Member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye

S. Charles Higginbotham III's page

7 posts. Alias of Orthos.


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Eddie Lizzard wrote:
It's pronounced BOO-kay.

Ah, you know the lady of the house! Wonderful!

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Well at least that means you're not a witch.

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Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Oh, and I'm with Cap on the weather issue. I'm currently about 10 degrees warmer than him living just a couple hours south (that latitude difference is fairly huge in spring and fall, not so much in summer/winter).

Freehold mentioned that we make CNN when it's unseasonably warm. Not really. It would have to be above 40 in January to get a 3 second blurb. Otherwise it still hits the mid 90's in the summer (with 60-80% humidity) with occasional spikes into the low 100's and drops to negative single digits and below in the winter before wind chill. But the East Coast is where they go nuts over it in the media.

well, the east coast IS the naturally superior coast...

East coast still hasn't realized you can do office jobs just fine - in many cases far better - without dressing like you're going to church or a funeral. That puts them significantly behind.

The idea that mandatory ties for men and skirts/dresses and heels for ladies is somehow the only proper office dress code is one that would have died last decade if east coast businesses hadn't clung to it like life rafts.

Around here, Shiro is a C-level executive at a Fortune 500 company and goes to work in jeans and a T-shirt. In fact, even when he gets flown around on the company jet to visit off-sites, he's still in jeans and a T-shirt.

HOWEVER, if he or I have to do the East Coast, and *only* the East Coast, it's "slacks, shirt, tie, and jacket".

It's as if the East Coast is stuck in the 1950's.

Heck, even at NASA in Houston they were asking, "Why the heck are you wearing a tie?"

because we on the east coast know the truth.

A well-tailored, preferably dark, suit is the material component when attempting to cast the shamefully overdressed spell upon a paramour.

Sure, if your paramour is into the "self important rich dingus" look. Mine is more of a sweatpants-and-oversized t-shirt gal.


I say, you disrespectful young ruffian, I resemble that remark!

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Reginald Peabody IV, esquire wrote:
S. Charles Higginbotham III wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:


i get to derail my own thread:D
By Jove, you're living the high life now, aren't you old chum?

Egads Charles, you've aged..... well.

i say! what you need is a good ole fashioned hunt!
what say you we go out and turn the tables on that Dastardly villain Foxglove!
just as long as we're back for evening tea that is, no need to be uncivilized after all wot wot!

Oh I just had one of my episodes is all, but the doctor assures me everything's just fine, and that the occasional spasms and bizarre spontaneous loss of language control will pass in time.

A hunt sounds lovely! I've been meaning to take a certain thing for that Foxglove fellow, I think you'll like ak ngya llu ghnatha br'ntgna wagnths rukh tyakna fngljh iu phnagl bth'nagqa khn szvaltna phomik tsmuirna ghkahk. It'll be wonderful, I imagine.

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captain yesterday wrote:


i get to derail my own thread:D

By Jove, you're living the high life now, aren't you old chum?

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Reginald, stop taunting the animals, for Heaven's sake! Don't you ever learn, old boy?

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Lands sakes, gentlemen, we are cooking with blackpowder now!

Charles here is a rather esoteric fellow, fond of old books, strong smokes, a healthy wine over a warm fire, and dabbling in the darker mysteries of the universe. He can recite from memory a vast horde of useless information, from the exact paths of long-abolished trade routes to the precise taxonomy of his companion Lizabeth, a prime specimen of Pteropus vampyrus if there ever was one - oh come now, don't let the name frighten you, she's perfectly harmless. He is also overweight, utterly incompetent at anything involving manual dexterity, addicted to about three or four different intoxicants, and occasionally has episodes where he babbles on for quite some time in long-dead languages and then passes out, waking up a few hours later with no memory of the event and a ravenous hunger.

Mechanically Charles is a Witch with 10 or lower in all physical stats, the Deception patron, and a bat familiar.