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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


i´m working on my Hunter (Archer) and have read some Archer builds and in almoste all of them they use a mithral chain shirt as Armor.
But when i compare the mithral chain shirt whith the mithral Breastplate i finde the breastplate better.

Do i miss something?

When i assume a Dex bonus of +6 and compare them with a +3/+2 enchantment bonus.

Mithral chain mail:
Armor bonus +4, Dex bonus +6, enchantment +3, summs up +13AC cost 10.100gp

Mithral breastplate:
Armor bonus +6, Dex bonus +5, entchantment +2, summs up +13AC cost 8.200gp

both have no Armor Check Penalty, the breastplate starts with -4 and gets +3 from mithral and +1 from masterwork.

so the only real difference is the weight, mithral chain shirt 12,5lbs vs breast plate 15lbs and if you invest a nother 200 gp to make it a agile brest plate even that is the same.

So why are people use the mithral chain shirt and not the mithral breast plate, what am i missing?



i have read several Hunter building Guides and most of them say whith the combination of Outflank and the Team Feat Coordinated Shot you get an +6 Attack Bonus on your range Attack.

Do you realy get an Flank Bonus on range Attacks?



first of i´m not an english nativ speaker so please forgive me my mistakes.

When i last played PFS (Level 1-4) our last encounter was with an human cleric. He was propably evil (none of us checked) because he had a zombie with him, chaneled negativ energie and was involved in slave trade.

When the fight was over he was unconscious (not dead). I wouled have had him stabilized, bound and hand over to the authority. But our thief killed him.

Later on that got me thinking, in PFS it is not allowed to play an evil character but is it allowed for a good or neutral character to kill an unconsious or helpless (sleeping) enemy?

I will define it a bit more and say a race an PFS player is allowed to play (without a boon).

I would say no because it is an evil act.

What would you say?
