The Jester

Roondar's page

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Thanks I'll definetly take into account all you've said. The reason I don't want it would be because firstly it's awkward for the campaign I'm running. I wouldn't mind him being just a plain lizardfolk (he's obsessed with them). Thanks!

Well yeah I suppose... I myself have a habit of making my gnomes amazingly indepth in background detail and particular unique traits they have from birth or curses etc. (i am only ever a gnome)

I am about to start a campaign and one of my players wants to be a, wait for it, half minotaur of krynn/ half lizardfolk. How the hell do I deal with that? I myself don't think the minotaur's that good and he should just be a damn lizardfolk. Any suggestions as to what I might do?

Lollie En has not participated in any online campaigns.