Scryme's page

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Captain Morgan wrote:
I think there's also a fighter feat that lets you not provoke with ranged attacks.

Interesting, i didn't see it there.

I was looking for it under Ranger.

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Just started learning the 2e rules, and I have some questions around Ranged combat.

1) Is there no Ranged into Melee penalty anymore? I only see penalties that would apply to cover for not having a clear shot.

2) With the removal of most attacks of opportunity, is there no penalty for using ranged weapons in melee? I don't see a point blank shot feat anymore ..

The description of the Pulsecaster Pistol is:

"A smaller version of an arc pistol, the pulsecaster sends a low-energy blast at its target. This blast stuns the target without dealing serious damage."

There is no crit listed in the table for it.

If you hit a target with the Pulsecaster Pistol, will they gain the Stun Condition?

If Yes, how long is the target stunned for? The stun condition and weapon description don't offer guidance.


To ask this question another way:

Why would anyone use the "Fly" action instead of the "Maneuver" action. There doesn't seem to be a penalty for a missed DC check. So if you fail it just reverts back to being a normal "Fly" action.

If the check is made up front, there should be a penalty of some sort. It would actually make more sense to make the check at each point you want to turn.