S J Cotterill |
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
logic_poet wrote:
I've got my physical copy, and while I like the look of it, I should warn people that the cover is more orange than my monitor led me to believe would be the case based on the preview art. If you're really expecting and eager for brown, you may be disappointed, as it is actually a shade of orange. I guess they were going for something that would match the rust in the trade dress of the softcover volumes and also be reminiscent of suns. It's not quite as dark or as red as iron rust, more like like un-oxidized copper without the shine. Or the lighter orange shade on my bag of backyard barbecue flavor kettle potato chips from Safeway. Not quite as pure orange as the orange for Reece's Pieces.
Could you by any chance post an image somewhere of your copy?
The only actual image I have seen so far is on an eBay listing, and to be honest it looks a very bright orange, not particularly appealing (I noticed they also changed the logo on the front from that originally advertised)
Thank you