
Rotgut the Foul's page

1 post. Alias of Aloha-Shirt-Samurai.




Expert 1 (To be Alchemist 2)







Special Abilities

Foul Belch, Restless Hunger


Chaotic Neutral



Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 5

About Rotgut the Foul

What you see: Rotgut is big, fat and an unhealthy shade of splotchy blue. Constantly dressed in a filthy smoking jacket (made for a gnome a size or two smaller than him), worn open to show off his necklace of soup bones and embroidered velvet loincloth. His most prized possession is his white chef's hat that stays improbably clean.

Rotgut the Foul
Male Goblin Expert 1
Chaotic Neutral
Initiative +4

"You taste like gravy!"

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11
hp 9
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2

Speed 30 ft.
Basic Attack: +0
Basic Melee: +1
Basic Ranged: +5

Big fat, thinks he's tougher than he is and usually heads for the hills after he takes the first hit. Mostly a trapper and a distance support.

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD +13
Feats N/A
Skills Appraise (+8), Craft: Cookery (+8), Craft: Traps (+8), Disable Device (+8), Escape Artist (+8), Heal (+4), Knowledge: Local (+8), Perception (+4), Stealth (+12), Survival (+8)
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc, Elvish

Foul Belch: Once per day as a standard action, you can force a articularly odious belch at a single opponent within 5 feet. The haracter affected must make a DC 12 Fortitude save or be sickened or 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Restless Hunger (Venkelvore): If you have a piece of food (or something a goblin might consider food), you can quickly eat it as part of a charge attack once per day. Doing so increases your speed by 10 feet for 1 round.

Core Concepts:

1. Rotgut loves to eat, and Rotgut's always hungry. Rotgut eats disgusting and inedible things, even by goblin standards, because he's always looking for another ingredient to put in his recipes.
2. Rotgut loves cooking (which he calls cookery) and wants to get better at it. His food is almost edible by most standards, and great by Goblin standards. He can recognize quality food when he tastes it, but he still eats and enjoys garbage.
3. Rotgut is nice to other goblins right up until they get in the way of his food, at which point they might be food.
4. Rotgut is bigger and fatter than most other goblins, and he thinks that makes him much tougher. It does not.
5. Rotgut's intelligence and foul belches come from an artifact he ate that's still lodged in his stomach.


1. Get better at the cookery, which he does by eating sheffs.
2. Some day, somehow, he wants to eat a dragon.

Out of character ideas:

1. Graffitiing, eating or otherwise ruining incredibly priceless artifacts.
2. Generally being an incredible nusiance for bigger and more intelligent races, especially by complete accident.

Likes, Dislikes, Etc.:
Likes: His soft embroidered hat and loincloth. Also: cats (they're fuzzy, and he can eat one in two bites)
Loves: Fancy gourmet dishes of any sort, though his favorite is filet mignon.
Hates: Wasting food, or anything even vaguely food-like.

Goblins don't be complicated. Goblins likesta fight. Lotsa goblins likes ta eat and likes ta chomp and likes ta bite. An' lotsa goblins eat things day shouldna ate. So what makes Rotgut special?

Rotgut eats more, fights more, stabs more and eats plenny a things he ain't never supposed to ate! An' Rotgut have secret passion... Rotgut is a gourmand. Gud word rite? Rotgut got it when he ate a human sheff.

See, Rotgut used to wander around alone because his friends all got dead after he stole all da food and left and put down needlespikers so day couldn't follow. So one day Rotgut got hungry after Rotgut ate all his food and his friends food and dan a cat. So Rotgut wanders around, tummy rumbling, and sets down a trap for a pig, but dan a pinkie wanders out and he trips and he falls into da trap and Rotgut thinks: Hey! Even more food! But dan Rotgut realizes even better than that: human was a guard for a camp, so Rotgut thinks: where dare's food, dare's more food!

So Rotgut wanders into da camp and dan fatty human with da nice hat says "Hey, Paul, was it a bobcat or what?" And dan Rotgut eats his face. And dan Rotgut eats his food, and his friend, and all da booze day was drinking, and da fancy shiny rocks day had in a nice pouch. dan Rotgut thinks: Hey! Dis is about da right size! So Rotgut takes da pouch, and Rotgut has a new loincloth. But da best thing, da absloot best thing dat Rotgut got was feelay manon.

See, dare was one more human and he didn't want Rotgut to eat him and he thought Rotgut was dumb, so when Rotgut went to eat him, da human gave him food instead! Rotgut will never forget it, cause da human said it was called feelay manon. Nothing Rotgut ever ate since was as good as da feelay manon. Not when he ate da sheff, or da sheff's cat, or when he went back and ate da first human. So Rotgut starts trying his best ta do what the humans call cookery, which they do by sheffs.

Goblin Song:
My name Rotgut, and when it's night,
Or when longlegs is out of sight,
Take all the food, it is all mine,
Pickle the cats and salt the brine,

Cook long time and make the stew,
Humans is always the best food,
Knock them out with bad gut-breath,
I love it when I eat da sheffs.