About Sanchia CorvusStatistics:
Human Witch (Mirror/Medium) 1
NG Medium Humanoid Init +3; Senses Perception +3
Melee -1 Ranged +3
Child of Infamy (Campaign):
Trustworthy (Social):
Extra Hex (Cackle):
+2 Perception (Familiar / Alertness)
Languages Taldane, Varisian, Elven
Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ HUMAN: Comprehensive Education:
WITCH: Patron (Spirits): 2nd—ghostbane dirge, 4th—invisibility, 6th—speak with dead, 8th—spiritual ally, 10th—mass ghostbane dirge, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—planar ally, 18th—etherealness. Hexes (DC 15; Charm DC 16): *Cackle (Su):
*Misfortune (Su):
Familiar Patron Mirror (Su): At 1st level, a mirror witch creates a direct link to the power of her patron. She chooses a patron as normal, but instead of gaining a familiar that serves as the conduit to her patron, she uses a mirror (worth at least 10 gp) to speak to a fragment of her patron’s power. This fragment teaches her magic and acts as a counselor. The mirror is essentially an immobile familiar. The mirror witch can activate it with a minute-long ritual that calls the patron fragment to manifest itself through the mirror. While this connection is open, she can prepare spells, add new spells to the mirror, and use the mirror’s special abilities. In place of the boost granted by an ordinary familiar, the mirror grants the mirror witch a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks regardless of whether the mirror is nearby. The mirror can’t be used for abilities that require the presence of a familiar, such as the blight hex. If the patron mirror is destroyed, the mirror witch can replace it 1 day later through a special ritual, attuning a new mirror to a different fragment of her patron. The mirror witch must purchase or procure a new, suitable mirror and spend 500 gp per witch level she has. The ritual takes 8 hours to complete, and when it is finished, the mirror witch establishes a connection with a new fragment of her patron and loses access to spells stored in the previous mirror, as normal for a lost witch’s familiar. As the mirror witch progresses in level, the mirror’s defenses increase, and the connection between it and the mirror witch becomes stronger, allowing the patron to manifest more of its personality—see the Patron Mirror section below. This ability replaces the witch’s familiar. Patron Mirror
Witch Class Level Hardness Hit Points Int Special
Hardness: As the connection between the witch and her patron mirror becomes more powerful, so does the hardness of the mirror, making it more difficult to damage. This value is the hardness of the patron mirror. Hit Points: The base hit points of a mirror witch’s patron mirror are based on what kind of mirror she chooses. A steel mirror has 4 hit points and a glass mirror has 1 hit point. The patron mirror gains the listed hit points in addition to the mirror’s normal hit points, and the hit points increase as the link between the witch and her patron mirror strengthens. Intelligence: A patron is a powerful and unknowable entity, able to see great distances and offer sage council, but the power of the fragment it manifests through a patron mirror is proportional to the link the fragment has with the mirror witch. This column indicates the effective Intelligence score of the patron mirror as the witch progresses in level. The patron mirror is not a creature, and nothing can increase its Intelligence above the listed value. Special: As a mirror witch increases in level, her patron mirror grants her additional powers as indicated on the table. Cryptic Omens (Ex):
Seek Guidance (Ex):
Greater Omens (Ex):
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (4 at will) DC 14 Arcane Mark
1st (2+1/day) DC 15 Cause Fear
2nd (0/day) DC 16 3rd (0/day) DC 17 Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS Magic Items Silver Hand Mirror (Familiar) Consumables Wand: Mage Armor (20 charges)
Mundane Dagger
Money 5 GP 4 SP 8 CP
The Corvus family is originally of Taldan extraction, but they have called Westcrown home for four generations. For the most part, the family has done well for themselves in their adopted city. They have prospered in shipping while making remaining relative unknowns socially or politically. Sanchia’s parents were the exception. They are well remembered. In their time both Salvatore and Azzura were famed actors of extraordinary ability. Their wedding was of note citywide, and attended by a lucky slice of the elite, only about 300 guests. Their social presence was commanding, and they were known for their dinners and weekend parties. Such gatherings were famously lavish in the planning and given to excess in their execution. In fact the last of Salvatore and Azzura’s parties is better remembered in Westcrown than the particulars of their stage careers. There was a tragic accident involving an immense, multi-tiered flambé cake. Something about the design went wrong, or perhaps it was simply too large for the room containing it. Whatever the cause, only moment after it was set alight, the fire spread throughout the room, and then the house. Salvatore and Azzura were killed in the fire, along with several of the guests and all ten of the Halflings that were crouched within the cake’s interior structure waiting to burst out of the cake and deliver servings of the actual dessert to the guests. Fortunately for Sanchia, she was just a toddler at the time. She had been sent with a nursemaid to send the night at her aunt and uncle’s house so she would bother, or be bothered by, the adult carryings on. In the aftermath of the disaster, Sanchia’s aunt and uncle became her guardians, taking her in and raising her. As guardians Uncle Quintus and Aunt Petronia were well-meaning but not very invested in Sanchia. They did have a couple of children of their own. Also the question of whether or not Sanchia was truly Salvatore’s daughter lingered. Both Salvatore and Azzura led wild lives, and there was plenty of turbulence in their relationship. It was a question among those who knew them during their lives, and if there was anything to it, Sanchia wasn’t even actually a relative. For reasons Sanchia never really understood, throughout her childhood her aunt and uncle nudged her toward a career in theater in any ways they could think of. There were sessions with acting and singing instructors, gifts like tickets to theatrical productions and texts of notable plays and operas. Although they were not particularly enthusiastic about the arts themselves, her guardians took Sanchia to theatrical productions. In her later teen years they have occasionally engineered introductions to peers of her own age that were involved with theater. Perhaps they believed it would be in her blood somehow, or that Sanchia would want to honor the memory of her parents by carrying on their tradition. They were wrong though. Sanchia is certainly smart enough to know she lacks the extraordinary beauty of her mother, or her father’s commanding personality. Even if she did, Sanchia isn’t interested in fame or attention. She is happy to be left alone to scholarly or academic pursuits. In the last couple of years she has been badgered into auditioning for a few roles, and even secured parts like chambermaid and girl #2 in a couple of plays. During those productions Sanchia felt out of place among the other actors and very self-conscious. She would much rather devote her time to books and her intriguing new secret. She has in her possession one of the very few objects that survived the house fire. It is a silver mirror that belonged to her mother. For several months now something, Sanchia believes it is her dead mother’s spirit, has been communicating with her and teaching her. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'3" | Weight: 125 lbs. | Hair: Dark Brown | Eyes: Hazel Green Appearance Sanchia is pleasant looking but not very remarkable. Unless there is a special occasion she favors utility and comfort over considerations. Usually her hair is tied back into a ponytail with a ribbon and she uses no cosmetics. She favors unisex trousers and jackets over dresses, though she does make the concession of having her outfits tailored for a proper fit. One feature of hers that stands out is her pale green eyes. Personality |