Roger Bert's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



Is there a deluxe character sheet booklet available for Pathfinder RPG? I am interested in a print product for manual entry or a PDF reader-enabled form version. Thanks.

PS: I would also be interested in a character generator sheet compatible with MS Office 2000 or v3.

Greetings. This is my first Adventure Path and Pathfinder #13 my first issue. I will be using some elements of the module starting tomarrow. I am wondering does Pathfinder come out very reliably every four weeks? Trying to plan around my gaming schedule. Thanks.

Aye, I am going to have to make some changes to make this work for this lawful and good group. I might just skip the first book and use some snippets from the tail end of the Adventure. I hate to go this route. For me, Riddleport has to become either the Free City of Greyhawk (most likely) or Willip City. Greyhawk is ran by evil people (mostly) and full of thieves so that works and Willip City is a large enough port city that plenty of scum is available as well. The Baron Butrain of Willip has probably died by the year 600CY and his only heir described as a gambling man having no sense of responsibility could easily be evil or controlled by evil advisors. Lots of reading to do.


Is there somewhere I can download the Beta character sheet without my name and personal information on it? Also, please answer the same question for the D&D v3.5 Pathfinder Society character sheet.


Greetings folks.

I am a first time subscriber to an Adventure Path. My Dungeon subscription ran out before they began them. Anyway, my books are in the mail or will be shortly as I have received an e-mail notice. I am downloading the e-books right now (nice feature).

Anyway, has anyone read through Volume #13 yet that plans to use the World of Greyhawk setting? Please share your thoughts on this.

I just started a new campaign on Oerth circa 600 CY that I intended to include some drow bad guy action. The players worked together and made a Pelor-based PC group. They have a Pelor paladin (that plans on being a Shadowstriker in Pelor's Shadow Guard), Pelor Clr (that will be a Clr/Wiz/Theurge), another Pelor Clr (that plans on being a LG Clr/Rog/Shadowbane Stalker), a LN Monk, and a burley fighter brute. Everyone is good aligned (except the monk) and atleast three of the characters are lawful.

Is this group a bad match for this scenario? I plan to spot read some of it and read it fully when I get the printed physical product. For non-Hawkers, Pelor is the new default "Good" god as of 3.0/3.5. He is a NG greater deity of Sun, Healing, and Undead Bashing.


Respectfully, Pathfinder RPG has become too different from D&D version 3.5 for me. I was not looking to the Pathfinder RPG to try to fix every problem in v3.5. I was looking to the Pathfinder Magazine (ya, I know they don’t call it that) to supply a source of new compatible adventures that I might be able to use in home campaigns. Extra hit points and extra feats for characters and NPC is not a big deal. However, changing the descriptions of the some of the main feats does change the way feat chains that are built in from the Complete series work. Changing so many of the spells is also a major downer. NPC characters are meant to die in 5 rounds or less. If it is going to take me 15 minutes to a half an hour to retool each one of their magazine encounters to fit regular D&D again then I will not be subscribing.

I will not be changing over to Fourth Edition either. We ran a demo game with my local group with Scalegloom Hall aka Kobold Hall in the DMG. Overall the system is not poor but it simply doesn’t feel like a step in the correct direction to us. When I had my first taste of Third Edition I knew that it was going to be a very good upgrade. Fourth Edition is a replacement and not an upgrade of the previous AD&D series and I certainly understand the need for something like Pathfinder. I just think it is becoming too different. It has to work with the majority of existing d20 v3.5 material for me.

Good Gaming.


I am interested in Pathfinder as way to stick with a 3.5 similar game and still be able to get some ‘store bought’ scenarios. I very much like D&D 3.5 and consider it probably the best version of D&D ever but I do admit it has flaws. The more compatible with v3.5 that Pathfinder ultimately ends up as the more likely I would purchase scenarios from your company.

One of my players at last Saturday’s session had to leave unexpectedly. So as a test I printed out Pathfinder character sheets and had everyone convert their current characters as best as we could just to see how it worked out.

No one minded that fact that there were extra class abilities. No one minded the fact that most of the characters gained hit points. Only one person disliked the new skill system but everyone else was fine with it including myself as a Dungeon Master. Would be much quicker generating NPC skills with this system. Everyone was happy with the extra feats they received and we actually use some home rules where new characters gain an extra feat more than usual at 1st level anyway. None of these aspects were seen to me as a Dungeon Master as compatibility issues with existing rulebooks or scenarios. It would be easy to fix this stuff even on the fly.

Problems we all disliked rather strongly:
1. Changing existing feats
2. Changing existing spells.

We all had our fill of this when we switched from 3.0 to 3.5 and even to the Rules Compendium (for some spells anyway, kind of like a 3.6).

I strongly suggest that changing existing feats and spells should be extremely limited. I imagine most people looking at Pathfinder are going to want to be able to use existing prestige classes in complete splatbooks and other OGL products and other existing spells. I think everyone notices that all the new Official D&D classes have more power than the original 13 in general and that boosting PHB classes is ok and converting material would require minimal work. Converting modules and other material where most feat chains have been changed and lots of spells changed is a lot more work. It is easy to add a few more hit points and a bonus feat here and there but far more difficult to rebuild whole feat structures of NPCs and redo whole spell books of an NPC sorcerer who should die in 5 rounds or less. I don’t want to spend an hour redoing his spells for 5 rounds or less.

Compatibility is the most important aspect for me.