
Saurstalk's page

Organized Play Member. 1,553 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

Liberty's Edge

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Conversion hasn't been too hard for me. Traps, hazards, and skill challenges are pretty much 1:1. (Just may need to identify the appropriate skill.) As for monsters and NPCs, I found a wealth of replacements just by scavenging older products. As for magic items, if it's not a standard magic item, I just find an alternative item. Again, there are a wealth of items - be it in Pathfinder or even 3.5E.

Liberty's Edge

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the nerve-eater of Zur-en-Aarh wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I can't deny that the art for the hobgoblins is among my least favorite ones, especially since their illustrations in the Monster Codex and the Ironfang Invasion AP. I have nothing against their new head shape or their elongated arms - they are actually more fearsome in this way - but they do feel as smaller than they have always been.
I still don't like gangly hobgoblins, because if they're going to be the organised legions rather than the barbarian hordes, the more solid squat look of the PF1 hobgoblin is a lot more convincing to me as holding the line in a shieldwall.

I agree. I plan on sticking to older renditions of hobgoblins and bugbears.

Liberty's Edge

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Gisher wrote:
Ayronis wrote:
My PDF order has been stuck on "Pending" and "not available" since 10am this morning, but the CRB came through just fine. Is there something up with the Bestiary file or is it me?
FWIW, I was able to purchase and download it a few hours ago.

Interesting, because I purchased my .pdf this morning, too, and it still says it's not available.

Liberty's Edge

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Brother Fen wrote:

I'm out.

Starfinder wasn't backwards compatible so this version won't be either, thus invalidating a shelf of Pathfinder books.

Not what I wanted. I won't be a part of it.

Not to be terribly off topic, but I agree. While I'm still giving Starfinder a chance, I'm still turned off on how far it has deviated from PRPG.

For me, one of the appeals of PRPG was its "shift" from 3.5 without completely rejecting the old system. For some people, investing in a whole new glut of gaming system source materials in order to keep up with the changes isn't a big issue. It will be for me. That is, unless the system is clearly better than the old system.

At this point, I'm seeing more "different" than "better."

Liberty's Edge

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So, basically, we have two dump feats that we can replace, or alternatively, dump the arcane armor mastery, replace it with armor proficiency (light), and give him armor. To do it that way would free up a spell instead of the mage armor he casts.

Liberty's Edge

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Morgen wrote:

Why would they have infinite durations?

Items have caster levels that determine things like "range or other level-dependent aspects of the powers of the item." That is very clearly stated in the magic items chapter.

So Ring of Invisibility last for 3 minutes. Hat of Disguise for 10 minutes. Boots of Levitation for 3 minutes too.

Nothing in their descriptions says anything about them lasting forever. Nothing even suggest that.

I'm with Morgen on this ... partially. I agree that they last as long as the duration of the spell, but also read that the wondrous item is a at will or on command item. So, you could conceivably keep them acting unlimited so long as you continue to reactivate the spell for it expires.

Liberty's Edge

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Hi all,

I've lived in Santa Fe for a year and I've yet to break the surface of the gaming community here. I'm looking for an adult gaming group and am willing to DM or play. Given my work schedule and kids, we're talking about 2x a month (on the weekends).


Liberty's Edge

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Just purchased the .pdf yesterday to replace my Psionics Unleashed and Psionics Expanded tomes. A great updated compilation I might add. However, one thing is sorely missing: an index. That tends to be one of the first places I go to look up particular subject matter and yet no index exists. I would welcome Dreamscarred Press to amend its .pdf copy to include an index. (It need not even be cite-linked.) Please. And Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

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Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

I guess the main thing driving the potential development of this is demand for the product.

I personally loved Gamma World, but have to wonder how much of a cash generator it was for tsr.....

(I realize that this might not be a 100% Gamma World analogue, but I do believe the potential for comparison is there).

The "straight fantasy DnD stuff" seemed to appeal to a much wider audience,........

I've had this thought, too. Here is a suggestion that I made on another thread regarding a Pathfinder Modern campaign:

Use a Chronicles or Campaign Setting edition as a spring board/tantalizer. For example, with Numeria or Brevoy, develop some information regarding archetypes, weapons, technologies and the like that could exist in Golarion, but may also lend to other campaign settings. Shoot, even a few pages that address other campaign settings and perhaps even a new base class, like a Tech, would be interesting. Not as much investment in a Chronicles or Campaign Setting investment, and a way to test the waters, too.

Liberty's Edge

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In a campaign I ran years back, an erinyes and succubus allied whilst in the midst of the Blood War and fled the battleground through a planar rift for Waterdeep. They opened up a brothel and spent so much time hiding from their masters and behaving in civilized manners that eventually both their evil alignments toned down to neutral.

While motivation based on self-preservation isn't the same as motivation based on atonement or self-actualization, behavior therapy also teaches that who we are is defined by what we do. So, I'd say a motive of being good, other than for the sake of being good, can still lead to goodness.

Liberty's Edge

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Derek Vande Brake wrote:
For a game like this? You should totally call this world Earth... maybe even set it in the modern day.

What a brilliant idea. With D20 Modern, you have easy access to NPCs to drag and drop into a modern setting (perhaps at a CR-1). You can even use non-magic classes in Pathfinder to blend. Throw in Asmodeus and some mysticism and you have a "save the world" situation on your hand - from Golarion with love ... or play a modern character who gets a serious eye opener.

Liberty's Edge

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Ah. Must have been a blonde moment .. or at least a blonde last few days! Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

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Inquisitor is likely your best bet, unless your DM allows you to "house rule" a LN paladin. (Perhaps a follower of Pharasma?) But even there - you'd likely have to decide on good v. evil paths, much like neutral clerics.

Liberty's Edge

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My question is - at what point do people simply tire of buying game upgrades and supplements. It seems like 5E just came about too fast to bring on consumer fervor. (That said, I hope Paizo isn't planning a Pathfinder 1.5 anytime in the foreseeable future!)

Liberty's Edge

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Darkvision. See in the dark, ignoring concealment and total concealment due to darkness. Darkvision is black and white only. No distance limitation.

Low-light vision. See without penalty in shadowy illumination, ignoring concealment (but not total concealment) due to darkness. Distinguish colors and details under these conditions. No distance limitation.

The big thing for me is that, in the underdark, distance limitations are rarely imposed as you wind through the tunnels beneath the ground . . . that is, until you reach that giant underground city of the grimlocks. Breath-taking . . . if you can see it.