Scionfall's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hey all,

So I'm new to the PathFinder game and played my first game at U-Con today :D.

It was a lot of fun and am excited to get more into it. At the end of the game, the GM gave me a sheet showing that I've gained an experience point, 500 gold, and 2 prestige points. However, I'm not sure where or how to add this to my account/characters. As I'm new I haven't created any characters yet but want to make sure this information is added before I do create a character. Also, I did not create one but instead used a pre-gen character they had available at the con.

Any info on how to proceed/what to do next would be greatly appreciated.

