SaintLamech's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (91 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge

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Rust Monsters.

Rusting away hard earned equipment is enough to make a strong adventure weep.

Grand Lodge

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Ive always followed the idea that Geeks are Nerds without the intelligence.

Geek can be interchanged with fanboy. Someone overly passionate about their favorite cultural phenomenon.

Nerds however have high grades and interests in computers, science etc.

Perhaps it is better to say that both are over enthusiastic in their fields but Nerds favor practical interests and Geeks, pop culture (or unpop culture as it may be).

Grand Lodge

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What we really need is a clarification on Main Hand.

In TWF we all know that the off-hand gets 1/2 str mod and less with power attack. Now if we define the Main Hand in TWF as getting the straight str mod and -1/+2 from power attack we should get a balanced 2HW TWF.

A 1st level fighter with str 18 and power attack could get a Main Hand Greatsword (1d12+6), with +4 from str and +2 from PA, and also an Armor Spike (1d3+3, with +2 from 1/2 str and +1 from 1/2 PA).

I like the idea of slashing down with a greatsword than following it up with a knee spike to the groin and think the problem is not with definition of Off Hand but lack of definition of Main Hand.

Grand Lodge

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Can a walrus be tripped? Even if it pushes itself up on its front flippers I dont think it would be prone if you pulled them out from underneath it, as a walrus on land basically moves around prone.

If a walrus cant be tripped I dont think a snake should be able to be. The DM would just be favouring the walrus and a DM should be impartial.

Grand Lodge

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Better yet have the Lich fool EVERYONE. The powerful vampires and devils guarding the lich in his throne room have no idea about the limited power he wields. The difficulty of the fight would be against the minions with the lich an easy push over, perhaps shocking the whole room into silence as he drops after one hit.

Then the powerful minions either leave in disappointment or one steps forwards to be the new big bad.

Grand Lodge

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magnuskn wrote:
This thread once again stands as another example of the decline of western civilization since September 2001. Like any other "hey, torture is totally okay, right right?" thread. :-/

I posted using the 'bomb killing millions' example as a reason to use torture and yet I agree with this post. I think someone else has already stated that its the little pieces that make up the whole, and it takes only once for something bad (torture in this case) to be used before it starts to be the norm, and hence the decline of a society.

I started DMing a new game this week and had an intersting time with a human paladin that had been raised by orcs. Needless to say that along the lines he threw off the wonton destruction of his tribe but retained some savagery.

The party had captured a bandit. The paladin: kicked the tied up bandit to get his attention (not to inflict damage), threatened him with death for his crimes, tried to verbally intimidate him into giving the where abouts of the head bandits camp and yet stopped a fellow PC from strangling the bandit get the infomation. In the end the bandit was hung for his crimes (is was the first Kingmaker module and they had a writ autherising them to hang any bandits)>

I didnt intervene in the paladins actions or call him up on them to see how he would play it out. I think he played it well without breaking any of the paladins tenants.

What do other people think?

Grand Lodge

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If you wanted a character that follows the teachings of an order but went their own way to reach those goals than that is the inquisitor.

The backgrounds of Paladins can be wide and varied. The navys admiral seeking out pirates, the sheriff in a desert town, a tribal warrior protection the burial grounds of his ancestors. But the one thing they all have in common is their drive to do good.

This does not always have to be a consious choice. Some have a natural compass of what is right and dont stray from it. Others see paladins as a beacon of light and become paladins themselves by following their examples.

I see someone wanting to play a paladin and not strive to always do good like someone wanting to play wizard and not wanting to study. That is how the universe allocates them their power.

Grand Lodge

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STR 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6) = 14
DEX 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) = 17
CON 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) = 13
INT 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) = 7
WIS 3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) = 8
CHA 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) = 5

Kelgos Hammerstein
Dwarf Ranger

Tortured to near insanity by duegar, Kelgos escaped and is slowly regaining mental stability. His acid burned visage however will never properly heal. Kelgos is single minded in his approaches and prefers the compassionate company of animals to that of other dwarves.