If not clear from my reviews of other NSNGaming's other projects, I believe in consistency, and having now purchased the fourth of their creations, it is safe to say that Not So Noble Gaming has power in consistency.
The product itself is designed to record organizations, as anyone with common sense may infer from its very name. What kind of organizations, you may ask? All of them. If your game has something that can be construed as a group--even if they're simple drinking buddies--then they can be recorded here, and incredibly well. By its nature, it seems designed for a DM to record party information, but a player might could just as well use it if they build their own organization, regardless of its allegiance or purpose.
This product comes in two parts: the first is an intensive instruction guide along with a plaintext version of the sheet, while the latter allows you to fill in the details from a computer. The instructions are quite nice: if you came in expecting something specifically for your party or for your evil council, then you will be reminded how this sheet could be used.
It records relationships within and without the group, be it allies, enemies, or even uses your organization can provide, physical or otherwise. It records goals, long-term and short-, and even allows for a section for the banner or symbol of the group (something coming from later versions of their older products, and a welcomed return it is). It even allows for use with Prestige points, something I didn't really expect. Much like NSN's Settlement sheet, I did not realize how useful it might be to make this purchase, but it's pretty plain to see now.
Honestly, I can think of nothing missing from this product, and I can see myself using this for as long as I make Pathfinder my primary RPG of choice. Keep up the consistency in excellence, NSN.
This being the third and final purchase of the three Notsonoble product on Paizo, I figured, based off of the other two, a third couldn't hurt; and here we are.
First and foremost, this is nothing you haven't seen before. Be it Wizards' 3.5 sheets, or Paizo's PF sheet, this contains the same information. That said, as in the description, this is a four-page sheet (sans the OGL, which is the first thing you'll see) for detailing your character. The first page, the most compact of the four, contains basic information for character and class, weapons, and armor: major additions include a section for Spell Resistance and various Damage Resistances, which I certainly can't complain about. Nonlethal Damage gets as much room as Current HP/Wounds, which different but welcomed in my campaigns, and Speed gets its own Temporary Modifier section-never seen that before. Despite being mostly what you expect/need in a character sheet, it has innovation/expansions in part.
The section page is dedicated entirely to Feats, Abilities, and Skills. The Feats/Abilities is nothing new, but expansive enough. Skills gets just the same amount of page, but despite that room, there's no place specifically for Trained modifiers or multiple Misc Mods. Not necessary, some might argue, but given the space that NSN has dedicated to Skills it might have been nice. Something new and nice, however, is a section, small, but telling you how many skill points you get per level per class (up to three). Good call.
The third page, and best, is dedicated to Spells. Each spell level is given enough room to write down what spells you have: a massive upgrade from most other sheets, as Cantrips and 1st level require a lot more room than, say, 9th level. Each section contains boxes to indicate spells used; not new but nice given the upgraded room. The majority of the sheet is dedicated to spells, with the box for Spells per day/Known, Spell Saves, etc. Domain and School Specialties get a small section, which is nice.
The last sheet is dedicated to Gear and Notes, the most undeveloped part of the product. Granted, there is a massive section for writing down what you do have, and your general Carrying Capacity and Money. In the Gear section, however, there is no section specifically for weight of gear you have, nor is there a location of gear (always a point for me, as my horse needs love too). The notes section is nice and allows you to put whatever you want without the constraint of lines: history, a character portrait, what have you. But the Gear is easily my biggest complaint on the sheet.
Is it different from what you already have or use? Not likely, but it's a definite improvement from the normal PF sheet.
Having bought the Realm sheet just before this product, I wasn't sure it would be worth the price I was going to pay for it; but I was feeling generous and bought it anyway (along with the Deluxe Character Sheet). My main thought coming in was how it was going to differ from Paizo's original settlement sheet in the back of the Gamemaster's Guide.
To be fair, it doesn't differ: everything there is still there. The major difference to that end is that instead of cramming all of that information onto a single sheet, it's spread out onto two sheets. When working on the Marketplace sheet on Paizo's, there's never enough room for value when you write down the Major/Moderate/Minor Items; this gives you more than enough room, value getting a separate section of the Marketplace area of the sheet. Likewise, factions and NPCs get more detail than a simple single-line given to them by Paizo-Alignment, membership, probable location, rather helpful details.
The major improvement, aside from space given by Notsonoble, is the section for drawing the map of your city. Sure, might not be helpful if you have a metropolis or large city, but it doesn't hurt to have. If anything it can help you on a visual level: after all, one of the reasons Minas Tirith is so interesting in Return of the King is the visual aspect of it.
Only detriment I think of is its overall similarity to Paizo's sheet. The differences above are enough to justify buying it to me, but it feels like it should have more to it; I'll likely save suggestions for the Discussion area of this product.
If this and the Realms sheet are a sign of things to come from this maker, one can expect only good things in the future. Worth the price far and wide.
After seeing this on the new releases list of Paizo's weekly product newsletter I decided to check it out, as it seemed like an interesting concept. The preview showing only the first page, I checked it out and I'm rather glad I did. Each page allows for easily organized details, be it of adventure hooks, NPCs in that nation of note, or settlements, but also allows for an era with dates-I never would have conceived writing down the date of holidays, but the sheet partially does the thinking for you, in case you forgot of something.
I'd advise it for anyone who wants a cheap-but-quality sheet to help organize your thoughts about your kingdoms, republics, and empires in-game.
EDIT: Comments on the updated version-now you can put a hex or square grid on the map, and there is a place for your nation's flag/crest/what-have-you. Infinitely better.