Sanvil Trett -- NPC's page
20 posts. Alias of Mustachioed.

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"This conversation could go all day. And honestly, I have no interest in staying calm. It is a particular android trait that I have always lacked, for whatever reason." He looks down at the autograpnel, lying on the ground, and looks wistful. "The halfling made me drop it, and now I don't think I'll be able to come up with the half-second to pick it up again."
"You see, I was always going to escape. I know how weak and dumb you six really are. Didn't even know what a battery was! You heroes think you are big stuff, but you have morals. It is a weakness. It stops you from doing what needs to be done. Nothing stops me!!"
It happens in what feels like slow motion. He draws the knife against Sam's throat, slitting it, and then pushes him forward at Charles. Charles gasps and throws his dagger. It hits Sanvil square in the shoulder, and Sanvil winces. Ton'iel gets an arrow shot off, having never lowered his weapon. It pierces Sanvil's thigh. Garfaulk acts too... sending forth his light in a blast of illumination, but Sanvil shakes it off. Wulf and LaRA reaches down for their weapons, and Zeke starts to draw his pistol.
sanvil fortitude: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Charles runs forward to grab his brother before he hits the ground. But it is already too late. Sam's eyes meet Charles and his lips form the beginning of a word... and he dies in Charles' arms. From the shadows, several more halflings appear, and they rush toward their fallen brother screaming. Unfortunately, Frasier, Lilith, and Frederick, the youngest in the family, witnessed the whole thing.
In the commotion, Sanvil disappears. Seconds later, you feel a blast of wind as he flies into the sky. He was simply too powerful, with too many tricks. You never really had a chance.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Sanvil Trett doesn't see Charles palm the dagger.
"I do believe you, that you would trade yourself for his halfling. But do I want you? "
"Listen. Some androids are off the wall crazy and the League hires contractors to hunt them down." He nods at Ton'iel.
"Some androids have great capacity and a few in the League would surely like them as slaves." He nods at LaRA.
"This android..." he gestures at himself with his free hand..."...is just in it for the tech. Sometimes I get carried away and disobey League orders and the contractors come after me. This last time, after the old elf and the foil failed to take me down, it took quite a bribe to get my name off the kill list."
"This time, luck is on my side. You gave me the information I needed- the wireless transmissions are surely the reason for the Torch's disappearance. And then you show up with an autograpnel? I get the information I need, and the tech to go with it? A great day; surely to make the League happy."
ground, you mean?
"The rest of you. All of you, drop your weapons."
"Lifting your weapon and screaming at me are the opposite of what I ordered, foil." He flourishes the dagger and draws a pinprick of blood on Sam's neck.
The images all scream at you simultaneously. "Come at me, fools. Are you afraid? Afraid what a magus can do with this?" He lift the autograpnel and prepares to fire.

Sanvil starts pacing back and forth. He starts talking outloud, but it is clear that it is more for himself than you. He is still holding the autograpnel. "A reactor? Ancient, powerful energy source. It does explain where the torch comes from. The League was negligent in failing to investigate it sooner, and now some new outside power has absconded with it. Wireless transmission? That is amazing. Amazing technology!"
He stops pacing. Suddenly you realize that you see six Sanvil Trett's in front of you, not one. How did that happen? "You have all been most helpful, providing me with information while taking on all the danger yourself. The Technic League will be sending an army post-haste, and we will swarm this town and the ruins beneath it. If wireless transmission is actually possible, we will soon have it for ourselves! But first, I intend to finish what I started, many months ago."
He sort of... flicks his hand, and Wulf feels an incredible pain in his shoulder. He looks down and sees a mechanical spider crawling on him. The spider bit him and injected him with some kind of poison! The spider looks like it is going to bite again. It's claws are dug into Wulf's shoulder! Wulf, spend a standard action to break a grapple or be poisoned again!
fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Wulf takes 3 poison damage. Reminder, we are using unchained poison rules, I have it listed out in the technopedia
EVERYONE, ATTACK! Defend yourself from this traitor!
Slightly different battle order here; Sanvil cast a spell and did an attack since he utterly surprised you. You can all go now before he acts again. On roll 20, you will see his enhanced mirror image spell... 6 Sanvil Tretts. Which is the real one?
Sanvil holds up the autograpnel, apparently oblivious to the shocked looks on the pedestrians walking by. It is a rusty gun, but it is still quite impressive to look at.
"Do... do you have any idea how rare an autograpnel is? Do you know how many things you can do with one? I... I have wanted one so long."
Sanvil Trett's eye widen as he see the haul of tech loot that Ton dumps on his cart! "Wha--- so much. So much good stuff. Sanvil Trett doesn't know- how... what happened down there?"
If everyone could hold off a sec on going this way and that while Sanvil does this identification; Sanvil Trett's cart is directly on the way from Weeping Pond.
He waves his hands aimlessly. "Ohhhh... just enough to keep Sanvil Trett well lubricated and well fed. I appreciate the tip, white haired half-elf. You are officially on Sanvil Trett's good side."
"Wellll.... thank you, sir! Guessin' you all are gettin' wealthy down there. Know that I'll be waitin' here for my next tip."

Sanvil swallows and pauses before answering,"No sorry. Sanvil Trett don't know nothing about weapons. You should ask the weaponsmith in town. Though his shop is still closed. Still grieving his missing son-in-law, you know."
As for the needles and plas-tek tubes, his face brightens. "Ah! Sanvil Trett loves farm-a-cuticals. Let's see... this circular metal thing isn't one of those, this is a timeworn radiation detector with... 10 charges. Starts blipping and beeping at you when you are near radiation. Has Sanvil Trett ever told you about timeworn stuff? Ok, we also have here a medlance, a brown nanite hypogun (uncharged), two nanite canisters, and 2 does of grade I hemochem."
He tells you about all this stuff, and it is recorded in your Technopedia! I will let you read about it and let me know if you have questions in the discussion tab.
"Timeworn is what we call this wonderful tech that has simply been sitting around too much. Lot of it has gone rusty, or battery couplings are on the fritz. Long story short, they have limited life. You use up the charges, and you can never use it again. New batteries won't charge em up. They also might do strange things to ya, could glitch out."
If you use a timeworn item, you first have to roll a d100 under the following conditions:
When an item is first used after a month or more of inactivity.
• Anytime a single-use consumable is used.
• When using an item in a way that would drain its last charge.
• When an item requires a d20 roll (such as a skill check or an attack roll) to activate or use, and that roll results in a natural 1.
• When a critical hit is confirmed against the wearer of an active defensive item, such as armor or a force field.
"Ahem...." He gestures again for a tip.
The group gets out for the day; Sanvil Trett is in his normal spot next to the general store, by his cart. He brightens up when he sees you. He seems to enjoy the look and feel of tech, even when it isn't his own.
"Sanvil Trett is always ready to help, always ready for a good tip. Ahem-Ahem." He turns to the side and holds his hand out in a subtle fashion.
"Impressive magic, dwarf. Sanvil Trett wishes he could work magic like that. Damn. Given the tubes and nozzles and such, Sanvil Trett is guessing the machine is supposed to turn a liquid into a fine gas, or at least tiny droplets. Air-a-soul, is what Sanvil Trett has heard it called. But no idea what it would do to someone."

Back on page 16 you found a couple of tech items but they didn't make it to the inventory sheet. If people want to help Ton'iel on this that would be nice. In the not distant future, you are going to be getting a ton of items and chances are I won't realize what is missed.
Good ol' Sanvil Trett recognizes the two items you found. The tongs he glances at without much interest.
"Grippers, these are. Don't come in handy much, but maybe you'll find a use for 'em. They can be used to pry things apart or help open stuck doors."
Then he holds up the small toothpick item."But this on the other hand, very handy, very handy indeed. Sanvil Trett is sure you've seen 'em down there, elektric locks that only open with a card? If you don't have the right color card, you can't get in. But this little baby is called an e-pick, and a good thief can figure out how to stick this in the skinny slot just right and maybe even open up any elektric door you find. There are different colors of e-picks. This one is black. That is a pretty bad one, but still... better than nothing." Black gives a +1 to disable device on elektric locks
Your technopedia, now linked above, has the gripper and e-pick in it so you can read more there.
"Bah, fine. Watch Sanvil Trett more closely this time, dwarf."
He fishes around his cart a bit, a comes up with three coins.
"You don't get to keep em this time. You got yerself a charged battery there, see how it glistens in the light? And then the depleted battery. It has some glisten, but not as much. And the standard edition, silverdisk, it has no gleam at all. Looks silvery, but no shimmer. It's dead inside. Got it?"
"Elektrizity, my friend. It isn't magic at all. Just the power of technology! Bugger though, Sanvil Trett has no idea how it does what it does. "
"Rope, eh? Too mundane for me. And I have no idea about fancier weapons either. Try that crazy Kellid lady on top of the torch. She used to run access to the torch, and has a whole variety of mining and digging equipment up there. "
Finally, he holds out his hand and coughs discretely.

"For this trick, Sanvil Trett will need a silverdisk! Anyone? Anyone? Fine. " He pulls out his own silverdisk.
"What is a silverdisk, you may ask? And why does that have anything to do with this device? Everything, my friends!"
He pulls out another silverdisk, only this one seems... shinier. Like there is a slight light coming from it; a slight glistening.
"This, my friends, is called a battery. The wealth of silverdisks you probably hold, and others hold, are all just bad batteries. At some point in Numeria's history, who knows when... Somebody decided that all of these bad batteries had some value, and they started trading at 10 gold each. But the good batteries... they have the real value! "
He takes the battery, inserts it into a slot into Garfaulk's device, and pulls it out again. He flips the battery over to Garfaulk.
"The charge from his battery has now been transferred into the device... that is called...a FLASHLIGHT!"
He pushes the button and a strong beam of light comes from the flashlight.
"The battery we just used is now depleted, but with the proper equipment, one could recharge it. So hang onto your depleted batteries! Get all that? You have your good batteries, your depleted batteries, and your silverdisks (those are the batteries that have just gone completely dead over time and have no chance of being recharged). "
A battery gives 10 charges to an item. It takes a move action to charge an item with a battery, or free if you have rapid reload feat. If you use a battery, you take that out of your inventory and give yourself a depleted battery. I'm adding a depleted battery and the flashlight to Garfaulk's inventory. The flashlight now has 10 charges, each charge provides 8 hours of light, and it takes a free hand to hold it. Turning it on is a free action but drawing it is a move action. I'm also entering it into your Technopedia... the first tech item!
Price 30 gp; Slot none; Weight 1 lb.; Capacity 10; Usage 1 charge/8 hours
When activated, a flashlight creates a beam of normal light in a 20-foot cone. It also increases the light level in the area beyond this initial cone by one step, out to a 80-foot cone total. It does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A flashlight has no effect in areas of magical darkness.
A flashlight is fun in Roll20. It comes out as a cone and you have to rotate your avatar around to shine it places. This would have been a much more exciting item to find if Garfaulk wasn't glowing like the sun.
The group finishes up breakfast, grabs their stuff, and heads out to the Copper Coin with several purchases in mind.
The strange tinker, Sanvil Trett, is there again, having set up a little stand outside the store with his pots and pans.
"Sanvil Trett heard you all had lived. Can't say Sanvil Trett was too surprised, because he thought that your group seemed just a bit more competent than the others."
"So.... you must have found something good down there, right? Something for old Sanvil Trett to take a look at? Say, for a gold, Sanvil Trett will tell you all about it."
He talks to you in a too-loud voice.
"Greetings to you, fine sir. Sanvil Trett's the name, peddlin' n wanderin' is the game. Sanvil Trett's got a fine collection of pots, pans, hip-flasks, hair nets, and tin soldiers for the little ones. Yup, that is all I got."
Then he starts talking a little quieter.
"Old Sanvil Trett knows an adventurin' party when he sees ones... Actually, the whole town knows, since y'all gone talkin' about it pretty loudly yesterday at the Merrymaid. Now don't you go spreadin' this round, but Sanvil Trett has had his hands on a good amount of tech in his day, and he knows how to use it. Say, you go down in the caves, and find something a little... complicated, you come see Sanvil Trett, and he'll help you out. Of course, all tech officially belongs to the Technic League, so we'll just keep things nice and quiet, hmmmmm? And maybe you'll give Sanvil Trett a little somethin' somethin' for his efforts?"