Sean D.'s page

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Thanks for the input everyone. Appreciate all the help and I'll definitely have a close look at the guide before getting started.


I've recently acquired a copy of the PF Core Rules and Bestiary and,reading through the rulebook have found the rules to be fairly straight forward (and quite comparable to DND 4E). So, I reckon the easiest way for me to get into this system will be to dive right in and GM a game, for which I've also purchased a hardbacked copy of the Crypt of the Everflame module.

How do I therefore go about registering as a PFS GM and set up a new game to invite players to and ultimately award XP? If it's of any consequence, I intend to run this module over Roll20.

Beyond the Core Rulebook, is there anything I would need as someone new to Pathfinder looking to run an introductory-level Pathfinder Society-sanctioned module for a group of online players?