
Rykka's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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We've set up a public Windward server set in the Inner Sea region, built to scale (as much as the game allows) and peppered with various factions and locations from the setting. The factions are represented visually in the game with setting appropriate flags, capitals, names and stats.

For those unfamiliar with the game. It is a naval ship game with a heavy helping of exploration, questing and trade. It also has a strong territory control element that can provide entertainment for those who enjoy warring for more of their colour on the map.

The four starter factions are as follows.

Liberty and Freedom must prevail!
Order will be restored!
Linnorm Kings
A journey worthy of song!
From Katapesh, all trade flows!

Shackles Pirates pervade all regions, and can even be joined. The Pathfinder Society and the Aspis Consortium also wage secret war with one another that is accessible by higher level players.

Here is a map of the server, with the Golarion map overlayed slightly for clarity. Locations such as the Eye of Abendego, Lake Encarthan, and others hidden around the map are both highly dangerous and fun nods to the setting.

The Inner Sea!

If you have an interest in joining us, please do! We welcome all, especially roleplayers. The war for the Inner Sea continues with you!

Server Information
Simply direct connect to ragea.net to join our server, pick a faction, and tell your story of pride or plunder.

Star Voter Season 6

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Whew... home finally from a long weekend out of town. I have a /tonne/ of reading to catch up on in here! In the mean time I will place my piece on the table for anyone who feels so kind as to offer their two cents on it.

(I am also totally stealing Tamago's formatting.)

My item was the....

Lantern of Souls:

Lantern of Souls
Aura strong necromancy and abjuration; CL 16th
Slot none; Price 42,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
These curious and delicate lanterns come in many sizes and styles, operating as a normal lantern of its type. Once per day if the lantern is held above the dead body of a willing intelligent creature within three rounds of its death as part of a full round action, their soul becomes housed within the lantern for a year and a day. The lantern can only hold one soul at a time. Using a lantern with a soul already inhabiting it immediately expels the previous occupant. The character holding the lantern can communicate with the housed soul freely while the lantern is being held. A soul that willingly enters the lantern can permanently depart from it at any time.
If the lantern of souls is used on an unwilling soul, the creature must make a DC 18 Will save or have its soul become trapped inside of the lantern for a year and a day, getting to make a new save on the first day of every new month to escape. While trapped, the creature's soul can be made to answer one question honestly every day. Clever creatures can however, twist the wording to be intentionally misleading.
If the lantern is used as the focus of a resurrection spell for the soul inside of the lantern, the revived does not incur the standard negative level for being raised. Destroying the lantern (Hardness 1, 5 hit points) with a soul still in it immediately frees the soul and the lantern can no longer serve as a focus for resurrection.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor, soul bind; Cost 21,000 gp

Designer's Notes:
This item was something I dropped into a game with my players a while back that really took off with a direction of it's own. The item eventually spawned it's own story line and quickly became one of my player's favorite magical toys. It seemed like a decent entry for my first RPG Superstar entry.

The item was designed as a way to extend plots and NPC's and to have fun with that sort of "Genie" "Devil's Advocate" sort of mechanic that comes from wrangling careful wording into every request and really scrutinizing every answer. I also wanted a way for a player with a dead character awaiting resurrection (if possible) to still have a voice in the game and table until that was sorted out.

Using the death of an important NPC to result as a sort of spiritual mentor is another hope I have for the item, even if it hasn't occurred yet. A sort of portable Obi-Wan Kenobi. For these instances and more, I hoped that people might enjoy the object as much as we have.

Self Criticisms:
THE NAME! Oi! It is so tepid and boring. I had planned to rename it the "Lantern of Wayward Mentors", but ended up staring at the body of the text in the window for so many days that the title just sort of faded away. I really hate the name a lot. Boring. Definitely not Superstar.

I am concerned by the price. Pricing has never been a strong point of mine. I did my best to use the given advice of "comparing it to similar items" and tried to balance it's desirability of being on a shelf beside other similarly placed items. I am uncertain how I fared on this, but my gut tells me I was off the mark.

I also find myself concerned with the length. I actually had to trim it down twice, and worried that I tried to cram too much into too little space. I tried to be concise, but it still feels bloated to me.

Thank you again, anyone who deems the item interesting enough to offer feedback on. I would deeply appreciate learning more about what went right, and what went wrong.

Star Voter Season 6

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Prizrak wrote:
Good lord, am I still on the internet? This has been the most respectful public discussion of women in gaming that I've read in years. I'm sorry not to contribute much of value, but this is really making me want to spend more time on the paizo forums.

This. In spades. I am boggled in the best way possible, even if it is a little derailing from the original thread topic. So much respect in so many directions.

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Hey everyone.

I am soon to be playing a character in a game that is going to be using the Words of Power out of Ultimate Magic. Being the big dork that I am, I wanted to actually list the glyphs and sounds of the words so that I could both visualize and role-play them better. I realized I was having a ton of fun making these, and thought I might post the sheet I made for it up on this forum for anyone else to make use of.

Keep in mind I made this for my own use, but it is working out pretty well so far and is highly enjoyable. The following link is a quicky example of the page with a few Words scrawled down on it. (Sorry about my handwriting, but you will get the idea!).

If anyone likes it, I will see if I can't host a PDF of it somewhere for fun.



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Karuth wrote:

A troll character I had made a weapon from his own body parts.

That is hideous and beautiful and I want to steal that sooooooo bad for something in one of our games. May I?

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I was curious about what House Rules people may have created for their tables to help promote and reward role-play at the table. I know everyone runs their tables differently, but at our table (at least when I am DMing) roleplay is a primary importance. There are plenty of tactical board games out there, and I do not really want to spend my weekend running another.

As such, a few House Rules have sprung up over time to help facilitate this, and I was curious to know what other DM's may have come up with as well!

-Descriptive Bonus-

What?: If someone describes their action, attack, etc with exceptional panache or superior role-play, I usually tack on a bonus to whatever it is they are attempting. While this is typically just a +1, there have been instances of jaw-droppingly memorable moments where higher bonuses have been allowed.

Why?: This is to escape from "I attack again." *Roll* I missed.

I find this a great way to get the number obsessed into the roleplay seamlessly.

-Unarmed Attacks-

What?: Everyone in our games are considered to have improved unarmed strike, though they must still take it as a feat to qualify for any feats or skills that have it as a prerequisite.

Why?: Because movies, stories, games, etc are chock full of people throwing punches, knees, shoving, etc in the middle of pitched fights and it seems a shame to rob the players of that for something they just wanted to do for the sake of roleplay. IE: Forgoing another powerful sword swing to rattle off a quip while headbutting their opponent. Few will want to do that /and/ get an AoO against them for the sake of roleplay. I find this has drastically improved the cinematic quality of our combat scenes as a result.

Further?: On a case by case, CMD checks might also get a pass- DM allowing, if it makes sense in the situation.


What?: For particularly heavy campaigns (Like modules, that investment should not go to waste on shallow concepts) character questionnaires can add completely unexpected depth to characters. Example questionnaire.
http://dreadpiraterose.wordpress.com/2009/12/30/100-questions-to-ask-about- your-role-playing-character/

Why?: Because if you are going to sink days and days and weeks and months of your time into creating and breathing life into a world for a group of people, the least they can do is humor you enough to fill out a sheet.
A more serious answer though, is because it really adds unexpected depth to characters. I have had several players come up and remark on how much more interesting and enjoyable their stories were after completing those, as it forced them to really flesh them out in ways not available to them at the table. It gives them history, and reason, and goals.

-Roleplay Tally Sheet-

What?: Mark down your player's names, every time they roleplay something out in a very satisfactory way, mark down a tallymark.

Why?: Because (I don't know how long you guys play) at the end of 16 hours of gaming, it is hard/impossible to remember all of what occurred and players can feel a little cheated on roleplay XP rewards. Keeping a tally sheet allows you to easily count up a reward at the end of the game that makes sure that players leave the table feeling that their roleplay helped them in return.

-Spontaneous Enchantments/Curses-

What?: Heroic/Harrowing events can leave their mark on objects present at the time of the event. This can result in enchanted or cursed items naturally metabolizing over the process of adventure.

Why?: Because magical doodads just coming from number-crunching enchanters looking to make some coin is very.. very... boring. Useful and necessary come time to spend money, but also boring. I don't enjoy my players best items coming from a trip to Walmart.

Instead, the DM can allow dramatic events to leave their mark. A dagger used to kill a family member is now cursed with their vengeful spirit. A sword (actual example) that took a Drow priestess to negative hitpoints over ten times in one combat now seems to almost seek out Drow naturally. Armor that withstood the scorching breath of a dragon as a warrior huddled over a child to protect it now seems to shrug off further exposure to heat.

Adventures are chock full of situations that could leave magical/fate residue on equipment that are way... /way/ more interesting to the players than "I bought it at Magic Mart." I have even had players attempt to harness this intentionally, like with a certain Blackguard embarking on a side quest to plunge his sword through the heart of X amount of _______ under the light of a full moon, culminating with the final one being on a special dark holiday. All to get a magic sword he probably could have bought. Awesome.

-Rare Regents as Focuses to Help with Spellcasting-

(This one might be a bit out there for people, sorry.)
What?: A slain magical creature can have a portion of it's being harvested as part of a simple ritual to capture it's essence into the object. Ex: The Horn of a Dragon, the Stone Heart of an Elemental, the Claw of a Linnorm. These can in turn be used to empower spells that sync up with their aspect in some way. (DM's Discretion on Requirements and Effect, always one-time use.)

Why?: Because I have found this makes even the most innocuous random encounter or monster fight have memorable echos down the line, and also makes their defeat more rewarding as they usually do not carry treasure. When a player triumphantly raises the dagger sized stinger of a monstrous wasp they defeated four levels ago to help empower their new swarm spell at a critical moment- all of the pieces fall together in very satisfying ways for players and DM both. All from an otherwise forgettable encounter.


I'd love to hear what other DMs and Storytellers have come up with. These have worked wonders at our table, and I hope to learn about more ways to embolden roleplay at the table. I understand that my own examples I've listed would definitely not work for everyone's table, but I hope that someone else gets some good use out of them as well.

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I don't know- as a longtime DM I am personally a fan of aesthetic and story over number-crunching. If something sounds good, and everyone is enjoying themselves, I am apt to roll with it so long as it makes sense. This includes both sides of the damage coin.

The T-Rex falls in lava due to players ingenuity, roleplay or misfortune? Well done! Enjoy a grisly and cinematic description of it's death, HP be damned.

The T-Rex falls in lava due to players being meta or abusing the mechanics in a way that is not constructive to roleplay? Well done! The heavily damaged T-Rex explodes from the lava, spraying molten rock in all directions as it dives for the players in a blind rage. Reflex saves, everyone.

In short, you are the DM. Do what feels right, and don't get too hung up on the rules. They are more of a guideline, really. Roleplay should always be the primary concern.