RyeSavage's page

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Anorak wrote:
GM Mustache wrote:

I think Paizo needs to figure out a way to give discounts to people who have purchased hard covers through bookstores. Aren't we always told to support local hobby shops? Yet discounts in a program like this only happen if you buy PDFs directly from Paizo.

I'm one of the many people here with no desire to repurchase content I already purchased. I wish these things could be done in a smarter way but I am just seeing the same old model again.

I hear you. The key here is to see Demiplane as a Digital FLGS. When you buy a book from Ye Olde Gaming Shoppe, they get all the mark up from your purchase. This helps the Shoppe.

Now what I can see Paizo eventually doing is, once things are running, is offering a digital discount. If you buy a hardcover inside is a code for, say, 10% discount usable on the Nexus.

If you buy the Hardcover Directly from Paizo you will get an even larger discount. That is now.

Except that currently if you buy the hardcover from Paizo you don't get any discount in Pathfinder Nexus. The discount is only applied if you purchased a PDF.

As a side note, Paizo still has some markup on the books they wholesale. Its just not as significant as the markup they get from their direct to consumer sales. In general all wholesale items being sold to retailers still include markup to generate profit for the original producer of the item.

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desverendi wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Is there any digital toolsets that offer a discount for just owning the physical copy but not the PDF?
I'm not sure how that would work, how would you prove that you owned the physical copy?

I was referencing physical copies purchased directly through the Paizo webstore. So the purchase is directly connected to the Paizo account being linked to Demiplane.

Obviously its a separate issue if buying physical books through online retailers like amazon or at your local game store, but if the purchase is connected to your Paizo account there's honestly no good reason to not get a discount when being asked to repurchase the source through Demiplane.

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emky wrote:
How is this useful at all? Rebuying content in different formats is CURSE. There should be no extra cost over something like this if people have already bought it digitally directly.

Yeah, It's deeply frustrating and price prohibitive to have the official online platform for pathfinder content be so expensive for content users already own. On top of that, the fact that there isn't even a discount offered if you only purchased a physical rulebook instead of the PDF is just shafting the players and GMs who like having a physical book to reference but still use digital tools for their games.

As someone who has been buying physical rulebooks since the launch of PF2E, I and I imagine a lot of others have spent a significant amount of money to support all the amazing content Paizo has released for this system. On top of that, many of us have then spent that money all over again in order to get access to that content through sites like HeroLab. To have Paizo announce PathfinderNexus as the "official digital toolset of Pathfinder Second Edition" but force the people who have been supporting this system for a long time to have to rebuy in for every single piece of content is, in my eyes an egregious error.

It would be one thing if the cost for already owned sources was closer to $5-10. I get that there is labor that goes into converting these books into a usable format in Demiplane and ensuring all the rules and options contained in these books are integrated into the digital toolset being offered. There can certainly be a price attached to these items to ensure that the people doing that work are getting paid fair wages, but asking people to spend over $100 for content they already own is just a bit ridiculous.

Raychael wrote:

Hi there!

I've replied to your email. :)

Thank you Raychael!

HeyCustomer Service!

I know you guys have a pretty hefty email backlog, but I still have not received my copy of the Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide (Order #23882518). It was part of the shipments that went out on 2/17/2021 and the tracking has never been updated through UPS MI.

I’ve tried emailing about this issue, but haven’t heard anything since Sara Marie posted about the issue in February. I’m just trying to figure out where my order is and hoping someone can help me out.

Thanks for anything you can do regarding this!