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39 posts (43 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


So is there a standard format for attacks? Shold there not be an 'OR' between the listed attacks? I know for other creatures with multiple attacks listed with just a comma between, they get all of these attacks in a full round?

I thought I understood this one - but I am running THe Dragon's Demand and Kanjougas has this listed in his stat block under offense"

Melee flurry of blows +17/+17/+12 (1d8+9), +1 slam +18(1d8+9 plus mummy rot)

Now my understanding is that creatures attacks as listed with either a comma or the word AND means as part of a full round they get all of the listed attacks at the listed attack bonus

I am pretty sure that Kanjougas only gets either his flurry of blows or his slam? Is there any clear \standard for how multiple attacks like this should be read in the stat block or is this one a unique case?

On another note - what does the '+1' in front of slam indicate given the attack is at +18??

The wording of this spell confuses ma a little - I would appreciate any clarification.

Can you cast a beam in the first round you cast the spell - or do you have to cast the spell and use your standard action - and then only in subsequent rounds you can cast the beam?

If my caster level allows me 3 rounds - can I only cast one beam per round during the duration of the spell? Or can I let fly with 3 beams at once?

Does the blindness end when I cast the last beam because the spell ends? Or is it permanent?

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Thankyou for the well thought out replies - I totally agree with your interpretation to be honest, and this is how I play it.

But I have read a multitude of threads that referr to 'grab damage' and insist that 'Grab' has a damage component on top of the normal 'Damage Action' to maintain the grapple - all due to that confusing sentence in the grab ability:

"If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold."

This 'automatically' seems to be interpreted as additional damage to the normal damage action.

Some even take it further and interpret the next sentence to mean that all 3 apply in one round:

"Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well"

Here is one such thread:

I have found at least a dozen more over the last few days where 'grab damage' is referred to - and many instances of GM's that allow all 3 in a round of combat.

The reason I am trying to nail this down is that I am writing an article for our website attempting to explain all of the Grapple Rules for Pathfinder in a way that new Players/GM's can understand and confidently play - so I am really trying to get it right!

Thanks again

So no one wants to weigh in on the finer points of grapple>grab>constrict?

Maybe I should have named the thread more appropriately :-)

Or maybe this discussion has just been done to death and everyone is sick of it - I have found a number of posts but cant seem to find any definitive answer.

Thanks for the reply - now that I think about it 1) was a bit of a obvious one - I wasn't thinking straight.

Regarding 2) - I feel like there are some more complex parts of the rules (If I am interpreting them correctly) that might make not constricting more meaningful.

From what I understand - a creature with grab and constrict can do 3 types of damage as part of the grapple.

A) Normal Damage as part of the standard action to maintain the grapple
B) Grab Damage (automatic damage that applies as part of the successful grapple check)
C) Constrict Damage (applies if the controlling grappler chooses to 'constrict')

I initially thought A) and B) were the same thing - although opinions on this are varied and I can find no conclusive answer. My initial interpretation was that Grab was not meant to be an ability that triggered 'damage' - but just a free grapple combat maneuver, after which A) and C) are the mechanisms through which damage is applied. From what I read here I am wrong on this though - and it is generally accepted that B) stacks on top of A).

Grab is written a bit poorly and could be interpreted either way - but my understanding is that if you constrict then the B) does not apply - although the wording "Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well" is quite ambiguous and I can see how it could be interpreted as both B) and C) applying.

The Constrict rules seem to align with an interpretation that Constrict damage applies as well as normal Damage done as part of the successful check to maintain the grapple.

I guess coming back to my original point - it seems not using C) means B) does apply automatically - so you would not really be holding back on any damage? Why would you do it?

The more I try and get my head around this - the more it feels like Constrict is pointless if my interpretation of the rules are correct. I feel that for the Constrict ability to make any sense at all either:

- All 3 types of damage should apply in one round; Or

- RAI never meant to give 'Grab' its own damage ability, but was just rehashing the standard Grapple rules in this section "If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold"

Two questions here:

1) I know as part of the standard action to maintain a grapple you can move half your speed. But this is just the standard action for this round - can you still utilise your move action for anything in this round - because you have technically already 'moved' even if it was with your standard action I would assume you cannot?

2) The wording of grab and constrict suggest a creature might choose not to constrict. I am just trying to get my head around why you would make this choice? What is the benefit of not constricting?

Thanks as always!

Another thing I have noticed is sometimes spells that have a saving throw - don't have the DC listed next to them in Stat Blocks.

Are they supposed to be there? Is this an error?

For Example in RotRL Anniversary Edition - Barl Breakbones has spells like Fireball and Ray of Exhaustion that dont have save DC listed.

It gets time consuming to have to figure them all out - especially when different feats effect them etc.

I think you are right - I am used to most creatures I have played having spell like abilities with the 'x/per day' listed before them.

Now that my first campaign is getting higher level - I am starting to see a few more complex creatures I have to play :-)

Can I clarify - if a spell listed in a stat block has a number in brackets afterwards, does this indicate the number of creatures they can effect at once.

For Example:
- ray of enfeeblement (DC 16, 2)
- vampiric touch (2)
- blindness/deafness (DC 17, 2)

From looking at the spell entries in the rulebook these spells dont seem to indicate they can effect multiple enemies?

I am sure I am missing something simple here?

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The spell says "After it delivers a spell, or if it goes beyond the spell range or goes out of your sight, the hand returns to you and hovers."

Does it 'fly back to you'? This would imply it leaves the threatened square it delivered the touch attack from and invokes an AOO? Or should I assume it just teleports back or something?


So does Barl take a -2 on fly checks due to being size Large? This makes sense if he were using wings - it makes no sense to me that the size of a creature would effect its flight if it were using magic or a supernatural ability.

Actually a lot of the fly skill rules seem to be written for winged creatures - why would a creature flying using the 'fly spell' need to make a DC15 flight check to 'Hover' - the fly spell says "Using a fly spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally" - yet a DC15 flight check to hover seems to imply this is not the case - you dont have to make a DC15 'Walk' check at the end of your turn to remain standing....

The 'Fly Skill' also says "Creatures with a fly speed treat the Fly skill as a class skill"

So given that the Fly Spell gives the subject a fly speed while subject to the spell - would they get the +3 bonus of it being a class skill?

Thanks for the reply! I misread the 'false life' spell as an extra d20 per caster level :-) I thought it seemed way overpowered!

Hi All,

I am prepping to run the Clanhold dungeon this week for my group (Anniversary Edition) and I am hoping for some help with a couple of questions.

1) In general - are spells or tactics listed in 'Before Combat' already incorporated into the Stat Blocks? I have generally assumed they are - and removed them if my Players managed to catch them unaware.

2) Lamarter Bayden's (pg 178) energy drain doesn't list the number of levels? Am I meant to be able to derive this somehow or was it just forgotten?

3) Barl Breakbones tactics specify he casts Fly if he has the chance (on himself I assume). But he has no fly skill listed? So what do I use for any fly checks he needs to make?

4) Does Barl's HP of 152 include his activation of his Sihedron Medallion's false life? I assume no - and he gets an additional 8d10 temporary HP once activated?

Edited to remove stupid question :-)

Thanks for any help in advance!

So bottom line - regardless of the inconsistencies - the Eildon functions same as Bestiary 4, which is suspected to be incorrect?

Doesn't make sense - might make a house rule on this one

Digging up an old thread here - but does anyone know if the same applies to a Summoners Eildon with the Grab evolution?

In APG it says "This ability only works on creatures of a size one category smaller than the eidolon or smaller"

I am wondering if this should be corrected to reflect the universal monster rules and grab?

Thanks for the great suggestions!

I like the idea of a flight check combined with any stealth checks! I know he wont really be in a position to stealth - but when my players are moving in an area - say an adjacent room - and decide to move quietly - I have them roll stealth against the creatures in the adjacent rooms perception for hearing them - is this not the way I should be playing this?

I chatted with my player and he decided to make him medium size again with magical flight and take the the evolution surge, greater spell - so he can make him large with the spell for brief periods if required.

The Summoner in my group just hit level 10 and evolved his Eildon to be sized Large, have two heads (one with 15 foot reach) and also have winged flight.

I am concerned in any indoor dungeons he is going to take up half the map and block the rest of the PC's from combat more often than not... and also having different attacks with different reaches will make things a bit of a nightmare... but that aside - any ideas on how I can deal with this would be appreciated.

My main question though - I cant find anywhere if there is a modifier for perception and stealth for a winged creature? He flys all the time - but previously his Eildon had magical flight - so it wasn't an issue.

I can just imagine - in a 20x20 foot room - a large winged serpent taking up 25% of the space in the room - flapping his wings to hover would make so much noise and distraction - air would be gusting out with every flap, blowing things around the room etc etc.

I am really trying to hold my group off on our VTT decision - I want to give this a go. But it feels like its been a year now.

Im going to have to go with something else soon - which I really dont want to do.

This really is a sales channel for Paizo - I hope we see some reliable dates soon - I want to support this - but week to week im still running a game and spending so much time getting your content into it inefficiently!

Get this working and take my money for digital assets please!!!

I cant find it in pfsrd? I am looking in the conditions section

Thanks again!

Thanks for the confirmation!

The AoE still hits them as normal though right?

Last night a Summoner 'summoned; a Ankylosaurus, and it hit another creature which had to make a DC 23 save or be 'stunned'

The stat block does not list the type of save - I assumed it to be a fort save, but I was wondering if there is somewhere in the rules where the type of save for certain conditions is specified?

Some players argued it should be a reflex save (because they suspected it would have failed the reflex save....). I would like to confirm to my players with reference to a section of the rules that this should have been a Fort save.


Last night in my game the Summoner cast Greater Invisibility on himself, and took damage from an area of effect spell while invisible.

I assume the partial concealment doesnt apply to the spell damage - but my question is - does taking damage end the invisibility? I know attacking while invisible does unless you use 'greater' invisibility - I just cant find anywhere in the rules that mentions taking damage while invisible?

Ahh yes you make sense - just had to get it straight in my head.

I always like to not just quote a rule to my players but to explain why it makes sense and put it in context :-) Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

Hi all,

Intuitively I would think that if a caster is concentrating on a full round or multiple round spell - they would be denied their Dex bonus to AC.

I cant seem to find mention of this anywhere in the rules? Does this make sense that Casters get their full Dex to AC while concentrating? Am I missing some mechanic here that makes this make more sense?


I am sure this has been answered - but I cant seem to find it anywhere.

The example I am looking at is confusion - which allows a Will negated saving throw. The effect lasts 1 round per caster level (8 rounds in my example).

My question is - do they get a saving throw each round or just when the spell is first cast?


Thanks for the replies this makes more sense now. I misread that you lose the move action only when going through. Thanks!

Raw says re difficult terrain: While you are using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any).

That was the source of my confusion re flat footed and this skill. Sounds to me like movement over difficult terrain causes this.

Hi I have looked at the FAQ n this and still am a little unclear:

- Does any movement with Acrobatics make you flat footed? Or just moving over difficult surfaces? Main question here is are you flat footed when using acrobatics to avoid AOO passing through a threatened square - because that doesn't seem intuitive to me.

- What exactly does 'lose the move action' mean? If I moved 10 feet before entering a threatened square and fail the acrobatics check, I assume I just stop where I am - so don't lose my 'entire' move action?

- What if the attack of opportunity misses - do I still lose the move action?

- Is it only moving through threatened squares that are at half speed? Or the entire move action? Logically it would only be threatened squares to me?

- If I succeed acrobatics to avoid AOO - does that burn that enemies one AOO for the round (assuming no combat reflexes) - or does acrobatics deny them the chance for an AOO altogether? Given that an AOO can still miss and has to be resolved against your AC - I would think that they do not make the AOO at all?

- If I am moving through an enemies square in say a 5 foot wide corridor for example - Do I have to also make a normal acrobatics check to enter his square from the threatened square, then another check at +5 to pass through his square, then another check to leave the threatened square behind him? Is this last check at +2DC - because technically it is the 'same opponent', even though I am avoiding him a 2nd time?

Hope that these questions make sense and some wise person can help answer them for me :-)

Thank you - that is very helpful. It is as I suspected but I was unsure so it is good to have someone so knowledgeable confirm :-)

I might ignore the mechanics and let her have the 6 attacks just to buff her damage a bit - as I allowed my PC's advanced races so I need to buff things a bit for them.

Do her stats include the false life from activating the Sihedron medallion - I assume not and I have to add this in the first round of combat?

Hi There,

I am currently running the Anniversary edition and am preparing for the Lucrecia encounter in about 3 sessions time. I have a couple of questions - this is my first time GM'ing so be nice :-)

I noticed she has a touch attack listed as: 'touch +14 (1d4 Wisdom drain+10)'

I assume this is just a standard touch attack ignoring Armor, and 1d4 Wis drain - no problem I get that. But what is the +10?

I am also a bit confused as to how Lucrecia can attack with two weapons with what appears no penalties to the offhand and still have 3 attacks with each dagger?

If she moves and makes a standard attack does she still get an attack with each dagger or does the multiple attack rule apply to two weapon fighting and she just gets one attack?

I know she doesnt have sneak attack - but if she did would it apply to each of the 6 attacks that hit?

A few questions there - appreciate any help :-)

I think when you get shipped outside of Metro Sydney (Australia) that is where the problems occur. And the white sleeves are not as good as a box as far as protecting the content - a stiff piece of cardboard slightly bigger than the book inserted in the package would probably help a lot - but that adds weight and cost to the shipping.

My friends who receive there shipments at their work addresses in the city have no problems. I am guessing anything that goes outside of metro Sydney goes through a distribution centre with very poor handling practices. My solution will be to order everything to my work address in the future.

One suggestion - if Paizo offered a shipping option which cost a few bucks more and upgraded the packaging (not the shipping method) I would pay this - just throwing it out there.

Either way - the fault lies with cr@ppy Australia Post as far as I can tell.. and they unfortunately largely have a monopoly here.

Joana - I like your idea... I wonder if my Wife will buy this... I HAVE to order more than one book a month so that I get better packaging :)

I know the packaging you referr to - this was what my friends always got their stuff in - and that is because they always buy multiple items... I will just have to do the same eh :-)

Sara - I think I have been unreasonable and would like to apologise. It is clear to me that the item left your end in good condition, and this is a fault with our postal service here in the Blue Mountains according to a number of my neighbours.

It seems if the damage had been significant to the point the item was not usable you probably would have replaced - even though it was not your fault.

Thank you for your prompt reply's and good service. I will resubscribe and ship to my work address in the future which should decrease the chance of items being damaged significantly.

Thank-you and once again I apologise for unreasonably wasting your time

Thanks Steve - appreciate the feedback - I probably shoul not have said 'mint' haha

Basically I just didn't like the spine crushed - as it looks cr@p on the shelf. I know the pages may get a little dog eared with use.

Oh well - you are right if the order in transit arrives ok I can always resubscribe.

Thank you Anguish - maybe I am overreacting and should give them Paizo another chance. It was just a frustrating experience for my very first order.

Although now it seems my subscription has just been cancelled for some reason? Maybe Paizo took my complaint as a request to cancel or have just decided I am too difficult a customer. Sigh.

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Hi All,

Just wanted to share my experience here. Having spoken to friends who deal with Paizo I was very surprised to have a negative experience and hope it is an exception.

After being very impressed with pathfinder products I decided to support the publisher and subscribe to Adventure Path direct rather than buy from Amazon. From what frieds told me Paizo would cost a little more but they package their product better and their customer service was superior.

Anyway - my first subscription edition arrived. It was packaged in a cardboard sleeve - which I was surprised at given what my friends had said about better packaging than Amazon. The corners were crushed and the corner/spine of the book was damaged. Small damage - but as a collector of mint editions not what I had paid for.

My basic benchmark for asking for a replacement is 'would I buy this off the shelf in a retail store' - and the answer in this case is 'No'

So I sent a photo to Paizo customer support - and was essentially told I should expect some small damage and they would not replace this. Wow - Amazon would replace this no problem and have in the past.

I am very dissapointed. I just ordered a heap more from Paizo too at significant expense and its too late to cancel. This is a real shame and not what I expected from this company - and from what I read in the forums not what others have experienced?

Anyway - something to consider for anyone considering subscribing. Maybe living in Australia the postage system here is the cause?

Wow thanks for all the replies - so in short it seems it is high - but not insanely high :-)

Is it just me or does 6d8 Negative Energy seem a bit high for a CR8 monster?

Am I missing something here?

Full Name

Justin Buell


