Rynehawk's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Looking for:

* All of the remastered spell cards
* Divine Mysteries (Remastered)

I can find these items on 3rd party websites, but thought I'd check here. They aren't in pre-order, they aren't in new releases, they aren't anywhere that I can find.

Such a frustrating store.

Ugh. Bought the PDF version but it is unprintable due to being formatted as one incredibly wide page. Also un-editable. Frustrated. What a waste.

Sporkedup wrote:
I haven't had working tracking in months if not over a year. I gave up on it, really.

le sigh

thanks :)

kcunning wrote:
I have to ask: Has anyone gotten updated tracking? Mine is still sitting at "Tracking information is unavailable" after a week.

Not just me then. Neat.

My first subscription order; got a shipping notice in email 8 days ago but no tracking update or anything. Is this normal?