RosaMea's page

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Ascalaphus wrote:
That's a pretty hefty ability actually. Compare to some of the sorcerer bloodlines that aquire that immunity (Aberrant) and armor with Fortification - those are really high-level and expensive things.

Then about how much should it cost, considering "immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning" costs approximately 4-5 RP and "immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms)" is also about 4-5 RP?

Ok, in that case, does anyone know if a list exists that list the RP cost of monster qualities and abilities and where I can find it?


I'm trying to create a race with the Amorphous Quality, but have no idea how much RP that should cost.

I've compared it to other Racial Qualities and don't think it should cost more than 4-5 RP, but wanted to make sure:

Amorphous (? RP) The creature's body is malleable and shapeless. It is immune to precision damage (like sneak attacks) and critical hits.

Honorable Goblin wrote:
RosaMea wrote:


can you really perform an attack of opportunity againts the target that you just attacked, especially as Redirection is kicking in as a response to your attack?

Well, if it's my turn and I attack an orc, using the Trip combat maneuver without the Improved Trip feat, I will provoke an attack of opportunity from the orc. He can then use his AoO to use the Trip maneuver against me. If he doesn't have the Improved Trip feat, then he'd provoke an AoO from me, which I can then use to try to Trip him and this could go on and on so long as we each had the ability to continue making AoO's (such as from Combat Reflexes).

And as far as class features vs. feats, look at the Knockdown barbarian rage power, and the Trick Throw alternate class feature of the Unarmed Fighter fighter archetype. Both abilities specifically say that using them does not provoke, so I stand by my initial ruling.

Ok, this is the answer that I was looking for, an ability examp;e as opposed to a feat... :)

This also men that a wolf provokes an attack of opportunity when it attemmpts a trip.

Honorable Goblin wrote:
Considering the Shield Slam feat specifically says that the free bull rush does not provoke, I'd say unless another special ability had similar language, any combat maneuvers granted by said ability's use would provoke.

Yes, but Shield Slam is a Feat and Redirection and Timely Tip are special abilities listed under their classes's description, not feats, and may work under different rules...

For example: Redirection states that "a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him," but can you really perform an attack of opportunity againts the target that you just attacked, especially as Redirection is kicking in as a response to your attack?

(thank you for responding, I just really want the fine point clarified.)

Several special abilities exist that enable a character to perform combat maneuvers, such as Redirection and Timely Tip. Do these special abilities provoke attacks of opportunity?

The text, , says, "This simple brown robe, when worn, confers great ability in unarmed combat. If the wearer has levels in monk, her AC and unarmed damage is treated as a monk of five levels higher. If donned by a character with the Stunning Fist feat, the robe lets her make one additional stunning attack per day."

However, Elemental Fist and Redirection came out after this came out. So, does the Monk's Robe let the character make one additional Elemental Fist or Redirection attack per day?

Elusive Target states, "as an immediate action, a flowing monk may spend 2 points from his ki pool to attempt a Reflex save opposed by an attacker's attack roll to halve damage from that attack." How does this apply to a critical roll?

For Example: a 3rd level Fighter with 18 Strength (+7 to hit) rolls a 15, I understand that I have to roll a 22 or higher, but if the same fighter rolls a natural 20, do I have to roll a 27 or higher, or do I have to roll a natural 20?

Thank you in advance! :)


This is a similair question. The Flowing Monk has an ability, Elusive Target, that as an immediate action, allows a flowing monk to spend 2 points from their ki pool to attempt a Reflex save opposed by an attacker's attack roll to halve damage from that attack.

When can I use the immediate action, when the attack is declared or before damage is rolled?