Aldern Foxglove

Rogier's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I love playing rogues. And skimming of the treasure is something many rogues do.
I think the party should react to it as they feel. If the rogue skims and is a jerk big chance he/she gets kicked out or worse.
If the rogue has a big role in de group and is a nice guy/girl. And takes care of lots of the loot gets good prices for there stuff and shares his/her wealth with the party. Then the party might just accept it. Sometimes its just the trill to see if they can get away with it.
I had a character that took a little extra for himself, but in the end he had less gold then the rest because he always bought the drinks en took care of the rooms etc.

He man!

Great Podcast! Like to hear your thoughts on everything.
Maybe you can tell me something about Ninja's.
How do there Smoke Bomb work? Do they just make them by magic or by craft?
And if craft how does it work?


Nobody any thought on smokeboms?

I know... but I would love to use a Katana and Wakizashi

He everyone,

Another question.
What would you have to do to make a katana a light weapon?
So you can use it with weapon finness.

Hi everyone,

are there any "new" idea's on how smoke bombs work for Ninja's?
Do they create them from there Ki or from products?
I know that ninja's in our world use to make smoke bombs from eggshells grounded dust en sushi rice.
Let me know what you think.

He everyone,

If you get more attacks because of your BAB and you fight with 2 weapons. How many attacks do you get? I would say 4. Am I right?

Hey everyone,

My player now has a level 4 druid. We are using pcgen to keep track of his character.
He has a animal companion but for some reason pcgen keeps making his companion a druid. How can we level his companion and make it the companion class?

Hi everyone,

Do any of you know how much weight a cart etc. can cary?
It would have been great if they gave that information on all the transport items.

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know where I can find the most detailed map of Golarion?

I'm not limited to P&P.
But I don't understand why Paizo does not have one for on the PC.
Do you have a program of excel file you use?

Hi everyone,

I have been playing PF for 3 months now. And I'm loving it!
The thing that surprises me is that Paizo does not have a sheet that keeps track of everything on your computer.
There are so many thing that interact with each other. Keeping track of it all on your pen and paper sheet can be hard. Specially for new players.

I have been using PCgen. But it leaves much to be desired for.
What do you guy's use?


Elrostar wrote:
As someone who is using a mac, I much appreciate an excel utility that does not use VB macros, since they don't work on my machine :)

Having something for mac would be great yeah!

Hi everyone,

I have another question.
Let's say you are standing and 2 men try to grap hold of your arms (both a different arm)
How would you play this out and if they have a hold of them how would you play it out to escape from there hold?

Hope to hear from you.

Hi everyone,

I have a other question. I'll try to explain it.
If you are fighting and your surrounded. You are center and there is someone on North, East, South and West. So four people and there all flanking you.
Can you then move (with 5 foot step) diagonal without any penalties?

Would it matter if you then move into the same situation? Still surrounded in the same way as you where before?

I hope the situation is clear?

Hi everyone,

When you are donning a armor you can do it hastily or normal.
As you all know you get some disadvantage for doing it hastily.

Can you don a armor hastily just to have it on, and then continue to work on it as long as your not attacked to get it done right?

When I played AD&D there is a Jester in the Bard Handbook.
I thought it was a great class!
One of his best benifits is a fools luck. Add a +1 bonus to most dice rolles.
A other great bard class is the Gallant. A romantic knight who has to live by his own codes.
Defend love, never marry, never retreat from combat until allies of opposite sex have done so first, never overstay welcome, speld at least half of your money on the innocent of romance and only own what you can carry.

Ekeebe wrote: adds AC, its costs near to nothing (minus masterwork costs of course), and it looks great!

AC bonus? It doesn't give a AC bonus does it?

Hey everyone,

I have a other question.
What benefit does masterwork leather armor have?

I don't know... could do that.

Hey everyone,

I was watching some video's and someone told about this idea in 4th edition.
It seems that in 4th edition you get a your level/2 as a AC bonus.
To reflect your experience in combat and to avoid damage.

I thought this might be a good idea!
I was thinking to add this to my game.
But then I wanted it to be level/2 -1. So you start to get a bonus once your level 3.

What are you thought on this?

Hi everyone,

My party just "finished" the kobold King.
Now there going to go on a self made adventure.
There adopted father is killed by a unknown warlord and the party seeks to get revenge.

There father was a retired adventurer and to find out who this warlord is the party is going to find his old party members.
I wanted them to go to a Conan like setting. Where they will find one (probably a monk) of his old members.
There now in Falcon's Hollow.
Do any of you know where I can send them? It would be great if its not to far away.
Do any of you know a good country?

Hey everyone,

I'm quite new to the Pathfinder game. I have been looking around and have found that quite some people find that the APG trows off the balans of the game.
I don't have a good view on this. What do you all think?

I also have a question.

One of my players wants to use a agile armor. What are your thoughts on this?
Is agile armor a thing that might trow off balance in my game?

Thanks for your thoughts!