Chung Po

Saotome007's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (1,128 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


Harro! Based on the team comp, I think a good front liner might help out, so I will likely be rolling a Champ to join you all soon.

OK. Lookout seems nice. Going before the bad guys go is typically something that Sorcerer's want to do. Adding in the final touches, and working on some background story now.

Based on the players guide, and discussion so far, I am leaning towards a Sorcerer (Arcane bloodline). I feel this will be a good balance of battlefield control, and blasting (I was focused more on sheer number of spells per day, not variety).

That being said, as I add a few finishing touches to the character and progress through the creation rules, I noticed that we all get a free teamwork feat. Can someone please share for me what everyone picked here, so that I can come in with something that compliments the party?

Thanks all!

Dotting in to the discussion. If I follow correctly, It sounds like you all are looking for either a skill monkey, or an arcane nuker. I can investigate (no pun intended) both those options for sure. If I follow Aralah though, she seems to have most skills covered, so I will focus on Arcane at first, unless there are other suggestions.

dotting in. More to come soon

Im here!

Dotting in.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Unfortunately no, there will not be any organized play component for Pathfinder or Starfinder at PAX Unplugged this year. With it being the show's first year and our first time in their facility, we decided to come in small, get our feet under ourselves and get to know the facility, and decide how best to grow our presence for future years.

Well that is extremely unfortunate. :(

i'm not sure what dotting means! But i'm here!

PAX unplugged is getting closer. Are there any new details for organized play?

Thank you!

test test!