Magma Dragon

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I have a Sunderer Barbarian at level 6, she just hit 7, and I find myself bored with merely doing damage and finding creative uses for Sunder against the non-humanoid targets we seem to always be fighting; I'm looking to multi-class as we could use some battlefield control. The party consists of a Blaster Sorceror, 2H Fighter in Medium Armor apparently determined to tank, and a Cleric who switched out to a Gunslinger.

My build is as follows:
Race: Kobold
Racial Traits: Dragonmaw, Dayrider , Wild-Forest Kobold
Traits: Dangerously Curious, Berseker of the Society, Adopted: Elven Reflexes
Class: Armored Hulk Barbarian
Base Stats: Str 15 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 12
Feats/Rage Powers:
Power Attack
Lesser Beast Totem
Rage Power: Reckless Abandon
Improved Sunder
Beast Totem

All of the above cannot be changed. My DM is locking me to my choices made after I was forced into this class, which is what's most disheartening and frustrating - this is my first PnP and thus PF game, and he knows that.

Equipment: +1 Adamantine Earthbreaker, 5 Throwing Axes, +2 Stoneplate, +2 Con necklace w/ +2 atk 6 uses/day (DM made this as part of the plot), Belt of Giant's Strength; Very Recent Acquisitions: +2 Int headband, Lesser Belt of Mighty Hurling

I thought an Oracle might be fun despite my 12 CHA. After doing my research into the spell list, mystery options, and Rage Prophet PRC, and even creating prior topics on the matter, not so much anymore.

I'm considering Witch (maybe Hedge Witch?), Wizard (BF control spells, most character-fitting as she was a Magus before the class change), and Alchemist (cognatogen/mutagen, status-inducing bombs, etc.). Swapping out the Stoneplate for a Breastplate and grabbing Arcane Armor Training and later Arcane Armor Mastery would help lower the spell failure chance. I guess I'd consider staying straight Barbarian if it could be made more interesting, but I don't see how. The way my DM plays out enemies, a CAGM build is worthless.

All that said, I just want to find some way to have fun with this. I'm stressed to the point I'm about to quit the group since it's affecting the rest of my life, except they're friends and I do enjoy playing with them apart from this issue. I'd appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you.

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Hello Paizo Advice forums!! Nice to meet you~ I'd like your help, if you're willing.

So, my DM made my life just a little more difficult today~ He ruled that Enforcer would not work as-is with a lethal weapon (the spell is dealing the damage, not the weapon), which outlaws my BlackBlade unless I take the standard -4 penalty.

My question is thus: What seems the best course of action to achieve non-lethal damage on a lethal weapon in order to use the Rime+Frostbite+Enforcer combo to its full potential?

I'm limited to PG I/II, Advanced Series, and Ultimate Series sourcebooks, sadly. That 3rd party feat accomplished my goals perfectly... I am allowed to attempt to make a case for 1st-party feats outside the above scope.

Character: Ayame
Race: Human
Class: Bladebound Hexcrafter Magus Lvl 5

Stat Spread: 18 STR, 16 DEX, 14 CON, 20(+1) INT, 12 WIS, 14 CHA
We went heroic on stat rolls and I got lucky. Racial bonus given to INT because of Hex's DC formula. Considering I'm looking to eventually run Heavy Armor and a Transmog. Build, I may see if my GM won't let me move 2 points from Dex into Con.

Traits: Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp), Reactionary, Student of Philosophy
Drawback: Cruel
Drawback for extra trait plus flavor since there's a fair bit of RPing done, ML on SG instead of FB for versatility. I also don't see where I could gain much from multiple Metamagics that I couldn't use a rod for.

1 - Enforcer, Rime Spell
3 - EWP: Katana
4 - Hex Arcana: Slumber
5 - Craft Wondrous Item, Extra Hex: Flight

Skills: Fly, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Intimidate (+4 roll bonus via crafted item for +14 total to roll; looking to get that roll bonus even higher when I have more gold)

Black Blade Katana, Katana, Sap, Comp. Shortbow +3 (Wondering if it's necessary with Fly but sometimes it's good to keep your distance, yeah?)

She was originally a ninja/magus multi-class char. (hence the name and katana) but I was forced to single-class due to over-complicating things and slowing the game down due to my inexperience. I still liked the ninja feel, and wanted to retain it. I'm considering a dip into CB Sorc later for the Moonlight Stalker tree..

Loot is random to a degree (no paladin loot for instance, since we have none) but it's given to another if it's more useful to someone else. This has left me with a pretty low WBL atm and I've been a little unlucky on loot drops (Nothing overly amazing for any of us, honestly.), so I picked up Craft Wondrous Item to alleviate that. Also, with such a high Spellcraft and a Ring of Sustenance (2/7 days so far..) and eventually a Wand of Rope Trick (or if I can get my Sorcerer to always prepare it..) it will allow me access to useful and appropriate gear with minimal downtime sacrificed.

Proposed Solutions
Weapon Focus and Stage Combatant allow me to get around the aforementioned -4 penalty and use my BlackBlade to deliver Frostbite Intimidates. I'd have to wait a couple more levels (Thanks for the +0 BAB at lvl 1. :< ) or just keep it a "katana" for flavor but effectively a scimitar.. The katana just seems better for a STR build, however.

Not fully obtainable 'til Level 7, when I get the +5 BAB. This also assumes I drop a current feat for Weapon Focus. I'd have to use the Sap til then.

A Merciful weapon, say her back-up Katana, would also allow me to bypass it. However, I don't like the action economy loss of switching/dropping and switching weapons. Teleport Blade doesn't seem worth losing the AP point either - I'd rather use it for Arcane Accuracy (I'll get that at 6) or a similar Arcana.

My intentions were to make the back-up an Adamantite weapon, and add Spell-Storing to it later, but Merciful could work too/in addition. For now, I'd most likely have to use the Sap for my N/L attacks unless I dropped the early extra Hex in favor of the two feats. I've thought about picking up Craft Magic Arms and Armor but that seems like too many craft feats on a non-crafter-themed character. (Arguably, one is too many.)

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, and if you've found another, maybe even better, way to solve my situation. Thanks for reading, and I hope for responses~