Roondar Turel's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for RealAlchemy.


Dark Archive 4/5 *

To revive this old thread, the first encounter in [redacted] was a very dangerous extraplanar creature. In round 1, the party wasn't getting anywhere with it, so in round 2 as a summoner I went for broke : Dismissal! The GM noted that "This could be a game changer," and then proceeded to fail the save. Poof!

Dark Archive 4/5 *

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So the party is heading down to rescue Paracountess Zarta Dralneen, and we have all the documents to secure her release. We ask the man at the desk where she is, and show him the documents. He stands up, says, "That's going to be a problem," and attacks the party. We beat the holy living hell out of him in about two rounds, taking him to negative OMG hit points. My gnome summoner concludes that we still need the information from this twit or we can't rescue the Paracountess. So I have my Eidelon sit on the guy, effectively pinning him, and then I five foot step up and successfully UMD a scroll of breath of life. He wakes up to see a devil (my bipedal eidelon) sitting on his chest and a gnome glaring down at him. "I'll ask you this one more time, as you seem to have had trouble understanding me. Where is Zarta Dralneen?"