Old Marm

Scribe Gossett's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Excellent! Thank you both very much!

Grand Lodge

Ah. If that's the only problem piece, can we split the order so that the rest of it ships?

Grand Lodge

So, I noticed that my order says "Product(s) not in stock". I did a little bit of checking, and everything seems to be available. Which product is out of stock?

Grand Lodge

Excellent! Thank you so much! I have to admit, I was starting to get a little worried.

Grand Lodge

Have the shirts even arrived at your location?

Grand Lodge

It’s me again. I received my mini’s early last month, but I have yet to see my shirts. I believe we’ve reached the 45 days for estimated delivery time, just. Can I get an estimation, or a tracking number, please?

Grand Lodge

Excellent! Thank you very much!

Grand Lodge

Aha. I hadn’t realized the time frame for the shirts was so different. Yes, if you could please split the order.

Grand Lodge

I don’t mean to pester, but I made this order on January 26, and as of today it’s still denoted as “Pending”. I understand, being as some of the items in the order are provided by other companies (i.e. shirts), that these things take time, but I’m starting to get a bit impatient. Everything in the order shows up as still in stock on your site. What’s going on? Has it shipped? Am I going to get to see my package soon?

(Also, when I sent an email to the Customer Service addressed listed in the FAQ, I received a delivery failure notice.)