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![]() So this is the basic stuff about Markus Denovian, LE Inquisitor of Asmodeus. Physical description:
Markus is 6'5" tall and weighs 215 lb. He has blond hair that he keeps in a mohawk and light blue eyes. His complexion is pale and his face has a somewhat pleasant shape, but is spoilt by scars on the left side of his face and a semi-permanent sneer. Markus prefers to dress in nondescript clothes in muted colours that covers most of his body except his arms. Personality:
Having learnt at an early age that most people are bastards, Markus is distrustful of most people and prefers to stay out of the spotlight as mcuh as possible. He's is not at all charismatic and often lets other people do the talking, unless someone needs scaring. Due to his Lawful Evil personality he fits into hierachies well, but might not always likes where he ends up on the ladder. Build:
My plan is to build Markus as a frontline inquisitor who focusses on dealing damage and using teamwork feats. Crime: "My family had always had a hatred for the Mitrans and the Darius family so closely associated with the church. So when the utterly despicable pile of meat they call King Markadian announced a tour of the realm and I learnt that his route would take him near my home of Daveryn, I decided to act. With the king gone, the chance for turmoil in the realm and thereby the implementation of a new order, one where the church of Asmodeus was pre-eminent instead of Mitra's clergy, would be so much greater. Alas, even the best-laid plans fail sometimes and, to be fair, mine was not amongst those. Maybe lying in wait with a crossbow along the road they travelled wasn't the best idea. Regardless the assassination attempt was foiled by the damned Knights of the Alerion and I was sentenced for High Treason, the only crime for which one is drawn and quartered. Still, I regret nothing, except that I failed. If I could, I would take the entire Darius family with me into to the beyond. Especially Princess Bellinda, whose mocking and at the same time sympathetic smile as I was sentenced, still haunts me." ![]()
![]() Rocabarraigh wrote:
That did not work as well as I'd imagined, so it's back to the drawing board. ![]()
![]() Rocabarraigh wrote:
I'll change my submission to an oni-spawn tiefling hunter/inquisitor multiclass. ![]()
![]() 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 3) = 19 - 3 = 16
Hmm, would have liked at least one more stat above 13, but I'm definitely happy with that. I'm thinking either an inquisitor of Asmodeus or maybe a skald. I'll have a think and decide which I'd prefer, but right now I'm leaning towards inquisitor. |