
Sean Montgomery 43's page

*Venture-Agent, California—Santa Rosa 15 posts (54 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Liberty's Edge

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Lets all be fair to Paizo people. I myself have $700 tied up in the kick-starter as I bought a set for myself and for my brother as a Christmas present. (I think it is actually more like $750 as I added the big blue dragon with the giant gun on its shoulder as well.)Still, we cant blame Paizo for Ninja Division not delivering what and when they said they would. I have finally received a small box of a few of the minis from Ninja Division and hopefully will get more. After all I spent a lot of money here. Unless I am missing something though, why would Paizo be to blame for this?

Paizo, I do want to say thank you though for having this thread and keeping these frustrating situation in your perview even though I am guessing you have no control over what is happening with Ninja Division. Am I wrong?

I still have to give Paizo credit as a company for the issue with the binding on so many of the core Starfinder books. They took responsibility and replaced them, a move I doubt most companies would be willing to make. A move that I bet caused them to take a hit on the profits from said book. That was huge in my eyes and showed how much they care about the quality of their your products and their relationships with us, the customers.

I hear there will be a new line of Starfinder Mini's coming from Wizkids by 2020 and I am looking forward to that! In the meantime I will try to remain positive and hopeful that Ninja Division is able to come through in the end with all the minis I ordered. Maybe I am too much of an optimist but being pessimistic about it wont change the situation. Blaming Paizo wont change anything either. I am glad there will be a great line of minis coming out in the future, perhaps especially if I never get my Ninja Division minis as what would be the alternative, no minis at all? That's not what I want.

Again thank you Paizo for standing out and making me a believer in your company. I actually have faith that you are doing your best, not for profits above everything but for your pride in your product and satisfaction for your customers. There are not many companies I can say that about (maybe no others). I am sure operating in this fashion also puts you at a disadvantage in competing with companies who value profit above all else, but if you keep it up and you'll have a supporter for life here.

Sean Montgomery

Liberty's Edge

Thursday afternoon, arrival and check-in at hotel.

Friday, May 25
8am: Check out the PFS playtest (and wish we were playing ;)
10:00 - 11:00 AM: Olympic 2 Welcome to PaizoCon
01:00 – 02:00 PM: Olympic 2 Secrets of the Pact Worlds
02:00 – 03:00 PM: Olympic 2 Starfinder Society & Organized Play
03:00 – 04:00 PM: Olympic 2 Starfinder Adventure Path Q&A
07:00 – 11:59 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–09: Live Exploration Extreme!

Saturday, May 26
08:00 – 01:00 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–13: On the Trail of History
01:00 – 05:00 PM: Cascade 6 Into the Perplexity
05:00 – 06:00 PM: Olympic 2 Find Our Path
07:00 – 10:00 PM: Grand Ballroom PaizoCon 2018 Preview Banquet
10:00 – 11:59 PM: Cascade 13 Inspire Courage: Open Bardic Performance

Sunday, May 27
08:00 – 01:00 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–14: Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
01:00 – 02:00 PM: Olympic 3 The Future of Paizo: 2018 and Beyond!
02:00 – 03:00 PM: Olympic 2 Pathfinder Society Q&A
03:00 – 04:00 PM: Olympic 1 Organized Play, Nonprofits, and You
05:00 – 06:00 PM: Olympic 2 Secrets of Golarion
07:00 – 11:59 PM: Grand Ballroom PFS #8-99C: The Solstice Scar (Tier1-2)

Monday, May 28
01:00 – 06:00 AM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–15: Save the Renkrodas
08:00 – 01:00 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–11: The In Pursuit of the Scoured Past (For Levels 3–6)
Also hope to catch the last part of the playtest feedback in olympic 2 from 11-1pm.
Tuesday 8:33 am flight home to SR CA!

Liberty's Edge

Wishing there were more spots for playtesting... As far as I can tell all the spots were by lottery only and I didn't get lucky this time around. I was especially hoping to check out the PFS Playtest...! Will there be any other opportunities to check this one out?
Looking forward to the Con regardless. Wish me luck at my first PaizoCon!

Pathfinder Society Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
Event is full
Max attendees: 6
Current: 6

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Same here, I got an e-mail on 4/4/18 stating there was a change made for Subtier 1-2 the credits earned should be 753 but the change is not actually there... ?

Liberty's Edge

100) Global weather change. The powers that be still claim there is no such thing so they had to hide the planet and any records that could prove otherwise.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Come on, who is with me. You know they are easier to see the table over (in the case of gm screens) and take up less table space (for character sheets).

Let here it for the landscape!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Give me landscaped gm screen and character sheets please!

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, California—Santa Rosa

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Please for the love of all that is holy do NOT go the route of 'Time Units'.

Decluttering the sheets for unique (or out-of-tier) items should be the goal, imo.

I like the idea of actually having to earn access to many items from these chronicle sheets but you would have to vastly reduce access to items in the first place in order to then need to gain access to them. I don't like the current system of having access to everything at a certain go value just by having a certain amount of rp. That being said a small selection of items to unlock via rp would be nice and earning other items would make them feel more special or unique, feel like something earned.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, California—Santa Rosa

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Perry Frix wrote:

If limiting purchases to found items is on the table for discussion, I'd like to mention something from the depths of time that really upped the immersion factor: TIME UNITS.

I assume most of you are in the grognard club, so you know what I'm talking about.

Short version for the uninitiated - if your immersive storyline unfolds over the span of an out-of-game calendar year, PCs shouldn't be able to complete more than an in-game calendar year adventuring.

Traveling around the game world, climbing the highest mountains, and diving the depths of the deepest ocean mean *a lot* more when they cost you your most valuable resource: TIME.

Nooo, please don't take away my record sheets. I would love for them to be better, tracking real experience points, give actual access to items instead of listing a bunch of items I can already buy, I love the idea of earning access instead of crossing off missed access, sounds cleaner overall. Someone else brought up Time Units, maybe not a bad idea either. It would also be nice to have a summary of important info or NPc's to help remember the mod between play sessions.

just some quick thoughts, but please don't take away the adventure tracking!

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, California—Santa Rosa

Personally I would rather track experience than gain a level after three experience. I don't think the math is that hard and I remember it feeling far more compelling tracking actual experience points in the old Living Greyhawk campaign. Perhaps then we could have magic item creation as well. Maybe no one else feels this way as per the above posts no likes to count above 3 (especially for a low tier mod). ;).

Show some love for real xp. It also tend d to make you play more mods as you advanced in order to gain levels.

I'm on a tablet so I'm not gonna put that last sentence where it should be.
Hazah for experience points!

Liberty's Edge

Just gaming the other night my gm was wishin for a landscaped screen, and I couldn't agree more. I feeel like it enables you to see so much more of t=your players and the battle matt. The portrait style screen is just so tall! It really feels like it cuts you off more from the gm/players (whatever side of the screen you are on.)

Come on PAIZO, any plans!?! Don't tell me WotC was able to copyright the landscape thing, but if not what arn't we getting our landscape screen?

(Now I just need to convince everyone of the benefits of the landscape character sheets!)

Liberty's Edge

Oops, thanks i missed that in walk the void!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So right now this only applies to one skill, but do Mystic gain their associated skill from their connections as class skills? At the moment it looks like all the associated skills are pretty much already class skills, though I assume this will not always be true as more content is released and would love clarification on this now. Thanks for any help or insight.

Liberty's Edge

Let get out of here before Guy dies!

Liberty's Edge

Damn, too late to order this now? It says unavailable, :(