holger schmidt 157's page

No posts. Alias of aeglos.

hi everyone,

I started kingmaker as a DM, but I am not very happy with the kingdom buliding / leadership / city building

I think my players will loose interest in the "sim city like" aspects of kingdom building and the various bonuses and sub-rules
I don't want to restrict them to pre-formed ruler types and city blocks are just to modern for us (we are european)

I thought about using just Economy and unrest and build consumption around kingdom size and thought about letting them attract citizens instead of building every building themself

did anyone try something like that?

any tipps or ideas ?

hi guys,

my credid card got declined by the store (for the items in my shopping card)

I am quite sure the card is ok, I can use them withput problems on other sites

would you please look into this?

thanks in advance and best regards


The Spoony One talks about starting Roleplaying and (among other games) recomends Pathfinder on "That Guy with the Glasses.com"

The Draw is over, the Groups are set.
Time to start the discussions about the Euro 2012 in Poland/Ukraine

If you don't like soccer, no problem, please enjoy yourself in all the other Threads but please don't troll us here.

So come in, let's talk soccer and may the best Germany win ;-)

15 people marked this as a favorite.

A lot of people seem to feel Saventh-Yhi is much to underdeveloped, so let's develop it together.
Let's flesh out all the buildings that stand out on the map but have no description.

Significant structures on the map like:
- White stairs with round plaza west of Area D
- 3 waterways with 8 square buildings between D and E
- 4 three-story ziggurats at the shore of E
- Row of square buildings blocking the road to Spear E
- Ruin on island south of E
- Plaza soutwest of J1
- Dam northwest of M
- Two-story ziggurat in G (copy-paste building from K4) + tower south of it
- Row of 4 square buildings between G and D
- Buildings on the island south of F2
- The towers(?) on the F Islands
- Buildings northeast of F3/F4

Round gray plaza with thing in the middle east of D3:
Aveshai's memorial
A large plaza paved with gray granite, the stones are cracked and withered but seem to once have been smooth and polished. Monoliths from the same stone surround the place.
In the middle of the plaza stands a tall pedestal decorated with bas-reliefs depicting battles between human and serpentfolk armies. On top of the pedestal stands a large marble statue of a cyclop. The giant holds a huge sword in his hands and stares vigilant into the jungle to the east.

A row of square towers to the northeast of the plaza form the city border.

Hi there,

the Shop declined my credit card informations, I am pretty sure the card is valid?
Can you tell me what has gone wrong


My players make better adventuring parties if they are given a common theme to start from.
I decided to let them be part of an expedition to rescue Eando Kline, formed by a friend of him, in Absolom and board the Jenivere there.
English is not my natural language so I would be very happy if somebody could read my handout and tell me if it sounds right and convincing.
It will be a poster (found around the Absolom schools) and will replace the players guide for my campaigns.

Handout Text:

Proclamation and Advertisement
Assortment of an expedition into the Mwangi Expanse
Able-bodied men and women wanted for a sponsored expedition into the jungle of the southern mwangi expanse.

The team will need to be able to defend itself from the various dangers of tropical jungles and will need to posses the capability to provide a coherent journal of their discoveries able to uphold scientific standards.
the following roles should be roughly fulfilled in the assembled team:
Defender/Combatant - People will need martial abilities to defend the expedition against wild beasts, hostile natives or even monsters. the use of heavy armor is discouraged, however, due to climatic reasons
Scout/Hunter - People with the ability to read tracks, navigate, and find food in the natural environment will be highly needed. The expedition may need be self sufficient at some times
Healer/Divine Caster - The tropics are a dangerous place and the expedition may need members capable of curing wounds and/or diseases
Arcane Caster - The ability to cast arcane magic would be of great help for the expedition's success
Scholars of the following subjects will be highly appreciated:
History, Architecture, Local Knowledge (Mwangi Expense), Nature, Arcana, Religion
The ability to communicate in Polyglot will be helpful.
Diplomatic skills will be highly appreciated
Hostile Encounters with humans, monstrous humanoids, giant vermin, animals could be possible.
Expedition members will be expected to uphold certain moral and ethical standards.

Scion-Lord Haimon Hueff of House Mercerene
district seat on the Low Council
Venture-Captain Pf.S. (retd.)
Bronze Sword

very sad



The TSM Nominee's are:

Best Location:
The Hambley Farm
Foxglove Manor
The Copper Dwarf
Foxglove Townhouse
The Skinsaw Sawmill
The Shadow Clock

Most memorable Villain:
Foxglove Manor (the haunts)
Aldren Foxglove (male dread ghast aristocrat/rogue)
The faceless stalkers (shapshifters)
Justice Ironbriar (male halfelf cleric)
The scarecrow (lifespark flesh golem)
Xanesha (lamia matriarch sorcerer)

Best Battle or Szene:
Murder at the Sandpoint lumber mill
investigations in Sandpoint
Battle with ghouls at the Hambley Farm
The Haunts at Foxglove Manor
Fight with Aldren in the caverns
Spending quality time at the Copper Dwarf
Battle with the faceless stalkers
Battle with the cultists and Justice Ironbriar at the sawmill
Fight with the Scarecrow
Fight with Xanesha at the Clocktower

And the winners are:

Best Location:
1. Foxglove Manor 6
2. The Hambley Farm 2
3. Magnimar 1
3. The Copper Dwarf 1

Most memorable Villain:
1. Foxglove Manor 6
2. Xanesha 2
2. The scarecrow 2

Best Battle or Szene:
1. The Haunts at Foxglove Manor 3
2. Fight with Xanesha at the Clocktower 3
3. Spending quality time at the Copper Dwarf 2

Already new one,

fastest update in month, i think


The pig sounds fun, but thinking about it for a moment, how should you adventure with a PIG in tow?
A pig is a big and heavy beast, the first climb check could be the end of your partnership because it can't climb and you can't really carry it, you can't take it with you into formal locations and the impression on authorities if you bring a pig to an audience, well.....

On the other hand, the wizard gets monkey and weasel, both are fun and can look after themselves a bit, that is important for a witch familiar because you have a problem if your familiar dies. I could really see a jungle with with a monkey, sounds great. So why no monkey or weasel?


I'm not sure what to think about it, feels like a filler,
the last joke is somewhat out of character in my opinion

and new one


new one is up


about time that they got on their way

already a new one, 700 is quickly approaching

All in the family


Is the Siherdon Rune carved into the victims in “Skinsaw Murders” magical ?

My players asked right now and I have no clue

This is sensational:
Germany’s most important news and politics magazine “Der Spiegel” today released an article on they’re website about the very old roots of our hobby (Spiegel-Online as a roleplaying game section, believe it or not)

In these pictures you see a table inscribed with “tactical war games”. It was designed for Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm II. by Georg Leopold von Reiswitza, member of his war council, in the year 1812.
The playing field worked just like dungeon tiles and could be re-designed every game.
The outcome of battles was determined by dice.

Pictures can be found here:

I'm planing to let winter pass between skinsaw and hook mountain.
To create the feeling of time passing by, I want to play a small winter side trek – but I can’t find a good one.
Any tips for a good Level 6 or 7 side trek or small adventure with a winter theme and lots of snow ?
Maybe from dungeon or a pathfinder society

Karzoug has some great monologs in Burnt Offering, Fortress of the Stone Giants and Sins of the Saviors.
He is a really rememberable villain and these moments should be very dramatic highlights.
But I fear, if I just read them aloud to my players, well, they will be nothing special at all, just me, talking in my barely understandable English with German-Hessian accent.

So, while listing to the incredibly funny Goblin Song someone brought to the Community-Created-Stuff-Thread I got these really strange Idea:

Maybe somebody out here is up for the challenge?
Would you speak Karzoug’s monolgs for us and put the sound files in here?
Maybe someone with a commanding voice and some drama experience?
Pretty Please ??

Hi everyone,
I am preparing Skinsaw Murders for my players at the moment and I stumbled about a strange thing:
The haunt in Room B9 “Iesha’s Vengeance” gives the Player who gets choked, a DC16 Fort Save.
Success = 3d6nonleathal damage. Failure = Immediatly –8HP and dying.

Are there any rules backing this scenario up?
I couldn’t find any rules for a situation like this.

I think my players will cry foul on this situation, and as I have a lawyer AND a judge sitting at my table, so I better be sure on the ruling here :-)
