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I'm thinking of rolling one, and, I'd very much like to know this.

They both modify "Arcane Pool", so, on the face of it, that seems right out.

...However, all that the Eldritch Scion does to it is change the name, and the ability score tied to it.

And all the Bladebound does is change the rate at which you gain points. From memory, it's 1/3 lv instead of 1/2 level.

So, this very clearly is a RAW/RAI question.

...Personally, since the changes are clear, concise, and making the necessary alterations doesn't actually break anything, I seriously doubt this is against the spirit of the rules. Even if it doesn't quite fit the exact letter.

...Probably won't be taking it to Society, though. As I understand, PFS GMs have to go by RAW, even if the RAI is *known*. So, this definitelt isn't PFS-legal. But, in general?

...I should think it is.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Dave Justus wrote:

The elemental schools come from different real world cultural views of the elements.

The Greek: Earth, Air, Water, Fire
The Chinese: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
The Japanese: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Void

And...I would have hoped that would be common knowledge on here. The only thing more that *might* be considered a legitimate 8th school is "Thought/Spirit."

Of course, if you REALLY want more Elemental Schools, there is a great deal of room for expansion....

Do we REALLY want a Seikon no Qwaser knockoff in Pathfinder?

I've posted about this on Reddit.

And, someone tried to homebrew it! I inspired someone to do a thing, and, that feels amazing. Thank you, /u/squidpope.

And, it's rough, but, has potential... ...But, I still don't quite feel like it captures, truly, a union of the Cleric and Oracle.

Kinda curious what the people here on the official boards think!

How would you unify these classes? I feel like it'd heavily resemble an Arcanist, but, I don't think reskinning the Arcanist is enough...

(New to this forum, sorry for any formatting issues.)