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Selaros Teskarova's page

306 posts. Alias of Jesper Roland Sørensen.

Full Name

Selaros Teskarova


Half-elf Vigilante, HP 29/29, AC16, T13, FF13, Fort: +4, Ref: +6, Will: +5, +2 vs. enchantments/ +3 init / CMD 18


Athletics/acrobatic +8, diplomacy +6, disable device 8, disguise +8, perception +9, escape artist +8, dungeoneering +6, local +8, stealth +9, sense motives +10, intimidate +8




height 5.6 ft., weight 150 lbs.










Common, elven


Inn aid / Vigilante

Strength 17
Dexterity 17
Constitution 16
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 11
Charisma 12

About Selaros Teskarova

Sense low-light vision, perception: +9

AC: 17, Touch: 14, Flat-footed: 14
Hp: 29 (3d8+9)
Fort: +4, Ref: +6, Will: +5, +2 vs. enchantment effects and spells.
Immunity: magical sleep effects.

Speed: 30 ft. Init +3
Melee: star knife +6 (1d4+3/x3)
Ranged: Starknife +6 (1d4+3/x3)
Combat options:
Deadly aim: +2 damage, -1 attack
Combat expertise: +1 dodge, -1 attack

Base atk: 3 CMB: 6 CMD: 19
Feats: Precise shot, intimidating provess,
Social talents: Social graces (sense motives), intrigue feats (street smarts),
Skills 8x3: Atlethics (2) +8, acrobatics (2) +8 diplomacy (2) +6, disable device (2) +8, disguise(3) +8, perception (3) +9, escape artist (2) +8, knowledge dungeoneering (2) +6, knowledge local (2) +8, stealth (3) +9, sense motives (1) +10 intimidate (1) +8,
Background: Profession cook (2) +5, appraise (3) +8, sleight og hand (1) +7
Traits: Goblin watcher, dedicated defender,
SQ: Duel minded, dual identity, seamless guise, vigilante specialization (avenger), unshakable,
Languages: Common, elven, varisian,
Combat Gear (78/86): Masterwork studded leather, starknife, masterwork glaive, ring of protection +1, potion of cure light wounds 2, potion of enlarge person,
Adventure gear: Backpack, belt pouch, blanket, 10 torches, 5 trail rations, waterskin, chalkboard, 10 pieces of chalk, glass cutter, 10 glue paper, grappling hook, silk rope 50 ft., 5 sheets of paper, mirror, ink, Inkpen, ear trumpet, thieves' tools,
Clothing: Pocketed scarf, reversible cloak, mask, traveler’s outfit, Desna tabard,
Alchemical gear: Alchemical grease, acid flask,
Coins: 754 gp, 5 sp, 0 cp

Background, extended:

Selaros Teskarova is born and raised in Sanpoint. His parents were kind of an odd couple, his father, Jonah was a warpriest in the church of Desna based in Magnimar, he was often traveling to spread the word of Desna and apprehend offenders of her faith. His mother, Shalaye was a wandering elf, who Jonah rescued from a goblin attack near his camp one night, she was good looking and Jonah was taken by her, and she seemed to quickly share this feeling and accept the priest’s heart. They married shortly after returning to Magnimar and shortly after they moved back to Jonah’s hometown of Sandpoint, where he took a more peaceful job as cleric of the church.

A year after they had Selaros, named after Shalaye’s grandfather to honor his passing the same year. Selaros was always a quite child and he enjoyed when his mother read books for him. As he grew older, he started helping around the home with many different things, including cleaning, cooking, and running errands around town. Because of his father’s role in the churh he was allowed to study there free, this included basic training in the faiths favored weapon skill. Around Selaros’ 10th year the town was hard hit by a goblin raid who had snuck further in than they normally got. While the goblins was driven away, it came at a great cost for Selaros for his mother was trapped in their house as it was burning down. Hearing his wife scream for help from the burning building Jonah got distracted and a quick goblin plunged his dogslicer with all his weight into Jonah’s stomach, causing the old warpriest to bleed to death before any could help him.

Selaros’ loss got worse yet, without any real family in Sandpoint he was forced to live on the streets. Neither the townspeople nor the church could help him in this crisis and he feels they abandoned him to his own device. After a few weeks on the street he met another child, also orphaned a before Selaros. Selaros found a friend in Agustianna Bolmosais who taught him everything about living on the street and in return, he used some of his martial training to keep her safe. He made a costume, using his father’s old armor, to keep them both safe, and started fighting back goblins and others treating Agustianna badly. As the Desna Knight he could fight without fear of reprisal against him or Agustianna, and the masked knight seem to keep the goblins more at bay than previous. He has developed feelings for her but he is uncertain if they are that of love for a friend or a woman to share his life with, he however wants to be able to give her a life worthy of her and away from the streets. In his efforts to prevent the goblins from making it inside town again, he met a Shoanti ranger outside town who watches the roads and forests for goblins to allow his own people to travel unhindered through them. They agree to help each other to discourage the goblins from attacking travelers and the town.

5 years ago during the mass murders by Chopper, Selaros was very afraid of finding Agustianna as one of the bodies, this caused him to make a few mistakes and for a period, the city guard thought him the murder and tried to catch him. Then came the great fire of the town’s Cathedral where he tried to help put out the fire, but as the fire engulfed the cathedral, he suddenly heard the memory of his mother screaming again. Having that memory return to haunt him at this time, caused him to loose his awareness for a moment and his left side was caught on fire, his left arm was badly burnt and despite it being healed, he favors to fight with only his right hand tossing starknives and only use a 2handed weapon when he has to. Since this incident, he has been working as an aid for Ameiko in the Rusty Dragon helping with the cleaning and preparing of foods and beverages. It’s not the best pay, but they get by on a daily basis. He tries to put as much as he can aside, from both his job and what little he is offered for helping as the Desna Knight, saving up until he is able to buy a house.
In the guise of his social persona Selaros finds peace and relaxation in his anonymity, and spends this time to tend to any wound and prepare for the next fight. As he can walk around without many paying him much attention, he also uses this time to listen to rumors around town. He tries to confirm is any of it is true and whether or not it's worth acting on.

Background and concept:

1. Selaros’ parents were killed during a goblin raid on Sandpoint.
2. Abandoned by the town he has lived on the street since then.
3. He is not very charismatic but intelligent and curious with a love for finding a discarded book to study.
4. He adopted his secret persona to fight back against new goblin raids, and defend his friend.
5. Rumors about him started circulating about 5 years ago as he eagerly tried to help fight the fire ravaging the Cathedral, but also got hurt in trying so.
6. Selaros has gotten a work to aid Ameiko in the Rusty Dragon with every little odd job.
7. Secretly in love with his childhood friend.
8. He uses his social persona to relax and gather infomation.


1. I would like to see Selaros be accepted by the town being recognized for his deeds around town, for both his personas and perhaps share his secret identity with the town.
2. It would be cool to have Selaros find love in Agustianna, but she need to accept the Desna Knight is Selaros first.


1. Selaros uses the persona as the Desna Knight to escape his life on the streets, fighting back against goblin raids, and help the town in times of great need.
2. Selaros is a grandson to one of the Varisians, Alamon Scarnetti and his band killed in an attempt to force the founding of Sandpoint quicker, they still hold a grudge towards that particular family.
Secrets he is not aware of.
3. Agustianna is in love with the Desna Knight, but doesn’t know it’s actually Selaros.
4. Ameiko has seen him change into the Desna Knight and might support his actions.


1. Agustianna Bolmosais (human female varisian sorcerer) a childhood friend, who is skilled in the arts of divinity. She is often able to provide Selaros with useful information or confirmation about what is happening around town. She is also very knowledgable and can often answer any questions he has about the arcane.
2. Ahbet Goblin Chaser (human male shoanti ranger) lives just outside of town. He offers Selaros infomations on the nearby goblins movement and warns him if they are preparing for something. They often join together in beating the goblins back before they make it to close to town.
3. Kostin Scarnetti (human male varisian aristocrat) thinks that Selaros is a direct decedent of the Varisians responsible for killing his father during the founding incident. He doesn’t know the real history and will act hostile towards Selaros unless he can be proven what really happened that day.


1. Selaros remembers growning up in Sandpoint often helping his mom and running errands for her.
2. The last memory of his father was him teaching him how to throw the starknife of his people.
3. One of his foundest memories is meeting and learning Agustianna after his parents death.
4. He often remembers that he failed to help during the burning of the cathedral and was badly hurt, this drives him to work even harder.


Selaros is rather short for a half-elf but he is fit and strong. He has light brownish skin and long loose hanging auburn brown hair and blueish green eyes. He wears plain cloths and his fathers old studded leather armor. His appearance shows clear signs that he have lived most of his life on the streets, and he is often mistaken for being older then he really is.

End game:

He doesn't want to protect Sandpoint untill he is six feet under. He is mostly the Desna Knight for Agustianna's sake, so his first agenda is to keep her safe, while he gather the courage to reveal himself to her. If Sandpoint accepts the Desna Knight he hope to gather help to once and for all rid the surrounding area of any goblin influence.

If she accepts him and encourages him to reveal himself, he will do that after some time and serious thinking on the subject. He is then going to retire and he might teach someone to fight like him and take over for him, so the town always has a new protector.
If something happens to Agustianna or she rejects him when he reveal himself. To rid himself of the hurt and the sadness he will by the end make one last effort to make the town safe before disappearing into their memory. This last attempt might be him going alone into the swamps killing as many goblins as possible before finally taking his last breath as the Desna Knight, whether he dies or just leaves the costume all tattered and bloodied remains to be seen.

If he survives his last ordeal he will stay in Sandpoint for a while before deciding to travel and experince the world, or stay in case a new woman has found a way into his heart.

Me, the player:

My name is Jesper, I'm from Denmark which will leave me some hours ahead of the USA. I have played pathfinder society since late 2012, and started myself gming early 2014. I have played on pbp for a little over a year. English is my second language and is not that perfect.
I try to always post once a day, but I won't make a post just to uphold the once a day if it's clear we are waiting for another to post first, or we are in combat where it isn't my turn to act, unless I can take on others turn for free.