Deep Crow

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,220 posts (4,303 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 aliases.


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Dark Archive

Hello, I would just like to cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder Adventure Path following the shipment of issues #83 and #84. Thanks for your time and the awesome ride through these great campaigns, Paizo!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Welcome back, Eradico!

OK everyone, I've been going back through the campaign just to refresh my memory a bit on some details, and should be ready to begin posting again by this weekend.

So far, I have not heard back from Cat regarding Kaltos, but I would like to proceed, so I will NPC him as needed for now.

If anyone has any questions about the campaign, either specific details about where things presently stand in the story, or your individual character's place in it, please ask below, and I'll be happy to answer.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Thanks Shadoven, much appreciated! If you're ever interested in playing, give me a message, we're always looking for players that enjoy the setting as much as we do.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

OK, sent an email off to Eradico/Wardja. I don't believe I have an email for Kaltos, you able to let him know Bal?

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Thanks guys. Just checking in tonight, I'll shoot Eradico and Kaltos an email if I don't hear back from them before the weekend is out to gauge their interest in resuming play.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Cross-posted from the Oremor Affliction

Happy New Year, everyone.

Here's to hoping that everyone's 2014 is off to a good start!

Let me start off by apologizing for the longer than expected hiatus.

I sometimes wish I could go back in time and scream in the face of 16 year old me, Doc Brown style, and impress upon that shiftless teenager the point that free time would one day in the not-so-distant future be a rare commodity in the world of family and work, but alas, such is hindsight.

In retrospect, as I was telling Bal not too long ago, I think taking on two campaigns was the straw the ultimately broke my 'creative back' time-wise. Even though the two campaigns were great fun while being run simultaneously, as my free time declined, I found that sustaining both was getting more and more taxing, and the quality of both would soon be suffering for it.

I'm trying not to assume too much here, but my guess is that everyone would prefer to continue the Dark Heresy campaign to conclusion, as we've all invested more time in it. If that is the consensus, I likely will be mothballing the Deathwatch campaign or ending it outright depending on everyone's interest or lack of interest in revisiting it at a later date.

I guess the first order of business though is determining whether or not everyone still has an interest in continuing the game at all. So please check in when it is convenient for you to do so with your preferences.

Thanks again for your patience, you guys are a great group.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Happy New Year, everyone.

Here's to hoping that everyone's 2014 is off to a good start!

Let me start off by apologizing for the longer than expected hiatus.

I sometimes wish I could go back in time and scream in the face of 16 year old me, Doc Brown style, and impress upon that shiftless teenager the point that free time would one day in the not-so-distant future be a rare commodity in the world of family and work, but alas, such is hindsight.

In retrospect, as I was telling Bal not too long ago, I think taking on two campaigns was the straw the ultimately broke my 'creative back' time-wise. Even though the two campaigns were great fun while being run simultaneously, as my free time declined, I found that sustaining both was getting more and more taxing, and the quality of both would soon be suffering for it.

I'm trying not to assume too much here, but my guess is that everyone would prefer to continue the Dark Heresy campaign to conclusion, as we've all invested more time in it. If that is the consensus, I likely will be mothballing the Deathwatch campaign or ending it outright depending on everyone's interest or lack of interest in revisiting it at a later date.

I guess the first order of business though is determining whether or not everyone still has an interest in continuing the game at all. So please check in when it is convenient for you to do so with your preferences.

Thanks again for your patience, you guys are a great group.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Cross-posted from the Oremor Affliction

Just a little bump.

I'll be posting more soon, after the holidays, have a great Christmas everyone!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Just a little bump.

I'll be posting more soon, after the holidays, have a great Christmas everyone!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Cross-posted from the Oremor Affliction campaign

Sorry for the recent absence, everyone. My work schedule has been very heavy of late and pretty much every spare moment has been accounted for with family and other obligations. When I have tried to squeeze in time for writing/GM'ing recently, I've found the creative well to be a bit dry, so rather than posting something that doesn't live up to my standards, I've held back, especially since we are approaching the most pivotal part of this campaign and I want it to conclude in a manner that meets everyone's expectations, including my own.

Posting for me should normalize soon. I'm hoping to start as early as tonight, so thanks, once again, for being patient.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Sorry for the recent absence, everyone. My work schedule has been very heavy of late and pretty much every spare moment has been accounted for with family and other obligations. When I have tried to squeeze in time for writing/GM'ing recently, I've found the creative well to be a bit dry, so rather than posting something that doesn't live up to my standards, I've held back, especially since we are approaching the most pivotal part of this campaign and I want it to conclude in a manner that meets everyone's expectations, including my own.

Posting for me should normalize soon. I'm hoping to start as early as tonight, so thanks, once again, for being patient.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

With things settling down a bit, I should be able to post more regularly again.

I'll also sit down and review the Only War material I have and offer some suggestions. I do like what Mark has posted so far for the 'penitent-prisoner' side of the split regimental structure.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Sorry about the delay, Eradico, some RL issues are making the leisure time scarce of late.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Thanks, Bal. More to come.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Its funny, after describing the Oremor Swamp Rat, my mind kept going back to these:


Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

It is a good question. I'd have to agree with Bal, though, even with the most stringent of Inquisitorial secrecy, the fate of an entire world is a difficult thing to keep under wraps.

I'd say for the purposes of the Foresaken campaign (at least until the ultimate conclusion of the Oremor Affliction) the subject of the fate of the world itself would be taboo. Those in the know have very good reasons not to discuss things, both from a psychological and survival standpoint (the Inquisition, as we all know, are not very forgiving).

In a nutshell, there are two main possibilities based on the outcome for the characters in my campaign:

  • They failed (or even succeeded in a sense...) and Oremor is either a quarantined world or effectively no more due to an Exterminatus purging final sanction.
  • Or, the characters "succeeded". I use the quotes only because we all know from a meta-game standpoint, the world has undergone a sizable Chaos incursion, both from the manifestation of the Fydae Strain, and the Changeling's machinations. I guess what I am saying, is that even with a successful conclusion, the world will take some time to recover, with events surrounding its ultimate fate shrouded in secrecy. That being said, all you Oremor Affliction players, do not lose hope, there is a 'complete success' ending to that scenario that is still very much achievable---I just can't get into too much detail without major spoilers.

The idea that the surviving Oremor regiments have been employed as disposable fodder during the Margin and Achilus Crusades make perfect sense to me. You quickly tie up all the loose ends when you keep shipping off the survivors to Death Worlds, suicidal assaults, and untenable last stands. This is the Imperium, after all.

I would say that of all the Guard survivors of the incursion on Oremor, those assigned to the Unduz prison claustrums (like the 4th) and the 1st Oremor Legion charged with pacifying Orcut Hive would have the most first-hand knowledge, but also the fewest survivors, given what occurred. Since it can be assumed there were catastrophic casualties, and many of the troops who witnessed things directly were consolidated into other units, some of the Oremites might not even have a clear picture of what exactly happened.

Our characters will be one of two things; either fully in the know and deathly silent for their sanity and survival, or, on the margins, knowing that some bad sh!t went down, but not being entirely clear on the cause or ultimate results of what happened.

Since Sarge has an inkling, I'll be dropping hints and reveals while roleplaying him, but since the final fate is still up in the air, they probably will be vague revelations at best for now.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

I kind of expected this was coming, if only because it is the oldest book of the line, and there really isn't anywhere to go with expanding to another game within the Warhammer 40K RPG universe at this point.

Administratum: The Tithing?

Nope, didn't think so.

I have to say that the disparity between Dark Heresy and Only War, particularly with regard to the combat rules is pretty significant now, and I had planned on integrating them over time anyway, along with some of the other rules improvements, such as degrees of success on tests, and the simplification of the "Unnatural" Bonuses, to name a few.

This can mostly be done by house-ruling though, or with a solid errata sized 'sourcebook'. I am withholding judgement until I actually read through the rules (I purchased the PDF) to see just how necessary the improvements and changes are and how well they were implemented following the last beta release. Let's face it, the original book is reprinted, but has become the poor cousin compared to the other setting options for a lot of people, when I think it is still the coolest game of the bunch as far as themes and roleplay potential. A new book is a good thing in the long run, as it promises more books to come in the DH line, something I feared was going to trickle to nothing with the release of the Star Wars RPG. All that being said, FFG needs to make their money, and this is also a way to generate more revenue for a very successful line (although I share Bal's disappointment that Scum and Assassins never got their sourcebook love, perhaps they will be the first archetypes visited when they start cranking out sourcebooks again this time around).

As a huge fan of the Calixis sector, I'm a little sad they are moving on to a new setting (Askellon Sector), but if they are capable of creating a backdrop as well fleshed-out and enjoyable to read as their original, I will be happy in the end, regardless.

We will continue as always with the existing rules, reinforced with the improvements from the other games, and, depending on my final opinion of the new rules, will adopt and mod our existing game as necessary over time. I won't expect anyone to adopt the new material one way or the other at this point.

Well, typing out my thoughts here brought me to a sleepy state. Oremor Affliction will updated tomorrow, as I posted a much delayed update for the Sons of Jericho tonight.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Cross-posted from the Oremor Affliction

Hi guys, sorry to slow the game down yet again, but myself and the family will be taking a little vacation (started yesterday, actually) until Thursday on the slopes of Mount Mansfield, in upstate Vermont.

I will be enjoying the threefold pleasures of Cabot cheese, pure maple syrup, and copious amounts of Ben & Jerry's ice cream (dietary note: this will NOT be occurring simultaneously), not to mention stunning green mountain vistas, ridiculously fresh air, and yes, a place known as the Teddy Bear Factory with the wee folk. I expect the Adeptus Mechanicus could show them a thing or two about meeting production quotas more efficiently, heh heh.

I have to say that the WiFi at the resort isn't terrible, but I probably won't have time to post with the itinerary for the trip. I should be back to posting by this weekend, though, as this is a relatively short trip.

Winding lanes, abandoned farmhouses, and impenetrable woodlands skirting these slopes have been making me think of another roleplaying game, actually---hopefully there are no travelers from Yuggoth nestled in these mountains...

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Hi guys, sorry to slow the game down yet again, but myself and the family will be taking a little vacation (started yesterday, actually) until Thursday on the slopes of Mount Mansfield, in upstate Vermont.

I will be enjoying the threefold pleasures of Cabot cheese, pure maple syrup, and copious amounts of Ben & Jerry's ice cream (dietary note: this will NOT be occurring simultaneously), not to mention stunning green mountain vistas, ridiculously fresh air, and yes, a place known as the Teddy Bear Factory with the wee folk. I expect the Adeptus Mechanicus could show them a thing or two about meeting production quotas more efficiently, heh heh.

I have to say that the WiFi at the resort isn't terrible, but I probably won't have time to post with the itinerary for the trip. I should be back to posting by this weekend, though, as this is a relatively short trip.

Winding lanes, abandoned farmhouses, and impenetrable woodlands skirting these slopes have been making me think of another roleplaying game, actually---hopefully there are no travelers from Yuggoth nestled in these mountains...

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Welcome back, Mark, glad you had a nice trip!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

I'm very sorry about the lengthy lull, guys. Leisure time for gaming has been in short supply for me lately with a full slate at work, and lots of activities with the kiddos beginning summer vacation.

I hope to update Sons of Jericho tonight and the Oremor Affliction on Sunday night, and we'll transition back into a more regular schedule in the coming week.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

I'm very sorry about the lengthy lull, guys. Leisure time for gaming has been in short supply for me lately with a full slate at work, and lots of activities with the kiddos beginning summer vacation.

I hope to update Sons of Jericho tonight and the Oremor Affliction on Sunday night, and we'll transition back into a more regular schedule in the coming week.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Have a great time, Mark, enjoy the trip!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

We're like the walking wounded lately. Here's to hoping Eradico and Bal both feel better soon.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Thanks, Eradico, I'm not a huge hockey fan, but was watching just the same. It was a tough one.

Enjoy Welker this year, he is fun to watch!

(It would be nice to still have him this year with the Hernandez fiasco... oh well, we'll see if Tebow goes into savior mode for Bill and logs snaps at Tight End.)

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Enjoy Eradico, have fun!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Nice write-up, Bal, a good summation of Savalos' thoughts right now.

For everyone else, I posted it to the wiki: Scriptorium Chronicle.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

OK guys, last call for Requisition, just checking to make sure everyone is in agreement on expenditures so far and the final points being spent to take the Aquila Lander twice.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Cross-posted from Oremor Affliction OOC

Sorry if it seems like I fell off the face of the earth last week, everyone, I've just been adjusting to getting old.

Wife finally ordered stubborn me to the doctor to get some serious back pain checked and it turns out I have a nice touch of arthritis in the base of my back that was flaring up. Made sitting (more the standing afterward, really) pretty uncomfortable, so I took a little computer vacation.

Things seem to be improving finally, so back to the cogitator and posting!

First order of business, getting Kohl Bennex talking and Brother Bjorn into combat!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Sorry if it seems like I fell off the face of the earth last week, everyone, I've just been adjusting to getting old.

Wife finally ordered stubborn me to the doctor to get some serious back pain checked and it turns out I have a nice touch of arthritis in the base of my back that was flaring up. Made sitting (more the standing afterward, really) pretty uncomfortable, so I took a little computer vacation.

Things seem to be improving finally, so back to the cogitator and posting!

First order of business, getting poor Vincent out of the mud!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

No book handy where I am right now, but I'll check out some of the new Regimental options in Hammer of the Emperor and post them here tonight so everyone can have a look at what Mark and I are excited about.

I think some of the options would work really well with the Oremor 4th.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

OK, looks like there is a total of 27 points remaining for Requisition.

Some of you spent well under your allotment, so if any of you would like to add any equipment out of the sum remaining, please do so now.

Otherwise, feel free to assign the surplus points to other equipment that might support the squad as a whole or select more of the Assets as listed above.

I'll leave things open until Tuesday night before finalizing the Requisition selections, so if you want to swap/add/drop anything, now is the time.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

I have, Mark, it's actually pretty good. I've read about half of it, and the regiments added are pretty good selections, and expand upon some of the options in Only War's core book.

It does a great deal to expand upon the rules for regiment creation, and actually adds some things that might be pretty applicable to the Oremor 4th if Eradico was OK with some ret-conning of our current build. The mixed regiment option is neat, too, though clearly designed in such a way to allow characters to play a divergent group of different regiment characters, a la the Deathwatch conceit. It has some pretty rational justifications for this mechanic though, and doesn't feel shoehorned in.

The rules for mounted combat also create an interesting mechanic, one which I never really had considered for the Warhammer 40K setting, but the Attilan Roughriders (think Mongol cavalry guardsman) and the Death Riders of Krieg (Death Korps on quasi-post-apocalyptic skinless horse-things) are pretty nifty in their write-ups.

The Advanced Specialties are great though, and use an interesting new mechanic to qualify for them.

Basically, whenever you get to a 2,500 XP increment, you have the option of taking one of these Advanced Specialties, essentially gaining some abilities/equipment and changing your full compliment of Aptitudes (while keeping your existing skills and talents). The selection of Advanced careers are a pretty good swatch of roles, from Brawler to Tank Ace, and are geared specifically for the core Guardsman classes in Only War. I can only assume the specialists (Commissar, etc) will get their own treatment in a subsequent volume.

Only niggling beef I have with the book is with the editing quality (this might be more me than anything else). Although there aren't as many typos as some of the recently released Warhammer 40K volumes, they are present, and most would have easily been detected with a good vetting. They aren't bad, but annoying to stumble across when the content is otherwise very good.

All in all a solid addition to the line, while not as essential or expansive as the Inquisitor's handbook is to DH, it definitely gives you a lot to work with.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM
Eradico Pravus wrote:

Oooh! Emeric likes having an orbital strike cruiser! :)

Rook, if the kill-team took vox transmission net, would that make Emeric's request for a vox-caster (10 pts.) redundant?

Yep, the Vox Transmission Net would supersede the functionality of the vox-caster, Eradico.

Eradico Pravus wrote:
Emeric cancels his requisition for a multi-key (15 pts.) and instead request orbital surveillance to interface with his internal auger array.

OK, Eradico, since Bal is willing to drop his Mutli-key, I will keep yours in inventory.

So, am I correct in assuming that the preferred Support Assets are Vox Transmission Net (15) and Orbital Surveillance (10)?

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Wardja, I'd rule that since the mechanics for this type of test during the Tournament can use either Deceive or Intimidate, you would be able to employ Intimidate as an Assistance skill, since you are trained it.

No need to make a die roll, as Assistance reduces the skill test difficulty for Savalos by one step, and provides an extra degree of success if his roll is successful. The roll still can be negated by Leprade making a successful Scrutiny roll with greater degrees of success, however.

Just the same, please roleplay your interaction with Leprade, I'm a sucker for good roleplay.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

OK, as mentioned above, you can use leftover Requisition points to purchase any combination of the following support assets available from the rogue trader, Diaz Lan's resources:

  • Aquila Lander, Requisition Cost: 10, Kill-team Umbra has requisitioned the services of one of Diaz Lan's orbit to surface Aquila Lander shuttles for use while on Aurum. The chief advantage of the craft is for shuttling the Astartes around the surface of the world, or providing one round trip return back to the Horizon's Pride to for resupply or reorganization during the mission.
  • Orbital Extraction, Requisition Cost: 15, the Astartes can call on one of Diaz Lan's many gun-cutters to extract them from a potentially dangerous situation while on the world's surface. The Aquila Lander (from the option above) will not pick up the Kill-team from a hot LZ, and the gun-cutter can provide support fire for such an extraction. This is a one-time use, though.
  • Orbital Surveillance, Cost: 15, Precisely what it sounds like. The Horizon's Pride can provide accurate auspex and sensoria readings, precise cartographic, atmospheric, and meteorological data for the Kill-team while on the surface with its auger arrays.
  • Vox Transmission Net, Cost: 15, Utilizing the ability of the Horizon's Pride to relay vox transmissions from orbit, the Battle-Brothers can effectively grant their internal vox-beads unlimited range while on the surface of the world, providing them with communication across great distances even while substantially separated from one another.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM
Deiros wrote:

Hellfire Rounds are free as a tac marine I suppose, so I will take some of those.

Auspex 12pts
Multikey 15pts
Pict Recorder 5pts
Data Slate 5pts
Total 37pts
Remain 13pts

My remaining points can go to anything that might be needed for the kill team, as I continue reading through a lot of posts.

Requisition noted, Deiros. I removed the Multi-key to save you some points, as Brother Emeric already possesses one, and honestly in this particular mission more than one would be one too many, given where you are going.

Feel free to spend the remainder of your 33 points on other ammo or grenades, or lump it in with the leftovers of Kill-team Umbra for choosing one of the 'Imperial Assets' options listed below.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

OK, corrected the Hellfire rounds for Brother Caledonii (no cost) and dropped the Melta Bomb for Brother Vex, leaving 66 remaining to spend (55 of which is the allotment to be spent by Brother Decius).

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

You can say that again, Ellipsis. Between the lucky rolls on the "Horror Within" special abilities on my end (the Plague Swarms are no fun) and the perfectly timed natural '1' you just rolled, things have definitely swung your way.

It seems like the 'red-shirt' NPCs of the Warhammer 40K universe, like in the Gran Pallazzar arena encounter have a will of their own to survive as well, and I'm certainly not pulling punches in either encounter!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

No worries, Bal.

Everyone should just make sure to check the Requisition page, as the most recent selections have eaten up quite a bit of the remaining points for the Kill-team. Since this is the case, you might want to make adjustments (only sixteen points remain at this point, and Decius has not selected yet) to balance out the expenditures or eliminate surplus equipment.

Again, it is a Kill-team consensus/decision on what is chosen in the end as far as surplus goes, so feel free to make your case in OOC and we'll get things finalized.

Also, please double check to make certain I did not make any errors in your choices or their costs.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

OK, I updated Requisition with Brother Emeric's selections, as Brother Decius will soon be rejoining us, I have added another 55 points to total Requisition to be spent, either through Decius' selections, or overflow points to be spent by the squad depending on how much he selects.

Deiros, just get me Decius' selections as soon as you can, while the rest of you can consider ways to spend any surplus. I don't have my books handy at the moment, but I'll post some Requisition Resource options tonight that would be eligible for selection for those without access to Rites of Battle.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM
Ellipsis wrote:


Standard issue for a Techmarine includes 1 Bolter w/fire selector and 3 each frag and krak grenades.

I seriously doubt the usefulness of a Combi-tool or Lamp. Cluster mines might be useful but need to be deployed defensively, which may be problematic.

Also, if Rook allows, Rites of Battle has rules for using requisition to acquire assets from other Imperial institutions. Perhaps the Rogue Trader has a useful specialist or some household troops to requisition.

Using Rites of Battle or any of the other Deathwatch sourcebooks provided you meet the Renown requirements is fine. I'd even consider waiving some of these Renown requirments if the resource is one that is readily available (as is the case with the rogue trader's support).

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM
Deiros wrote:
I do plan to jump back in, but I do need to read the posts and catch up with how things are going in the campaign.

OK, sounds good, Deiros, just let me know when you are ready, I will GM NPC you for now.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM
Lorm Dragonheart wrote:

The grenades in the main book that we have access to are:

(Name and req pts)
Blind grenades 10
Incendiary grenades 15
Nova grenades 15
Stun grenades 10
Photon Flash grenades 5

Of course, as stated above, Krak and frag were not included, nor was any that needed a certain renown, or those that are granted only for specific missions. All of the grenades are prefixed Astartes. I hope this helps.

Thanks for listing these out for me, Lorm.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Hi Deiros, sorry to hear about your injury, hope all is going well otherwise. Did you intend to jump back in to the game with Brother Decius?

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM
Eradico Pravus wrote:

Hey guys, sorry for the delay... will post requisition tonight.

Also Rook, is Brother Emeric able to access the ship's cogitation banks from the input source in the conference room?

Yes, Emeric currently has relatively unfettered access to the Horizon's Pride's cogitation banks.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Doh! Correct, thanks Ellipsis. Thought this was the case but didn't check under the assumption that Vex would have spent more than 6 on his kit.

Make that 93 remaining.

Bal, even with Caledonii's spending spree and Brother Emeric yet to choose, I'd recommend picking up something else, maybe some specialty ammo if you have nothing that jumps out at you from the lists.

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Sorry about the delay guys, as some of you no doubt know, job and family can sometimes make a week disappear in an eye-blink when you are busy with both.

Glad to have an evening to sit back and update the campaigns!

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

Ellipsis is correct, Kraken rounds now cost 15 per clip per the errata, Brother Caledonii. I reduced your Metal Storm to 1 clip to offset this.

Brother Emeric still needs to select for Requisition, again each character has 55 to spend, but there is still 68 total available.

Feel free to adjust as need be. Perhaps some specialty rounds for those who opted to go without or another item that piques the squad's interest. Again, every book in the Deathwatch line is open for use. Don't leave any left on the table if you can.

The current load-outs can be seen here: Requsition

Dark Archive

Male Human Warhammer 40K GM

The current selections can be viewed on the wiki, Requisition for your reference.

Note, I have not included Requisition totals for Brother Decius and Brother Hrothgar, as they are now NPC's for the time being.

Full Name

Signy Gunnarsdottir




Berserker 1, HP 28/28, 0 Armor





Strength 15
Dexterity 13
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 9
Charisma 8

About Signy

Signy is a tall, wild-eyed and visibly scarred woman. She wears manly clothing, carries a tall brynntröll (imagined as a long-hafted axe, almost a halberd, since we're not 100% sure what they actually were) and wears her hair hacked short. Far and away the most noticeable thing about her, however, is the hooded ice bear skin she wears like a cloak, with its broad head draped above her own. The bear was huge (aren't they all?), and even though Signy is tall and probably less than half of its hide was used, the white fur still drags the ground behind her. Its forelimbs have been shortened as well, tailored so that the great-clawed paws drape down along her own gnarled hands.

Str 15 (+1) Dex 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Int 12 (0) Wis 9 (0) Cha 8 (-1)

Damage: 1d10 Armor: 0 (+1)

 Human
When you Parley with someone who has witnessed you raging, you may roll with STR instead of CHA.

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
__________ is surprisingly tough for his kind, he has earned my respect.
I will push __________ to be harder, or I will break him.
__________ is always making me angry, he’d better watch himself, or else!
I have shared songs of glorious battles with __________.


Berserker Rage
When you work yourself into a violent, howling frenzy, roll+CON. *On a 10+, gain three rage powers. *On a 7-9, gain three rage powers and choose a drawback. *On a 6-, gain two rage powers and the GM chooses a drawback.
 Your attacks are forceful and messy*
 You can run much faster and jump higher than normal
 You can smash inanimate objects with nearly superhuman strength
 Your enemies fear you and act accordingly (avoiding you, hiding, attacking with fear-driven abandon)
 You feel no pain, and gain +1 armor
 You are immune to fear, and any attempts to control or manipulate your mind fail
 You ignore the effects of all of your debilities
• You gain a debility at the end of your rage, chosen by the person who picked this drawback, you or the GM
• You cannot rage again until you rest for several minutes
• You injure an ally or break something dear to you while raging, but you won’t notice until the rage ends. What you break is chosen by the person who picked this drawback, you or the GM

While raging, when you make a move that does not use STR or CON, or you take an action requiring subtlety, finesse, thinking or discussion, lose one of your rage powers.

You cannot use this move while wearing armor.

When you slay a foe while raging, if you have less than three active rage powers, gain a rage power.

Terrifying reputation
When you enter a steading, rumors about your fury may precede you (your call). If so, tell the GM what people heard. They'll act accordingly, maybe by barring their doors, asking for your help, or testing your strength.

You never make the Outstanding Warrants move; the local guards and magistrates are too intimidated to try anything unless things are really getting out of hand.

Load is 11 (10+Str) and she's using 7
Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
An unusually worked golden serpent, a gift from a huscarl she defended, worth 10 coins.
A massive battle axe (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
A wooden shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) (only used to close with people who use ranged weapons)
3 Throwing axes (thrown, near, 1 weight)
Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)