Belkar Bitterleaf

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Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 258 posts (3,793 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 35 aliases.

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That roll was prrrrrfect

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Round 1

"May we learn from the scars we earn." Ares says in a prayer as he heals Urrnir.

Cure light wounds:1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Used Protection from evil.

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What am I Freya chop liver!? Hehe you all have fun! While Freya and I hold down the fort.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Sieze the initiative on Urrnir, so she gets another roll of her init and takes the better of the 2 results. Its my tatics domain power.

Ares nods to Ronen and once there in postion he orders "Shield line is Ronen, Urrnir, and myself. Everyone that has a ranged weapon draw it now and start firing on the enemy as they round the corner. Luek pass your longspear to either Lilia or Cairenn so they can attack from behind the line. Let hit these creatures fast and hard." The aasimar then grabs a rock and casts light on it then throws it down the hall so the archers and slinger can see there target.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

That makes it way more fun Urrnir!! HEhe

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Lol, I'll get a quiver...I mean backpack for Kit and wear a Baby Bjorn for Freya.

Might need to take throw anything, so I can launch Kit into battle or a giants face. hehe

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Ares thanks the guides help and stops at the street leading to his temple. Taking out a rag the aasimar tries to clean off his face and tries to straighten out his armor. He slowly walks towards the Muir temple and as he reaches the edge of the temple Ares drops down to one knee. He begins a soft prayer, and whispers himself "Muir give me the strength to face them.." As he rises he pulls down his hood, and begins to go up the stairs.

His hand shakes a little bit as he grabs the door handle, with a deep breath he pulls it open and gathers his courage. The aasimar's stride comes to a complete stop as he see's his friend talking with the priests. Tears began to form is his eyes as a sense of joy invades his spirit, and the big man rushes towards the Halfling. Without a word Ares picks up Priss and gives her a massive hug. "My Lady survived.....I missed you." Ares says inbetween his joyful sobs and refusing to let go.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Leaning on the wall Ares notices the griffon knights but there words fall deaf on his ears when he sees Andrek on the stretcher. He limped over on stiff legs towards his brother. Ares leans over his brother with his eyes watery, "Andrek I promise to live for us both, and I'll carry your spirit with me through all these future trials." With that he exchanges his nice silver holy symbol with Andreks beaten up wooden one. "May Muir's courage guide you and my memories help me through this next journey. Goodbye brother." With that he places his silver holy symbol in Andrek's hand.

Then he turns to the Captain, "I'll ride."

As he gets off the Griffon and salutes the Captain Imril, "I can make it and I'll keep that in mind good sir. I know Andrek and Lucia is in good hands, please send word to me if you ever find Jeb. He is cunning one and might have made it since the woods are a second home to him. Thank you good sir for all your help." Ares turns to walk away then pauses and looks side to side. The Aasimar turns a little red as he turns back to Imril, "Which way is the temple district again?" He says with an embarrassed chuckle and unknowing shrug.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4
DM Grimmy wrote:
Ares, I know Urrnir is eager for your input on this as well.

"My soul belongs to my Mistress Muir and what she decides I will follow."

If she wishes to send an emissary to bring me back, and I will fight twice of heard since I have honor my brother and the rest of my fallen comrades. Urrnir I promise you battles of such magnitude that when you finally arrive you will shake the ground of Freya's celestial home!

I cool with the ideas so far. I'll think over a few things and add something more to the story. Drawing blanks right now.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

But yet it tastes like a olive that's been held in a palm.

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DM Grimmy, Ares Valorn will offer his sword again to fight this evil, and continue his quest to become a justicar.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

And collect the small vault of relics in each shrines.

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Round 8

"Blunt Blades!" Ares curses as he sees his brother go down, he moves along side Jeb lets out a wave of healing energy.

Channel Healing: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12 Everybody but Frogs healed 12 hp. Muir wants us to survive!

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Round 7

Stabilize DC: 17 Con check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Round 6

Barely keeping his stance after that devastating blow from the vermin's unholy mace, only his faith seems to keep him from panicking and suddenly the aasimar starts to smile when he sees the fear showing in the priests face. Putting his fate in Muirs hands Ares holds back his sword back in a striking position, then with a serene tone he sentences, "Priest too unworthy to have a name, fear not because Muir will now grant you peace of this land. For this, My lady has Judged thee!" With that he buries his sword into the priests chest.

Sword strike:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Heal check:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Still have a second action point if needed for a +4 to attack.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Round 5

As his brother falls to the Priest's mace, anger starts taking over the aasimar until his father's words echo in his head Tactics not power wins battles! Lose your head, your already dead!. The fire in his eyes dies a little as Ares tightens his grip on his fathers shield with a quiet thank you he holds it up and lets loose a healing wave for his comrades. Then stares daggers at the evil priest and announces, "I AM ARES VALORN, SON OF MARL, BROTHER TO ANDREK, AND FUTURE JUSTICAR OF MUIR! May I have the name of the vermin I will be running through?"

Priest and injured cultist blocked due to selective channel.
Selective Channel heal:1d6 ⇒ 5

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Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Round 2
Will Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Will Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Ares takes a side step to throw him in a better position, then readies his shield in a high arc and takes a wild swing with his sword at the priest "FOOL YOUR STRIKING AT THE WRONG ONE! WOULDN'T YOU RATHER TAKE DOWN THE FUTURE JUSTICAR OVER SOME ACYOLYTE!" Ares taunts while radiating his Protection aura again.

5 foot step to flank, and fighting defensively while radiating Defense aura.
New AC: 21 and +2 AC to Andrek as well.
Sword swing:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Damage:1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

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Male Human(Tintalian) Alchemist(Beastmorph)-3/Drunken Brute (Barbarian)-2

Braxton takes a step back and pulls out a vial and shakes it up and throws it at the gnome, "Me Seeeecrets aren't for drinking, but you can suck on this!" As he throws the bomb at the creature but it goes terribly off target, I guess the hangover isn't helping.

Percise Bombing will be used to avoid hitting any of his allies.
Bomb throw:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Damage:2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 = 9

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Male Human(Kellid) Paladin(Hospitaler)-4

"I am compelled to do the same, but I wish not to put the group in danger for my code. What do you all say?" He looks at everyone, "I am thinking if we take out this evil from the land we might have some pull with the locals, Arik did you see any symbols on these mummies or the buildings?" After he says that he looks towards the tunnel and tries to imagine what his friend saw.

Knowledge(religion) on mummies:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

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Male Human(Kellid) Paladin(Hospitaler)-4

I forgot thanks for reminding me, 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Jeez hehe, 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 what the? How do I keep getting 3's. 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4,
Only took me 5 tries to get above 3 hehe,1d10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

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Male Human(Kellid) Paladin(Hospitaler)-4

"It looks like it was leading us to the ruins, maybe were walking into this creature's trap if we keep moving to them."

During the chase the lamia was leading us to the ruins or am I wrong?