Rosshk's page

14 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Grenades just seem actually terrible when you think about them from the perspective of "this is a grenade", not "this is a PF2e simple thrown weapon". A flat 1d8 damage isn't enough to kill ANYTHING, and when I get out a scifi grenade I expect it to be able to kill chaff enemies at the very least! Plus I'm paying a not insubstantial amount of money for it that I could instead be investing into my horribly overpriced gun ammo.

I just don't really see any character ever going out there and buying grenades. Finding grenades as loot, sure. But they just don't warrant the price point?

Especially since they are likely to eat your entire turn. Action 0: drop one hand off of your gun. Action 1: pull out the grenade. Action 2: throw grenade, watch it do nothing. Action 3: pick up your gun with both hands again.

Also, Soldiers interact very poorly with them? Since the main Soldier feature, primary target, doesn't work with grenades nor grenade launchers, and with missile launchers the extra ammo cost is terrible!

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Perpdepog wrote:

And it feels kinda bad when you're using projectiles, which don't scale, so you never get that longevity bump.

I wonder if abstracting ammo even further wouldn't be warranted. Batteries and cartrages don't increase in level and weapon magazines do as you upgrade them, or those increases are smoothed out and flattened for all weapon categories.

My biggest problem with the system right now is the weird ammo economy and the way some weapons just get to ignore it at higher levels while it's always scuffed at lower levels.

If all ammo scaled, you'd just stop reloading at higher levels. That's weird. But I can see it as a general boost to ranged combat at higher levels, which is nice but means all the reload feats become useless.

If no ammo scaled, ranged combat would always be awkward with very low magazine sizes.

As is, we're in this weird in between world where you probably want cartridge guns at lower levels and by level 11 NOT picking a battery gun is actively gimping yourself.

Though I also dislike the ammo economy in general. It's so... needlessly complex? People already hate keeping track of arrows, now having to keep track of multiple different types of ammo (because you want multiple guns for resistances etc) AND different levels of consumption AND a bunch of extra ammo using features and feats...

I'd really rather have ALL weapons use batteries (or generic magazines that scale like batteries), and for batteries to be cheaper. Make them magical magazines with nanobots that adapt to the gun or whatever.

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A projector fastened to a belt or lapel encases the wearer’s body in this shimmering hardlight shell. Military-issue hardlight armor follows a predictable standard, but private users enjoy a range of customizable fashion options.

It's a projector so small that it can be fastened to a lapel, but it still requires +1 strength, has a bulk of 1 and is, somehow, noisy? Must be one hell of a coolant fan inside that lapel pin.

Now, don't get me wrong, I really, really like the idea of this armour. It's very cool. And you can customize your fashion! Finally, you can just walk around in casual clothes while still having protection thanks to hardlight projection!

...but the stats of the armor just do not fit the fantasy its description paints. Because it's a reskinnend chain shirt.

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Zoken44 wrote:

So I'm noticing that there are only 3 Directive feats.

Take 'em Alive (1action) at level 1
Get In There (1 action) at level 2
Search high and Low (1 action) at level 2

Given that there is a "Leadership Style" that who's act of leadership includes "Issue another directive (In the spotlight) that seems odd to me.

Like, the main take away I got from the previews and everything, was that we would be issuing directives to buff our allies, but given you can't use the same directive twice in one turn. You HAVE to take one of those directive feats.

Also, I guess I just figured there would be more directives, given the emphasis they had in the previews.

I'm having the same issue with the class, yeah. Right now, there's a grand total of 6 directives, and 3 of them are always going to be available for your character no matter how you build them. I was really expecting at least 1 directive specific to each of the leadership styles, because as is leadership styles... don't really do all that much? They don't have any feats tied to them, they give you a skill and a skill feat (while you're a class that's already drowning in skill feats and skill training), and then at level 6 you FINALLY get something out of it. And the level 6 effect is great! But... that's it.

Oh, and also, "From the Front" really ought to give you Shield Block. Right now, the ONLY class that gets shieldblock for free is Solarion.

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I agree entirely, especially since the game lacks an equivalent of Incredible Investiture from PF2e.

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The biggest problem I have with Primary Target is that it consumes ammo. I'm already kinda iffy on how tiny all the magazine sizes in the game are (I know this was also the case in 1e, but I've never played that one and would probably have disliked it there just as much). But then this feature that is meant to let you use area weapons in bossfights and the likes (I DO know Pathfinder 2e, so I doubt many bosses would ever fail the reflex save) but with most of the weapons with area in the playtest, you are forced to reload either after one shot or two using that feature, usually with a 2 action reload, so 2-3 rounds into the bossfight you have a dead turn where all you do is reload and maaaybe move.

Automatic weapons fare better, admittedly. And you do get bigger magazines for batteries as you climb levels. But it still feels very... dissatisfying? It might work fine in play, my group isn't going to clear up our schedule to playtest for a while yet, but just reading it... man.