to bite the bullet. "It's good to try new things," he says to no one in particular, more to steel himself than explain his actions. He then takes a small sip, swishes it about in his mouth for a moment, and suddenly spits it everywhere.
Following his brother's lead, the halfling takes a few long drags from his waterskin. "Gods above, I was led to believe this was an acquired taste!" he sputters as soon as he regains his speech. "Why would anyone go the lengths required to be used to this? It burns!"
"Sejiri," he introduces himself to Kiffin once he is further recovered. "And I don't think I need to try that again. Hopefully I don't end up drunk, I don't weigh much. Don't we have a mission at hand?"