Ron Plumley's page

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Azten wrote:

Haste is an excellent spell for dealing damage simply because it gives martial characters a buff.

Beyond that... fireball? Fly so the martials can get up to their foes? Cure spells might not be bad, both for party healing and use against undead.

I can cast Haste with my normal spells. I was thinking fireball. But with that I get what? 10d6 save for half so on average and attack for 17pts of dmg. That's also fire which is very highly resisted as well.

If I went with a maximized magic missile wand I'd be doing 25 pts a charge.

If I really wanted to get fancy I could go with a Ball Lightning Wand at CL 19. That would give me 5 balls for 15D6 save for half or 26 pts of electric damage but the attack would also stick around for 19 rounds. Can anyone beat that?

Looking to add some damage potential to my bard. I'm a social build and have ignored martial stuff so I focusing on my Use Magic Device skill and a Wand. This particular campaign is pretty OP so money really isn't an object. What's my best bet for straight up damage. Because of the Monte Hall nature of the campaign the DM throws pretty big monsters and challenges at us so assume creatures are likely to be saving for half.

DonDuckie wrote:

I'm not sure, I don't have the book yet :( but I have looked at the D20PFSRD.

Unless an additional recruitment cost is listed, I think you just pay the consumption and then you have an army with morale 0.

But that doesn't seem quite right. So I'm still looking. But maybe it's just putting up a notice at the tavern: "Soldiers wanted: get paid to slay."

It seems like everything else has a cost. Is there errata for this book?

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I'm trying to use the Ultimate Campaign Guide kingdom rules. For the life of me I can't find the costs for building an army. During the edict phase its says "Step 6—Create Army Units: You may create, expand, equip, or repair army units (see Mass Combat)." The Mass Combat rules have rules for consumption (the cost to maintain the unit) but not how much it costs to create the unit. Can anyone help me figure out how many BP it costs to build an army?