Axe Lord

Salvos's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ok, thanks for the answers.

No, we don't cull BotG in our group. We played it as printed on the card assuming there would be a FAQ entry or another thread by now if it had been a misprint. Just checking to be sure, thanks again.

I've searched the forums and couldn't find anything on this, so here goes:

Wereshark Pirate has a lycanthrope effect of increasing the difficulty to defeat if the top card IS NOT BotG, whereas before lycanthropes were boosted if the top card WAS BotG.

Is the Wereshark a misprint or a special change for the scenario Storming Fort Hazard?

Bi-monthly or monthly with a 3 month gap.

4 character game played by my son(Kyra, Merisiel) and myself(Ezren, Sajan)

Character Name: Ezren
Role card: Evoker
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, +3 recharge check, +2 Arcane check w/Electricity and Fire traits, +4 acquire spell check
Card Feats: spell +3, item +3, ally +2
Weapons: Chellan, Sword of Greed
Spells: Augury, Bewilder, Disintegrate(2), Haste(2), Lightning Bolt(2), Poison Blast(2), Scrying
Armors: --
Items: Robe of Runes, Sihedron Medallion, Sihedron Tome, Staff of Heaven, Staff of Hungry Shadows, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Brodert Quink, Charmed Red Dragon, Clockwork Librarian, Jakardros Sovark, Pyromaniac Mage
Blessings: --

Character Name: Sajan
Role card: Drunken Master
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Constitution +2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, add Magic trait to combat checks, -1 non-combat damage, Fortitude check to recharge liquid boon, +6 to acquire a liquid boon
Card Feats: weapon +1, spell +1, item +2, ally +2, blessing +2
Weapons: Acidic Sling +3
Spells: Consecration
Armors: --
Items: Magic Spyglass, Potion of Energy Resistance, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Healing, Potion of Ruggedness, Sihedron Medallion
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger(2), Elven Sharpshooter, Poog of Zarongel, Sabertooth Tiger
Blessings: Erastil(5), Lamashtu(3), Nethys, Pharasma

Character Name: Kyra
Role card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Wisdom +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, weapon proficiency, add 1d8+1 w/magic trait to defeat undead and outsider, recharge or place on top of deck Blessing of Sarenrae
Card Feats: weapon +2, spell +2, item +1, ally +1, blessing +2
Weapons: Flaming Ranseur +3, Karzoug's Burning Glaive, Mokmurian's Club, Shock Greatsword +2
Spells: Augury, Invoke, Major Cure, Restoration, Sign of Wrath
Armors: Breastplate of Fire Resistance, Invincible Breastplate
Items: Headband of Inspired Wisdom, Medusa Mask
Allies: Lizard, Toad
Blessings: Gorum(3), Sarenrae(5)

Character Name: Merisiel
Role card: Acrobat
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, weapon proficiency, put evaded encounter on top of deck, 1d6+1 to combat check, +2 to barrier and close location checks, recharge blessing for dexterity check
Card Feats: weapon +2, spell +1, armor +1, item +1, ally +1, blessing +2
Weapons: Force Sling +3, Venomous Dagger +2, Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2(2)
Spells: Mirror Image
Armors: Reflecting Shield, Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Bracers of Greater Protection, Emerald Codex, Holy Candle, Ordikon's Staff, Revelation Quill, Robes of Xin-Shalast, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Bear, Black Arrow Ranger, Father Zantus
Blessings: Gozreh, Iomedae(2), Pharasma(3)

Runeforged Weapons Obviously

No deaths, although a couple of close calls. Not certain but I don't think we lost a scenario(I'll ask my son and update if needed).

Highest damage dealt:
Ezren -- 84
Sajan -- 95
Kyra -- 56
Merisiel -- 73

Favorite promo card: Poog!

Thank you for a very enjoyable game that has become our favorite co-op.

Ok, thank you.

These look great. As there are no dimensions listed for these sleeves I was wondering, just to be sure, if a fully sleeved set will fit in the RotR(or S&S) box inserts? Thanks.

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Evoker
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, +2 recharge check, +1 acquire spell check
Card Feats: Spell +3
Weapons: Allying Dart +1
Spells: Acid Arrow, Fiery Weapon, Force Missile, Frost Ray(2), Haste, Lightning Bolt, Scorching Ray(2), Swipe, Web
Armors: --
Items: Ring of Protection, Sihedron Medallion, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Brodert Quink, Jakardros Sovark, Monkey
Blessings: --

Character Name: Sajan
Role Card: Drunken Master
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, add magic trait to attacks, Fortitude check to recharge Liquid boon
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: --
Spells: Mending(Usually Cure whenever it's available)
Armors: --
Items: Potion of Healing, Potion of Energy Resistance, Ring of Protection, Sihedron Medallion, Spyglass
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger, Poog of Zarangel, Sabertooth Tiger
Blessings: Abadar, Erastil(3), Lamashtu(2), Gods(3)

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapon Proficiency, +1 defeat undead, recharge Blessing of Sarenrae
Card Feats: Spell +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Impaler of Thorns, Vicious Trident +1
Spells: Aid, Augury, Cure(2), Detect Evil
Armors: Elven Breastplate, Magic Full Plate
Items: Medusa Mask
Allies: Cat
Blessings: Gorum(2), Pharasma, Sarenrae(4)

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Acrobat
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapon Proficiency, evade and put card on top of deck, +1 to combat check
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Frost Longbow +1, Returning Throwing Axe +1, Venomous Dagger +2
Spells: Cure
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Holy Candle, Masterwork Tools, Sihedron Medallion, Spyglass, Staff of Minor Healing(2)
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger, Father Zantus
Blessings: Iomedae, Norgorber, Pharasma