Hi guys, and Happy New Year (I'm a bit late, but whatevs)!
I haven't played Pathfinder (Society) since before Christmas, but I'm excited to get back into the New Year with a new character, and I was hoping for some advice.
I'm trying to play a very, very, very tanky character (thus, the title of this thread), and help out some more squishy friends and teammates. The goal for the character is to be very defense oriented, with plenty of armor and health. I also want the character to draw lots of focus from the enemy, to help draw focus off of my comrades. Lastly, I want to be able to buff allies just a little, so that they can survive long enough for me to get to them and tank. This isn't essential, but it would be good.
I have a couple of ideas: A sword and board fighter, a paladin with some tanky archetype (there are a couple of them), or an inquisitor (though I've heard that they aren't the best sword/board users). War Priest also works, but I"m not so sure how much I really like it, considering it doesn't even have full BAB, and while damage isn't my focus, it's not like I'm completely dumping it.
So what do people think? Are there things I should try out, or things people have tried in the past that might work for me. Please keep in mind that I will probably be playing a Half-Orc (or human if I absolutely have to), and that I"m playing PFS. Thanks guys, I appreciate it in advance.
So, I would really like to make my cavalier into a mammoth rider around 9th level, and I can do it, but I have to know first:
Is the Mammoth Rider even viable in PFS? Will I be able to use my mount in most scenarios, or will I have to leave him/her outside during the majority of them? Is it even worth it in the first place?
I have recently come back to the society after a little bit of mate'nity leave. I've decided to try and find all of the membe's of the village I used to live in before they we'e slaughte'ed and takin' as slaves. I managed to find a few of 'em, and most of them tu'ned out okay.
Howeve', I was shocked to discove' that one of my distant cousins was taken as a slave, and is now in the possession of anothe' Society membe'. I couldn't even believe that someone I thought to be an ally would do such a heinous crime. He's kind to her, yeah, and he's teachin' her the ways of adventuren', but she's still his slave.
I say we find a way to illegalize slavery in Absalom, and within the Society. You wanna talk about rootin' out the corruption within the Andoran? How about the corruption in the society we're apa't of! Fight fo' freedom! Fight fo' a bette' society!
Illegalize it!!!
I mostly play animal classes, so I decided to pick up the Animal Archive. Great book, full of all sorts of fantastic stuff. I have one question though, as a Cavalier:
Is there a place where the Beast Master Cavalier Archetype from UC got an expanded list of mount choices? There were a couple in there, like the Llama, that seemed like they would be perfect mounts, but it never gave a specific list. Does anyone know if the list has been updated since this, and other recent material (such as new bestiaries), has been released?
It's not the most optimized, but I think a Llama mount would be hilarious, especially with a circlet of speech, and I was wondering if such a beautiful thing was possible. I play mostly PFS, so that's also a factor. Thanks everyone!
I'm building a Story Summoner from the Harrow Handbook, and at level 8 you get an ability called "Evolve Base Form"
This ability allows you to change your eidolon's base form every time you level up, but how exactly does that work?
Does it change which evolution you have, because you're getting a different base form and therefore different starting evolution? Do your stats change? How in the world does this ability work?
So, I'm building a summoner, and I have a couple great concepts in my head, but I need some advice as to which you guys think is the best. I'm excited to play any of them, so I just want your own opinions. I have three ideas:
1. A younger guy who spent the majority of his life trying to become a wizard, but a lab mistake while making a golem gets him a rather rambunctious and chaotic eidilon who is always setting of the summoners OCD and generally being a prankster. The eidilon would be played by a really funny muppet that I have, so think it could be a memorable character.
2. A young girl (only about 10-ish) lost someone close to her when she was a toddler, and the gruesome vision haunts her memories. As such, she has trust issues, and rarely speaks. Her eidilon is a teddy bear that she carries around, and transforms when she wants him to. His name is Mr. Teddy Pennysworth, and his entire purpose is to protect the little girl he loves. This is probably one of my favorite ideas, with a little girl and giant teddybear with a big sword.
3. A very disturbed girl, probably half drow, who's very gothic and quiet. Her eidilon is a black, thin, apparition that looks like the grim reaper and carries a scythe. Massive intimidate scores, very dark concept. I don't know how well this gritty character will fit in to my group, but hey, could be fun.
So what do you think? Which concept is your favorite, and how would you execute it? If you have any other neat concepts you wanna share, that's fine too. I especially would appreciate some Panda feedback, considering it's you guys who will be playing with the character. Thanks all!
So, me and my friend are playing PFS together, and we want to play characters that go together. He wants to play an Arcanist, possibly a blackblade. I will pretty much play anything other than a sorcerer, because I don't really like that play style (though Oracle is okay). He can play something else, but he really likes Arcanist. What pairs well with that, both thematically and power-wise? Thanks.
So, I'm the writer and illustrator for a little-known comic known (or more, unknown) as "The Adventurers of Linrya (working title)", and some of the other people who also work on it might be joining me for next weeks game (it'll be on the 3rd), and I thought it'd be fun if we all made pathfinder characters based on some of the characters in the book. It works well, because a lot of the systems and "classes" (literally; it's a high school) are based on Pathfinder systems and all the characters in the book are based on all my friends.
I'm trying to build a character based off of myself, and I need a little help. The character was originally described as a witch in the first edition, but I might change it to shaman. I don't know what to do, and I wish I could show you guys the comic, but I can't officially release it without the producer's permission.
The character is like this: He has a familiar (who's soul is bound to a book, because it died young and his mother took pity on it) which he uses to get his spells. His mom was a witch who fell in love with an orc while they were both on the run from the empire, but she was killed, and re-married in the afterlife, so the character has a ghost step family. His mom was something like his patron, but she could also be a spirit. He lives in the Imperial City of Linrya, where he attends a special academy for adventurers. He's always thumbing to the law and the clergy, but is under constant threat of arrest and execution.
So what do you think? Witch, or Shaman? I CAN'T DECIDE!!!
Like the title says, I'm trying to find a good use for a shaman. Specifically there usefulness over a Witch. I don't really get their roles in and out of combat, so if someone could enlighten me, that'd be great.
I love having a companion, and druids do that for a living really. So I looked into the Treesinger Druid, an Archetype available to Elves. Looking at the different abilities, they seemed pretty weak, which confused me. There has to be a good side to the bad points of the class.
So I ask of the community; is the Treesing Druid any good? Or should I just play a normal druid?
So, while this comes up a lot in the Boon Trading Thread, but I wanted a specific thread for it. This will be a thread for everyone to trade their boons for odd little things like minis, books, paizo products, or other weird stuff (such as Pokemon). Whether you have no interest in the boons you've acquired or don't have any to offer, this is the place to trade.
Anyway, good luck in your trades!
If you could play any race in PFS, what would it be?
I, personally, would play Svifneblin, because it would make an AWESOME shaman, and I think that'd be fun.
Hey guys. With all the excitement of the ACG, I was thinking this forum could be a receptacle for all your PFS-friendly build/usage ideas for the new Hybrid Classes. Have Fun Guys! Can't wait to see what people come up with.
Real quick, should I pick up Skald's Vigor or Recovered Rage at level 1? I already get Extra Performance, so what should I do?
Just in case you don't get the reference, the title of this song IS a modified song lyric. It's a weirdly obscure reference, so I thought I'd let people know.
Anyway, I'm trying to build a Skald (as well as some other things, but that's besides the point), and I desperately want to be a dwarf, because it'd be thematic, but the stat layout is really bad for them, as they get a penalty to Charisma.
Does anyone know a way to help my Skald have balanced skills while still being a dwarf? Thanks!!!
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I'm putting together a Hunter guide. It's WAY away from being complete, but advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Here it is!
So, I'm building a Verminous Hunter, and I'm getting a Giant Wasp as a companion (but I'm saying it's a Giant Bumble Bee, because I hate wasps). As a gnome, I should be able to ride it, but what does that take?
Do I have to teach it a bunch of tricks or something? Because I really want to be able to fly at level one, and a lot of people have said that I can, but I don't know how. Can someone help me out with this?
So, welcome to what is possibly the first ever advice thread on Hunters!
I'm building mine, because a hunter combines my two favorite things: pets, and being a gnome (Favored Class Bonus is AWESOME!).
The problem is that I'm caught up on what companion I want, and I was wondering what people's experiences are with certain companions. Which are your favorites? Which are the strongest?
Just a note: I am MORE than happy to play the Verminous Hunter Archetype.
So, short and to the point:
First off; ACG!!!
And second off, does the Skald's Vigor feat effect everyone who is under the raging songs effects, or just the Skald? Either way, the feat is awesome, I just want to know if it effects everyone, because if it does, that's really great, and could replace clerics on a party.
So, my character is not strong. No... he's really not. As investigator, he doesn't have to be strong, and I have weapon finesse. So forget all that noise. However, encumbrance is a serious issue for him.
So I have a few questions relating to the Weight of items:
1) Do you have to count the weight of clothing? I mean, REALLY? It doesn't seems too realistic for me. I never feel like I'm being weighed down by my clothes!
2) Do you count the whole weight for armor? Because Leather Armor is SUPER encumbering, and that's an issue.
3) How exactly do backpacks work? Do they help relieve the weight of objects stored in them? It says it holds 2 cubic feet, but that sounds just like fluff or something.
4) Does the cost for Trail Rations stack? I assume it does, but I just wanna make sure.
Anyway, thanks guys! I appreciate the help.
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So, with ACG just around the bend the question is perfectly clear:
What character will you make first?
And as a follow up:
What kind of potential do you see in the classes?
Hey guys! So, I've quickly put together a gish/ summoning sorcerer for next week, and I'm pretty excited about him. His build is a tad unfocused, and it might be a little flimsy, but of course, you guys know things I don't. Here he is:
Opiferque Infernus
? Sorcerer 1 (I know his race, but it'll be a fun mystery for tablemates)
CN ?
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +3 (1 Rank+ 2)
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat Footed 10 (1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2
Resist Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Morningstar (1d8+3)
Ranged Spear (1d8+3 if melee +1 if ranged)
0 Level: Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Prestidigitation, Light
1 Level: Grease, Mage Armor(Might replace with Summon Monster I)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Eschew Materials
Skill Ranks Diplomacy 1, Perception 1; Racial Modifiers +2 Disable Device, +2 Perception
Languages: Common, and one mystery language ;)
SQ Abyssal Bloodline, Bite Attack
Estimated Progression
HD 3: Skill Focus (Knowledge[Arcana]), Demon Resistances Bloodline Power
HD 4: Increase in CHA
HD 5: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)
HD 7: Improved Familiar, Augment Summoning Bonus Feat
HD 8: Increase in INT
HD 9: Superior Summoning, Strength of the Abyss
HD 12: Increase DEX
At this point, I understand that most people don't exceed level 12, but FORGET THAT. This build only gets better at higher levels.
HD 13: Martial Weapon Proficiency?, Power Attack Bonus Feat
HD 15: Extend Spell Metamagic Feat?, Added Summoning
And THEN I'll most likely retire, after playing him a little bit more. Why cut an awesome character short, you know?
So, this guy will be pretty fun. He'll be pretty mysterious, refusing to let people know what he REALLY is or where he came from. One thing people will discover about him, though, is that is REALLY good at flirting. Like WAY to good at flirting...
Guess that makes him a party face, huh?
But he's also good at summoning, and uses his Demon Claw power as well as a bite to get AoOs with his summons. This is why his strength is so high.
Of course, I don't know everything, so advice is welcome. I'm willing to abandon the gish part of my build and focus on pure summoning. I would indeed love summoning a lot, as this character was once a Summoner class. So, what do you think? I love hearing advice and thank you folks in advance!
So, I'm building a new character, and he/she is going to have an awesome nice, which involves my Panda Pals not knowing exactly what he/she is.
So I had an amazing idea for a character. I love my Cavalier, and I love that he gets a mount "Pet" that he can work with. So- take that...
The basis of the build would be having a LOT of minions. Eidilon, Pet, mount, familiar, summons, zombies, whatever! The point is to have tons of pets on the board. I feel as though I can handle it, don't worry.
So, here are the perimeters:
Must be PFS legal
I can multiclass, but not every level
I can't be TOO weak- Hiding behind summons is okay, but being super flimsy isn't
I have access to the following books:
Core Rule Book (duh), Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Bestiary I, Inner Sea World Guide, Inner Sea Combat, Harrow Handbook, Blood of Fiends, and Advanced Race Guide
And with ACG coming out next week, I'm not buying anymore books.
Anyway, I'd love to hear your advice! Thanks guys (and gals)!!!
So, with all sorts of great options like the Beast Rider Cavalier, the Monstrous Mount feat, and the Leadership feat, cavaliers have a surprisingly long list of wonderful mounts to choose from when they're about... level 7-ish.
So far, at level 7 you have a really big list to choose from if you're a beast rider (which, let's face it, it's an amazing archetype, it really is) and even more options if you've picked up the Monstrous Mount feat at level 5. The best of these options is clearly the dienychus, but you only get that if you are small, and it's not the tankiest. I would say that if you are medium, then something like a tiger or lion is also really good, as it gets a pounce, but nothing can really beat the thematic awesome that is riding around on a freakin' T-Rex. If you also have the Monstrous mount feat, the flying mount options, especially the Griffon, are really great, as it's hard to get a flyer any way else. Anklysaurous are incredibly tough.
ANYWAY! You get the point now- The Beast Rider is great, as is the Monstrous Mount feat.
HOWEVER... I don't know everything, so here's where you come in. What do you think the best PFS legal mounts are for the cavalier? Throw around ideas, because I need a little inspiration for what I'm doing. All ideas are good. Getting a level dip, taking a few extra feats, ANYTHING. I wanna know what you think the best mounts are, so that I can determine that for myself. Thanks guys!
So, I left a similar question in the rules question section, but it never got answered. So, I'll try it here.
So, I play a Beast Rider Cavalier, which allows me to get a new mount each level. I'm currently only level 2, so I still have a wolf (I'm a halfling), but someday, I want to get a dinosaur or turtle or something. I was hoping to give it a turtle build, making it remarkably tough, but a tad bit slower. A wolf isn't a outfitted for this.
So, now we get to my question: since I get a new mount every level, can I outfit my wolf with certain feats, and then put different feats on my mount at level 4?
Thanks guys!
So, I play a Beast Rider Cavalier, and I still have a wolf. However, I hope to get an anklyasaurus or turtle, and buff it up to be extra tanky.
So here's my question: because a beast rider can get a new mount every time he levels, do all the feats reset, or do all the feats that your mount currently has go to your next mount?
The important thing here is the ability to make my wolf more flexible in movement and such, but then give my turtle or whatever different feats when I reach level 4.
Thanks guys!
So, after a lot of brainstorming, I decided that instead of making a new character, I may as well just optimize an exsisting one. After a little research, I decided to change my human cavalier into a Halfling. Halflings are cool because they have great saves and essentially hobbits, which I adore.
So, he is now an order of the cockatrice cavalier. His ability scores aren't great, considering I had to pile a lot into strength, but he's still a decent character. I decided though to come to the community about a little issue I have with him: his order.
The Cockatrice order is rather good when it comes to their special powers, but i find the idea of a little Halfling d-bag who's generally selfish and in it for the money REVOLTING. I don't wanna role play that! Sure, he's a follower of CC, but that's not greed, that's just enjoying life. I think of halflings as sweet little people who are charming, and well mannered. Like tiny Canadians.
So, I inquire to ask: would an order of the paw cavalier be better? Currently, he's a beast rider, which is an amazing archetype, IMO, so it would take away my archetype, as it restricts the mount to just wolves and dogs. I'm okay with that, but from a power standpoint, how good is it? How good is the order the paw cavalier anyway? I think it's all right, but whats the peoples opinion?
Anyway, let me know, and thanks in advance for the advice. Can't wait to see what you have to say!
P.S. Sorry for any errors. I'm using my phone instead of my computer, and I'm not quite as proficient.
So, I was hoping I'd get some of these cool ideas for season 6, but now that that's not going to happen, I'd like to throw around ideas for what YOU all hoped to get for season 6, or in this case, now, season 7.
Here's a few of my own ideas to get things started:
-An almost 100% aquatic campaign in which they legalize Gillmen and maybe Merfolk. This would give more use to features like the aquatic-based archetypes, such as the Sea Singer and Sea Witch. Admit it, it would be fun.
-A campaign where due to unkown circumstance, the underground races have had to come up to the surface. This would legalize svirfneblin and maybe duergar. The Drow could become a major threat, and the society could work to drive them back.
-A campaign where the society has to work to colonize an unclaimed land full of nasty monsters and weird mysteries.
-A campaign where the society is working to build trade routes with a seemingly perfect city, but things turn dark, and the shining suface layer of what seemed like a utopia begins to unravel into a dark distopia- in which there is no escape.
So what are your ideas for season 7? Remember: no idea is too big or too small.
So, I'm working on my bard, because I realize that bards are very useful to any group, and play like a support class, which is what I usually play.
So, I've used this CHA Bard build:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ogz8HL6GeguT-tN3-6HxXiF_G7mg_tyAQ59V9kP g6g4/edit
Phenomenal build by j b 200, so lots of love to that guy.
So, my primary is Charasima, then Dex, etc.
I have the Arcane strike feat, and lots of fun little things to make me better. A few quick questions:
1) Should I go Arcane Duelist (your opinion would be even more appreciated if you are a panda and you think we need one).
2) I'm trying to become a Harrower, and I want to be able to by level 6. Do you know of a way to get a 3rd level spell or spell-like ability (I think those count for PrC) before level 6. I do have the Harrow Chosen feat, which allows me to cast Augury 2 times a week, but would that work?
3) Lastly, do any of you bards out there have handy little tidbits or advice? Any items that would benefit me a lot and therefore worth seeking out?
Thanks, as allows for the support and advice, hope to see some cool responses!
So, next monthe, The Advanced Class Guide comes out, and I, like many, am PUMPED!
The only problem is, I know that the Inner Sea World guide is ridiculously useful, and the DM I usually play with (Destiny F, if you know her!) recommended it. As a huge lover of the Varisians, and of humans, as well as a regular in PFS games, it would be a smart purchase, I think.
But, what do you people think? should I just wait a bit and get the ACG, or should I pick up the ISWG in a little bit.
I've never read either (and of course 90% haven't read ACG), but is the ISWG really that amazing? Thanks for the advice. Thanks guys!
Do me a favor. Look at the title of this thread now read this sentence:
How has this not happened yet???
Now look back at the title. Then read this next sentence:
Okay, okay, all joking aside-
No, no, really, I'm done now.
So, I get that Paizo isn't the richest company (though they've probably made a fat stack off of this chump, let me tell you. Money well spent), but they are well invested. If Magic the Gathering gets a movie (seriously bad idea, Hollywood. Don't do it), and D&D got a movie (an awful movie, but nonetheless), then Pathfinder should get one too!
I say that some Pathfinders, myself included, get together on a forum or something and start writing a screenplay. It doesn't have to be spectacular, just student film worthy. We can put it up on Youtube, maybe make it a series. Then, we can start up a Kickstarter. If the public outlook is positive, I might be able to turn a concept into an actual movie. I have relatives in the biz.
So, what do you think? Do you have any skills in writing or such?
Thanks Guys!
Okay, so as the title states, I'm looking for clarification on Versatile Performance.
It says that I can use the bonus on one perform skill in place of any other skill. It sounds as though there are no restrictions, leading me to believe that all I have to do is put all my skill ranks in a perform skill, and then I pretty much gain a +28 + Skill mod bonus to EVERY SKILL (that's 14 points at level one because my int mod is +1 and I'm human so I have skilled, and another 14 points at level 2)
Also, now that I'm thinking about it, does skilled give a single point, or a skill rank? I remember it saying skill rank, but I don't know if that's too op.
Seriously, if Versatile Performance works the way I think it does, Bard is the BEST CLASS EVER!!! I mean, it's already a great class, but HOLY CRUD.
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So, I realize that a lot of people who speak other languages already talk in other languages when using Tongues or Reading Ancient Runes, but I think it would be smart to make a community-made Golarion to Earth Language Translation Guide. Here's what I've come up with so far while reading forums and using my brain:
Abyssal: Russian or Slavic (for their sharp, rough sound)
Aklo: Korean (for it's very difficult pronunciations and spellings)
Aquan: Hawaiian (this one was mentioned by someone in the 10 Questions thread)
Auran: French (it's very flowy and light)
Celestial: Latin (rather flowy, and also when of the older known languages)
Common: English, or whatever your native language is, I suppose
Draconic: Greek or Chinese (both of these cultures have some of the oldest dragon legends. Seems fitting they get the language)
Druidic: Gaelic (the language of the Celts. You should know why)
Dwarven: Irish or Icelanic
Elven: Croation, perhaps French would be better
Giant: Hebrew (I'm thinking David and Goliath)
Gnome: Japanese (fast paced and rather complex)
Goblin: Honestly, Goblin should just be complex grunts and screeches
Gnoll: Much like Goblin, this should just be barking noises
Halfling: Maori (one of the prominent languages of New Zealand. I shouldn't have to explain why)
Ignan: Arabic or Swahili (i didn't know what to do, so I chose hot places)
Infernal: Mandarin Chinese (the new international trade language. Sounds like a good language for makin' deals)
Orc: Czech or German (again, rough and gruff)
Sylvan: Spanish (it's fast, but sounds very Happy and Romantic)
Terran: Indian or Vietnamese (these cultures just remind me of earth, and their languages reflect that)
Undercommon: The African Clicking Language (for deep underground echolocation)
Ancient Osiriani: Egyptian (of course)
Varisian: Italian
So, let me know what you guys think and feel free to leave your own suggestions, as well as any languages I might have missed. What do you think of the system in general? Thanks guys!
So, I have a friend that I'm trying to get into PFS. So far, he's made a pretty darn good Halfling Ninja. He's a member of the Sczarni, as all he wants is to do his job, get paid, and that's all. As such, he's true neutral.
My character is a Varisian Wizard (who will later PrC Harrower) who grew up on the road in a Varisian Clan. Since his family has deep ties with them, he is also a member of the Sczarni. He wants to get money and freedom, too, but he also wants to see good prevail, despite having some very odd methods of doing so. As such, he's Chaotic Good.
I want these characters to be good friends, and such, I want them to be able to keep up with each other. I was watching a gameplay demo of Assassins Creed: Unity, recently, and I was thinking about how much my friend would enjoy playing a sort of Assassin-like hero. I was also thinking about how awesome it would be to be a Wizard Assassin. Someone who could run between buildings and stealth around with his Ninja buddy, but instead of Katana and Shuriken, he uses Magic and Harrow Card Projectiles.
I've already got the build for my Wizard pretty much planned out, but I was wondering if there's any suggestions for him. Things like a familiar (Currently I have a Thrush which gives me +3 Diplomacy), Maybe feats I could take (though it would be at somewhat higher levels, keep that in mind), etc. Whatever you think might be a good idea for my Wizard.
Thanks guys.
So, as someone who frequents the Wizard and Witch class, and who loves having little animal friends around, I was thinking about some new ideas for familiars. I know there are a lot, but there are NEVER enough!
So, without a further ado, some ideas for some new familiars (let me know what you think):
Aardvark- 5 foot dig speed
Bunny/ Rabbit (There's a rumor that this already exists)- +3 Perception based on hearing
Penguin- +2 Fort OR +3 Survival
Fish- +5 Swim (can only live in water)
Small Dog (such as a Poodle, Beagle, etc.)- +3 Perception based on scent
Bushbaby- +3 Stealth OR +3 Sleight of Hand
Caterpillar (I'm particularly proud of this one)- +1 Disable Device at level 5, the Caterpillar becomes a butterfly, giving +3 Disable Device and +2 Fly
Chicken- +3 Sense Motive
Chinchilla- +3 Knowledge (Nature)
Eagle- +2 Perception
Guinea Pig- +3 Knowledge (Geography)
Jackalope- +3 Knowledge (arcana)
Koala- +3 Climb
Coyote- +3 Intimidate
Duck- +3 Survival
Okapi (cannot be ridden)- +3 Disguise
Opossum- +3 Bluff
Porcupine- +1 on Attack Roles with a piercing weapon
Red Panda- +3 Knowledge (History)
Turkey- +2 Reflex
Wombat- +2 Will
Feel free to combat with suggestions, or add your own ideas!
So, I've determined that a Bonded Item isn't as good as a familiar (arguably, but that's a different thread.)
Now; for the choosing:
The Familiars that I'm trying to choose between (I'll note that I'm a Wizard in the Foresight Subschool):
Dodo- +4 on Initiative
Dwarf Caiman- +3 Stealth
Fox- +2 Reflex Saves
Pig- +3 Diplomacy
Skunk- +2 Fort (I already have a Familiar sheet made up for this one)
Squirrel- +3 Sleight of Hand (this would be cool as I have this: http://fantasypuppet.com/images/Dormouse1.jpg)
Thrush*- +3 Diplomacy
Toad- +3 HP
Toucan- +3 Diplomacy
Turtle- +1 to AC
*Can Speak
So which do you like most, and which should a Varisian traveling wizard who grew up traveling take as his familiar? Also, if any of these turn out to not be PFS legal, please let me know. Thanks guys!
So, this is the build for Zorcudum Jirinidin Lorchovitch, who tells his companions his name is "Linus" (it's customary for a Varisian to give a fake name until he/she is comfortable in his/her party)
Name: Zorcudum "Linus" Jirinidin Lorchovitch
Alignment: CG
Class: Wizard
Faction: Sczarni
Race: Human(Varisian)
Fluff Info: Male, Age 15, 5'3", 128 lbs., Hair Black, Eyes Violet
STR: 12
DEX: 14
CON: 13
INT: 18
WIS: 10
CHA: 10
AC: 12
Touch: 12 Flat Footed: 10
Fort: 3
Reflex: 2
Will: 2
CMB: 1 CMD: 13
Quarterstaff, Dagger, Light Crossbow
Skills with ranks in them:
Diplomacy (1)
Heal (1)
Knowledge(Arcana) (1)
Knowledge(Nature) (1)
Knowledge(Relegion) (1)
Linguistics (1)- Used to learn Varisian
Perception (2)
Peform(Fiddle) (1)
Proffesion(Harrower) (2)
Spellcraft (1)
Eschew Materials, Harrowed(Human Bonus Feat), Scripe Scroll(Wizard)
Special Abilities:
Arcane Bond (Skunk Familiar- "Heliotrope"), Foresight(Divination) Subschool, Forewarned(Divination), Prescience(Foresight)
Classically Schooled Trait, Harrow Chosen Trait.
Estimated Progression:
3rd Level Feat: Simple Weapon Proficiency/ Weapon Finesse/ Spell Focus (Divination ?)
4th Level Ability Score: CON
5th Level Feat: Improved Counterspell/ ?
5th Level Bonus Feat: Fast Study (UM Arcane Discovery)/ ?
7th Level Feat: Improved Familiar
8th Level Ability Score: CON or WIS or INT
9th Level Feat: Golem Constructor (UM Arcane Discovery)/ ?
10th Level Bonus Feat: Opposition Research- Abjuration (UM Arcane Discovery)
At 11th level, I will probably PrC into Harrower, I have no clue what to do from there.
I need a little advice. Let me know which things I should do, especially in the Progression section, where I have little idea on what to do.
Thanks Guys!
So, while creating my Wizard, I have become stuck on a particular question. Should I get a Familiar, or Bonded Item?
I have Spell Mastery, so I can already cast quite a few spells without prep, and Bonded Item would slightly improve on that.
If I get a Familiar, I'll probably get a Rat, Capybara, or Pig. (Rat and Capybara for Fort bonus, which is the only thing I don't have, and Pig for diplomacy, a very useful skill)
So, a few questions:
1) Would it be better to get a Bonded Item or Familiar? Why?
2) If a familiar, should I get one of the ones I have above, or would a different familiar be better?
3)Lastly, a little add on question: Can a Varisian Scarf count as an Amulet for a bonded item? If there actually is a Varisian Scarf magic item, I don't know about it, it would simply be a cosmetic item. (Either way, I'm getting a cosmetic scarf)
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