Commander Kyan Kain

Ryan Pfefferle's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


There's one aspect of your artwork that I've always found odd - and that is that you always draw boot "coverings" for your characters. Sometimes it looks good, but on other characters it looks very out of place. I'm guessing that is some personal style preference of yours?

Ah yes, I forgot about that part - that each target may only benefit from this extra healing once every 24 hours. That arguably makes this feat even more useless if my guess is correct on how it should be read.

I can think of a few alternatives to buff this up, to giving extra die of healing based on the Charisma Modifier, or extra Hit points for each die of healing.

I'll type something up that sounds a bit fancier tomorrow when I'm not quite so tired.

I just ran across this spell in the Inner Sea Gods. It states,

"When you channel positive energy, those you heal can choose to take additional healing equal to your Charisma bonus..."

I'm guessing that this should read, "... those you heal can choose to be healed an additional amount of hit points equal to your Charisma modifier... "

Assuming this is the case, do people think this feat is worthwhile? At first glance, it seems like a decent feat, especially at low levels. However, since this feat doesn't scale with higher levels, the extra bit of healing it provides later-on can be rather small compared to the healing from the Channel itself.


You probably have a long wait ahead of you. I've sent in a few e-mails requesting assistance, the first e-mail sent September 2nd, 2014

I have yet to receive a reply to any of them, apart from the automated, "We're busy" message on occasion.

I'm probably going to need to manually call them. I'm patient and all, but even I have my limits.