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![]() On Behalf of the NYC Pathfinder Society I'd like to congratulate Mike for reaching the Fourth Star this past weekend. He ran five 2-Rounder Pathfinder Modules for the Folks at Dex Con in a row and reached the star on Saturday The Stars are well earned and you have our thanks You are a true Adamantium GM Rich ![]()
![]() Mark or Hyram What is the official rulling on this? It starts at 14th? Do we get to add a level for completeing the Maze of the Open Road series? Based on the Xp normally granted we would be 13.2 after the series 2XP for the two rounder the 1 xp for each of the next 3 mods in the series you could grant a bonus XP for the completion of the series to round out to 14th level I ask because the NYC group only has the last mod left to play and this mod would be the next availible play opportunity for these characters Thanks Rich ![]()
![]() I am putting the pieces together for my Kingmaker character... I allowed my GM to determine my stats using a method involving the three dragon ante deck in exchange I receive 23 point build I have decided on a Wolf Totem Druid from the APG and the race being a dwarf The race choice was to compensate for a 14 Wis and a 14 Cha My modified for race stats are: Str 14
The ability scores cannot be modified. What I am looking for help with are feats (full progression) and traits. I plan on taking the Travel domain instead of an animal companion
At 2nd level I am planning on taking bite and trip option but I have a few questions:like would I get the bite and my normal melee attack and would this attack provoke an AoO. I do not see wolves giving them up when they trip opponents. Any suggestions would be great... ![]()
![]() I copied this post from the Pathfinder RPG Yahoo group If anyone is interested and can help this guy out please do so Thanks Rich Pathfinder NYC "Ah, Gen Con is a week away so that means its time to step up the event push for Conception. If you are in the Chicago area, we need you and your events! This is a chance to bring quality events to a venue for local and regional gamers. We are looking for all sorts of RPG events including Pathfinder. If you are a Pathfinder judge, organizer or coordinator I would love to hear from you. We have tons of room, free parking and lots and lots of door prizes to be won. How do you submit events? Just send them to me at the below email address. If you need the con details here you go. Conception
Also if you need additional details you can go to the web site but it won't be updated until after Gen Con, sorry! Joe" jmiller7838@
![]() Re-posting this message to see if anyone in the Chicago can organize Pathfinder for this Convention Regards Rich Pathfinder NYC "Ah, Gen Con is a week away so that means its time to step up the event push for Conception. If you are in the Chicago area, we need you and your events! This is a chance to bring quality events to a venue for local and regional gamers. We are looking for all sorts of RPG events including Pathfinder. If you are a Pathfinder judge, organizer or coordinator I would love to hear from you. We have tons of room, free parking and lots and lots of door prizes to be won. How do you submit events? Just send them to me at the below email address. If you need the con details here you go. Conception
Also if you need additional details you can go to the web site but it won't be updated until after Gen Con, sorry! Joe jmiller7838@
![]() Tonight I ran the lower tier in NYC the party consisted of Fighter Type 5
The mod started out well for the players a cake walk really the 2nd combat was a good challenge. The third ended without the enemy even going. What I did.... Spoiler:
Where things went south was in the Cathedral against the harpies. The fighter decided to climb the tower while the other three went in the front door. The Big bad harpy hit twice and crit once. as soon as he entered the window. Down below the party glittered dusted 2 of the harpies and blinded the 3rd before they went. One of the glittered harpies started to sing and all 3 players failed the save. The fighter hops out the window after making his save vs song upstairs. He climbs down the vines jumping the final 10 feet. I had the big bad harpy fly down take the sword and leave without killing the party. They failed the mission and lost the gold for the encounter What I should have done.... Spoiler: I should have had the big bad harpy trigger the rematerialization of the hag spirit and had them fight it out while the party watched. If the ghost defeated the big bad harpy then the other harpies could have joined the party in fighting the ghost again. The mod says that the ghost can materialize after 2d4 days so it is possible. ![]()
![]() Since PaizoCon and Origins are but a memory :-( can we expect to have the 4 mods that premiered at these events available on 6/30? I ask because they are on the schedule for DexCon July 7-11th in New Jersey and I really hope that the judges will have a week to prep the mods for this event. Thanks Rich
![]() Fighters ability Weapon Training and the Earth Breaker for PFS The core rule book states that a GM can add weapons to the groups listed. For PFS how is this handled should the EarthBreaker be included with hammers? Can it be it's own seperate group? Is it not allowed for weapons training? The same question would hold true for any weapon not currently in the listed groups Thanks Much Rich ![]()
![]() I run the the NYC weekly game day and we have 2-3 tables a week not bad but I got to thinking how can I draw more attention to our game day and the Pathfinder Society. I noticed that Yahoo (I am sure Google does as well) has a section on the home page called Up Coming Events. It is free to add an entry and who knows it may just draw in people. I am still directing them to the Paizo site and my Yahoo group to sign up but at least it broadens my audience to not just word of mouth. If you are looking to spread the word this is a free way to do it... ![]()
![]() Josh Could you or some one else please check Event #115. I use this to record the weekly game day in NYC. Currently the database considers event number and not event date to determine whether a GM played the event before running it. Since I had to play catch up some tables were recorded out of order. If you would be so kind as to clear the errors on the following tables: #2
Thanks Rich ![]()
![]() PathfinderNYC has teamed up with the NYC D&D Meetup group to try out a new location. Cafe 28 on the corner of 28th street and 5th Avenue We will be offering 2 tables of Pathfinder Society Mod #8 on Thursday January 22 at 7:00pm Mustering is currently taking place at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pathfinder_NYC/ New players are always welcome come by the Yahoo Group and sign up ![]()
![]() It is a great place to catch up on the early mods.... Date: December 12-14th 2008 Location: Marriott Hotel, Stamford, CT
Notes: New and original D&D games (with pregenerated characters) written by our accomplished authors, a wide variety of Pathfinder Society, Living Greyhawk, Xen'drik Expeditions, Mutants & Masterminds, Call of Cthulhu and more. We've got a wide variety of quality games at
Check it out ![]()
![]() Currently we have 9 players for PFS2 The Hydra's Fang Incident. I'd love to have 1-3 more players to round out the tables Neutral Ground is located at:
If you are interested goto http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pathfinder_NYC/ And sign up games start at 6:30pm and we are finished by 10:00pm We love to get some new blood ![]()
![]() On Wednesday we will kicking off the Neutral Ground weekly gameday. We currently have 7 players and are looking for 3-5 more. If you are interested please go to: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pathfinder_NYC/ and sign up. The cost is $3 with $5 of the total going to the judge in store credit Thanks Rich
![]() So I was going through the documentation which says PHB classes and races which is fine until I get to clerics now I expect that the Pantheon to use is the Golarion one but it doesn't say so any where. Additionally as long as I stay away from being evil myself can I worship an evil deity? I am considering a LN cleric of Achaekek or CN cleric of Rovagug. Are they allowed? ![]()
![]() Nick and Josh I read in the various posts that all Pathfinder Members need to have Paizo accounts before they can play and must log their adventures. In concept I love this but as a person who coordinates weekly Game days this can have logistical problems. I get walk ins and need a way to sit them at a table and play right away. The RPGA accomplishes this by having cards that the player or coordinator can mail in after the event. The second issue I have is that some paper and pencil players don't have computers or the desire to log the adventure. I know you have said that the GM version will trump the players but can it be in lieu of the players. Additionally what is the estimated time to record each table? I am concerned about cons running dozens of tables. If the paperwork become too much of a hassle it won't get done. Thanks for listening Rich ![]()
![]() I for one am getting sick of people feeling they need to tell the world that Pathfinder isn't for them. It is cluttering up the general board, is unproductive and starts flame wars. If a separate forum topic is created then we can put these negative posts where they belong preferably at the bottom of the page. That way they can easily be ignored. Thanks for your consideration and keep up the great work you are doing. Rich |