SaintLamech |
Just wondering what were peoples ingame highlights were that didnt revolve around combat. Maybe it was talking you way through have a castle to gain entrance to Kings private chambers. Maybe it was discovering that your long lost twin was acctually the villian (gag).
Mine was when I played a cleric of a lost religion. Having fallen in battle eons agowith another god, my goddess had one last cleric, an ancient silver dragon, who entrusted me to re-establish the church.
After years of converting and spending every last gold piece I had on building a temple I finally set out and defeated the cleric of a rival church who had been plagueing my attempts to bring back my goddess.
Upon returning to the temple my goddess appeared before me and gave me her blessings, pronounceing me a saint of the church. This was one of the greatest joys I have ever felt when playing DnD. Not finding treasure or killing monsters but having my hard work pay off and recognised by my goddess. Also this allowed me to introduce myself as Saint Lamech, which of cause was awsome.