Robert Nigro's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Has anybody tried this? I really want to play RotRL but the core rules are just insane (for me anyway). I have the Core Rulebook in front of me and it's just daunting. Any suggestions?

So I am a really big fan of the Beginners Box. I like the simplicity of the rules and how easy it is to run a game using them. My question to all the Beginners Box fans out there is has anyone converted the main adventure paths to use for Beginners Box rules. If so, how complicated was it to do? Thanks guys.

I live in the Groton CT area and am looking for a small group of players to play some Pathfinder. While Pathfinder will be the primary game played, I have a large amount of other RPG's and board games to play. From a Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG to the Arkaham Horror board game and even a retro board game known as Hero Quest. I usually GM but I am willing to host another GM as well. The group must not mind woman as my wife plays as well and must not mind the fact that I have a 13 month old daughter. I'm a Navy man so I live by the sub base in Groton.